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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok listen folks.  While the racism may seem inappropriate, and it is, without question, I think the real issue is the fact that Ramjattan has betrayed the people of Guyana - Indians and blacks alike. 

His choice in politics has been self serving.  The truth is he doesn't give a crap about any of those people in that photograph any less than he doesn't give a crap about Indians. 

Let's call it out for what it is.  Ramjattan is a hypocrite.  Plain and simple as that.

That happens to be your opinion. The people, the majority however small, decided the PPP are to go to pasture. That is the reality whatever way you look at it. The PPP were crooks. Ramjattan did a good thing by disassociating from them.

Zed posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

How quickly you forgot history. Oh,yes, you strived under the PNC dictatorship. Others were not so lucky.

And under the PPP non Indians suffered as you claim that Indians suffered under the PNC.

You can deny this as you wish, and then we can similarly deny the racism of the Burnham era.

caribny posted:

I already predict that if Kari, VishMahabir, or Zed respond to this thread, it will be to confront me.

They will pretend to be too busy to attack cobra.

I was not going to respond, but just to prove you wrong. 

I have previously posted that so many here say that national unity is necessary for Guyana to go forward but yet but still post thief racial garbage here on a daily basis. They have lived abroad, opened to so much schooling and influences for decades but cannot change, but expect Guyanese who are immersed in situations, whether real or imagined in Guyana on a daily basis to embrace national unity. 

All races in Guyana and lots here on this site have and continue to exhibit racial practices. Having a sensible discussion on how to move forward on this issue cannot happen on this site because people want to continue to be part of the problem instead be part of the solution. 

I know for certain that this will not change overnight.

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok listen folks.  While the racism may seem inappropriate, and it is, without question, I think the real issue is the fact that Ramjattan has betrayed the people of Guyana - Indians and blacks alike. 

His choice in politics has been self serving.  The truth is he doesn't give a crap about any of those people in that photograph any less than he doesn't give a crap about Indians. 

Let's call it out for what it is.  Ramjattan is a hypocrite.  Plain and simple as that.

That happens to be your opinion. The people, the majority however small, decided the PPP are to go to pasture. That is the reality whatever way you look at it. The PPP were crooks. Ramjattan did a good thing by disassociating from them.

Ramjattan was kicked out of the PPP party.  It was not his choice.

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

I already predict that if Kari, VishMahabir, or Zed respond to this thread, it will be to confront me.

They will pretend to be too busy to attack cobra.


Carib, I am flattered you mentioned my name in this one. Actually, I am in solidarity with you here. The headline is out of line. Take it from a "dougla" boy.

And why is Redux "permanently" banned?

By the way, I zoomed in on the pix...I found 6 Indos, not just Ramjattan and his wife!


Saying that your saw six Indians just reinforces the gist, though not the racial headline that was posted. 

Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

Banna don't joke around this coolie boy was never a second class citizen living in Guyana.

Jimmy cliff sang "Poor slave, take the manacles from his body and put it on his mind." it might not apply to you but many others claim otherwise. Is it right for you and not them? Go figure!

Zed posted:
caribny posted:

I already predict that if Kari, VishMahabir, or Zed respond to this thread, it will be to confront me.

They will pretend to be too busy to attack cobra.

I was not going to respond, but just to prove you wrong. 

I have previously posted that so many here say that national unity is necessary for Guyana to go forward but yet but still post thief racial garbage here on a daily basis. They have lived abroad, opened to so much schooling and influences for decades but cannot change, but expect Guyanese who are immersed in situations, whether real or imagined in Guyana on a daily basis to embrace national unity. 

All races in Guyana and lots here on this site have and continue to exhibit racial practices. Having a sensible discussion on how to move forward on this issue cannot happen on this site because people want to continue to be part of the problem instead be part of the solution. 

I know for certain that this will not change overnight.

Any elected President must be of the mindset, to build a country regardless of how racist the citizens are.

By providing a country with sound amenities, citizens will share. And eventually, their attitudes will change.

I hoping Granger does dat.


Interesting title to this topic, racist at best but worthy of discussion.  Ramjattan is walking on egg shells as he sits among the Blacks. At any given moment they can turn on him on both eyes would become cocked.

But on a serious note, the PPP got too big for their breeches after more than 2 decades in power. While I am not a supporter of the PNC,  I felt that under Ramoutar's presidency, the country stagnated. But now under the PNC we are seeing steps backwards as I noticed the other day people once again have to line up to fetch water.  The economy is literally dead, investor confidence is at an all time low as the govt desperately tries to lure gullible Indians to spend their 401k on a money pit.  Meanwhile many pnc/afc  loudmouths on gni their pockets with iron fists and don't step up to the plate to invest in Guyana even as Granger begs them. A true sign that these folks really don't believe in the ability of the new breed of crooks in office to turn the country around. 

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


Carib, I am flattered you mentioned my name in this one. Actually, I am in solidarity with you here. The headline is out of line. Take it from a "dougla" boy.

And why is Redux "permanently" banned?

By the way, I zoomed in on the pix...I found 6 Indos, not just Ramjattan and his wife!


If you are really in solidarity you would take Cobra's behavior, not as the problem, but as the symptom of a problem.

Redux was banned because druggie continued his incessant racist implication that blacks are unproductive and welfare dependent losers.  He directs this to non Indians. 

Redux was angered and cussed him down. He was banned, but druggie can call me, danyael, and the other non Indians here all sorts of names, which have nothing to do with the issue being discussed, rather than dealing with the issues.

Now I don't have a problem with druggie's behavior, as I think that he is a simpleton, but there needs to be fair treatment here.

caribny, when I read your story, I does feel to shed crocodile tears. I don't think VishMahabir is that naive to come after me in your defense. He made his comments and moved on. You should do the same.

comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:

Cobra your heading is very racist . " Look like them, speak like them, smell like them " are words that come from the core of your racism.

Please explain why...

I wouldn't bother to explain  " why " as your are not smart enough to understand.

Then you shouldn't meddle when you want to raise question of racism that you cannot explain.

I am not meddling as this is a free and open forum. You made a very racist statement . I called out your racism when you mentioned  " smell like them " . I would have done the same to anyone who would have called you " curry breath " or  " dhall belly " . I don't have to explain racism when you are a functioning example of it ! BTW some folks on Liberty Avenue mentioned that you do have " curry breath " and these are guys who have the same ethnic profile as you .

Look at you getting all worked up for nothing. We get pass this already. Why you want to get entangled with a man that doesn't mesh up to your intelligence? If I get curry breath or dhall belly, it's all mine. I am not sharing any with you. You want to get personal, right? I am not sitting at your dinner table, sir.

It is not personal ! You make racist comments about a friend of mine but cannot take it when comments are made about you ! You are too dense to understand this free lesson in civility !  I am finished with this discussion. BTW you will never be invited to sit at my dinner table !

Comrade, I didn't make racist comments about your friend. Your friend happens to be an incompetent Minister of Security that is subject to praises and criticism alike. I never realized that I had to ask you permission for making remarks about Ramjattan. BTW, don't let the dinner table etiquette spoils your day. I am sure you wouldn't refused a hungry man a piece of dry bread and water, will you?

Cobra posted:

Comrade, I didn't make racist comments about your friend. Your friend happens to be an incompetent Minister of Security that is subject to praises and criticism alike. I never realized that I had to ask you permission for making remarks about Ramjattan. BTW, don't let the dinner table etiquette spoils your day. I am sure you wouldn't refused a hungry man a piece of dry bread and water, will you?

You are a nasty, ignorant racist. The fact that your stupid racist comments is given access to the site and not considered the obscenity it is astounds me. I sympathize with Redux, a proud black man who could not restrain his fury that you awful racists can so humiliate black people with the admin clearly  not caring  or are so insensitive to the hurt this causes to almost one half of our people.  eye.

No, Amal is not stupid nor is Rif but they have not on even one occasion  warned you or asked you folks to stop what is so obvious. Redux is gone for responding to Drugb with cuss words  but here you are starting a glaringly racist post  and yet have the audacity to claim you do not intend ill will. What is also awful, Amral admits to suspending him on many occassions and removed his profile for being tired of suspending him. If only he commented on why he was forced to respond as he did. You hateful bastards are what has cursed our nation.

Let me be clear; you are a nasty racist creep. I absolutely have no respect for you and amral may have to ban me also sometime in the future when my patience with you ignorant fools runs our. You cannot say any of the thing you say here in public. Someone would just pound your  face up.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:
caribny posted:

I already predict that if Kari, VishMahabir, or Zed respond to this thread, it will be to confront me.

They will pretend to be too busy to attack cobra.

I was not going to respond, but just to prove you wrong. 

I have previously posted that so many here say that national unity is necessary for Guyana to go forward but yet but still post thief racial garbage here on a daily basis. They have lived abroad, opened to so much schooling and influences for decades but cannot change, but expect Guyanese who are immersed in situations, whether real or imagined in Guyana on a daily basis to embrace national unity. 

All races in Guyana and lots here on this site have and continue to exhibit racial practices. Having a sensible discussion on how to move forward on this issue cannot happen on this site because people want to continue to be part of the problem instead be part of the solution. 

I know for certain that this will not change overnight.

Like I said Zed will respond to me, and ignore Cobra.

And I wonder how can you expect Guyanese to move in unity when one race refuses to entertain any discussion of its role in the whole racial tensions.

There has been ample discussion of the African role, and in fact none other than Walter Rodney developed an organization which mobilized against an African dictatorship. He openly condemned its racist treatment of Indians.  David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana were part of this movement.

In another era, Andaiye, Kwayana, and Hinds were instrumental in forming a "not in my name" movement, when violence against Indians in Lusignan and other places occurred.

Note that NONE of these people have been castigated by the African population at large.

Now please address at what stage has the Indian community been as vocal about its racism towards Africans.

Do you really think that you can achieve unity when the narrative in Guyana is about African abuse towards Indians, when Indian abuse towards Africans is not allowed to be discussed.

So when Cobra engages in his rant about black people smelling stink, and how they are beastly and ugly.  Baseman and druggie carry their daily rants about African "domination" is going to carry Guyana backwards.

When a crowd of mainly Africans, proud to be GUYANESE, not Afro Guyanese, but GUYANESE, is met with the onslaught of bigotry.

Here you go by pretending as if the racism of baseman, drugb, cobra and yuji finds its equivalent among the non Indian posters on GNI.

So thanks. I was proven RIGHT!

Zed posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Saying that your saw six Indians just

Yes. Indians refuse to attend, and because of this Africans must be demonized.

You all are a piece of work.

A Portuguese business man told me that he has NEVER heard Africans says that they cannot have Indian rule. They just demand fairness.

He hears every day Indians screaming to him that they will NEVER tolerate black rule!

Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

Comrade, I didn't make racist comments about your friend. Your friend happens to be an incompetent Minister of Security that is subject to praises and criticism alike. I never realized that I had to ask you permission for making remarks about Ramjattan. BTW, don't let the dinner table etiquette spoils your day. I am sure you wouldn't refused a hungry man a piece of dry bread and water, will you?

You are a nasty, ignorant racist. The fact that your stupid racist comments is given access to the site and not considered the obscenity it is astounds me. I sympathize with Redux, a proud black man who could not restrain his fury that you awful racists can so humiliate black people with the admin clearly  not caring  or are so insensitive to the hurt this causes to almost one half of our people.  eye.

No, Amal is not stupid nor is Rif but they have not on even one occasion  warned you or asked you folks to stop what is so obvious. Redux is gone for responding to Drugb with cuss words  but here you are starting a glaringly racist post  and yet have the audacity to claim you do not intend ill will. What is also awful, Amral admits to suspending him on many occassions and removed his profile for being tired of suspending him. If only he commented on why he was forced to respond as he did. You hateful bastards are what has cursed our nation.

Let me be clear; you are a nasty racist creep. I absolutely have no respect for you and amral may have to ban me also sometime in the future when my patience with you ignorant fools runs our. You cannot say any of the thing you say here in public. Someone would just pound your  face up.

I have said on many occasions that this site has been considered an anti black racist site by many. And not just Guyanese.

Even now Barbadians, Jamaicans, and others, who might be curious about what Guyanese are doing about their 50th (Jamaicans having already celebrated theirs, and Bajans, now doing the same this year), might be reading GNI.

And what do they see. On GNI a thread about how black people are stink and ugly. This following a non Indian being banned because he responded angrily to a racist Indian. That same Indian every day screams that blacks are impoverished losers, and then accuses the posters who he thinks are black about living off food stamps and in section 8 housing.

I saw a huge argument on a Bajan thread around the same time when they demanded that Guyanese be tossed out of Guyana.  They said that Indians hate blacks, and then cited specific comments made by posters here.

So let us have it out.  The most blatantly bigoted posters here are Indians.

So for once and for all let us discuss Indian racism.......or prove that Indians are clannish, and will defend their brethren even when they know them to be WRONG!


caribny posted:

Ok so redux is permanently banned.  Druggie is allowed to call people "section 8", which triggered redux' rage no doubt.

I need to know. Is this a racist site, because I cannot see how a thread with this headline would be tolerated if it wasn't.

If Indians didn't wish to attend, that is their right.  What is not acceptable is a demonization of blacks, using all the terminologies that a white supremacist would use.

It is clear that there is a problem, and banning people, or closing threads doesn't resolve the problem.

And this isn't a problem with a few posters.  This is an overall problem, which is evident in almost every Guyanese event in NYC.  If blacks organize it Indians refuse to show up.  Blacks will more likely show up to an event organized by Indians, if it commemorates a national event, but will similarly boycott, if it doesn't.

So let us have an intelligent discussion on Indian racism, because it is clearly evident in the headline of the thread.

I just started reading this thread. The title offended me before reading it. I think it's racist and I don't know why this thread wasn't taken down and its publisher Cobra wasn't spoken to by the Admins.

The content here demeans us as Guyanese in the diaspora and at home. It adds no value to this Board. I was to go to this function as part of the QC contingent but I had work done on my home.

I do not see the point about this thread.

Do the honorable thing Admin and strike it from GNI's re3cords

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok listen folks.  While the racism may seem inappropriate, and it is, without question, I think the real issue is the fact that Ramjattan has betrayed the people of Guyana - Indians and blacks alike. 

His choice in politics has been self serving.  The truth is he doesn't give a crap about any of those people in that photograph any less than he doesn't give a crap about Indians. 

Let's call it out for what it is.  Ramjattan is a hypocrite.  Plain and simple as that.

That happens to be your opinion. The people, the majority however small, decided the PPP are to go to pasture. That is the reality whatever way you look at it. The PPP were crooks. Ramjattan did a good thing by disassociating from them.

Ramjattan was kicked out of the PPP party.  It was not his choice.

Bibi Ii would educate you on your revisionist interpretation of the PPP.

The PPP was hijacked by the Jagdeo cabal - plain and simple. The backbone of the party was sent packing. So when you say he was kicked out of the PPP you really should say he was kicked out of Jagdeo's party.

you see that has always been the fight in PPP circles - whose party is it and what type of party it must evolve into. Cheddi started to move it centrist and Ramjattan was taking his cue from him. Jagdeo wanted an oligarchy and he won out - pure and simple.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:
caribny posted:

I already predict that if Kari, VishMahabir, or Zed respond to this thread, it will be to confront me.

They will pretend to be too busy to attack cobra.

I was not going to respond, but just to prove you wrong. 

I have previously posted that so many here say that national unity is necessary for Guyana to go forward but yet but still post thief racial garbage here on a daily basis. They have lived abroad, opened to so much schooling and influences for decades but cannot change, but expect Guyanese who are immersed in situations, whether real or imagined in Guyana on a daily basis to embrace national unity. 

All races in Guyana and lots here on this site have and continue to exhibit racial practices. Having a sensible discussion on how to move forward on this issue cannot happen on this site because people want to continue to be part of the problem instead be part of the solution. 

I know for certain that this will not change overnight.

Like I said Zed will respond to me, and ignore Cobra.

And I wonder how can you expect Guyanese to move in unity when one race refuses to entertain any discussion of its role in the whole racial tensions.

There has been ample discussion of the African role, and in fact none other than Walter Rodney developed an organization which mobilized against an African dictatorship. He openly condemned its racist treatment of Indians.  David Hinds and Eusi Kwayana were part of this movement.

In another era, Andaiye, Kwayana, and Hinds were instrumental in forming a "not in my name" movement, when violence against Indians in Lusignan and other places occurred.

Note that NONE of these people have been castigated by the African population at large.

Now please address at what stage has the Indian community been as vocal about its racism towards Africans.

Do you really think that you can achieve unity when the narrative in Guyana is about African abuse towards Indians, when Indian abuse towards Africans is not allowed to be discussed.

So when Cobra engages in his rant about black people smelling stink, and how they are beastly and ugly.  Baseman and druggie carry their daily rants about African "domination" is going to carry Guyana backwards.

When a crowd of mainly Africans, proud to be GUYANESE, not Afro Guyanese, but GUYANESE, is met with the onslaught of bigotry.

Here you go by pretending as if the racism of baseman, drugb, cobra and yuji finds its equivalent among the non Indian posters on GNI.

So thanks. I was proven RIGHT!

Grasping at straws I see. My condemnation is general enough to encompass all those who post their racial garbage on this site.

as I said previously, my time is better spent On doing something useful and helpful to guyanese in Guyana instead of ranting here daily and not getting anywhere.


Caribny, also, you posted that if i responded to your initial post that mentioned me, that it is to confront you. 

Well, you really need to brush up on the comprehension skills or read carefully. Nothing in my first response confronted you or anything you wrote. I know that you are intelligent enough so quit shooting breeze where I am concerned.


Cobra posted:

Ramjattan and his wife at a soca fest. Can you recognize him? Two so called Indians were supposed to represent the minority Indo group of second class citizens.

I wonder how he and the good lady feel about being the only concubines!!  Reminds me of "Congo man"!

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:
caribny posted:

Ok so redux is permanently banned.  Druggie is allowed to call people "section 8", which triggered redux' rage no doubt.

I need to know. Is this a racist site, because I cannot see how a thread with this headline would be tolerated if it wasn't.

If Indians didn't wish to attend, that is their right.  What is not acceptable is a demonization of blacks, using all the terminologies that a white supremacist would use.

It is clear that there is a problem, and banning people, or closing threads doesn't resolve the problem.

And this isn't a problem with a few posters.  This is an overall problem, which is evident in almost every Guyanese event in NYC.  If blacks organize it Indians refuse to show up.  Blacks will more likely show up to an event organized by Indians, if it commemorates a national event, but will similarly boycott, if it doesn't.

So let us have an intelligent discussion on Indian racism, because it is clearly evident in the headline of the thread.

I just started reading this thread. The title offended me before reading it. I think it's racist and I don't know why this thread wasn't taken down and its publisher Cobra wasn't spoken to by the Admins.

The content here demeans us as Guyanese in the diaspora and at home. It adds no value to this Board. I was to go to this function as part of the QC contingent but I had work done on my home.

I do not see the point about this thread.

Do the honorable thing Admin and strike it from GNI's re3cords

Why should it be taken down?  No leave it up as an example of the Indian racism that blacks have been bombarded with.

Examine what has happened on GNI.  Very few black posters. Why?  Because many who posted in the past left.  Offended by the anti black racist bigotry which is peddled here.  Itaname being one of the recent examples.

I have said on many occasions that Guyana has a problem, and the Indian aspect of it is NOT discussed.

Do not fool yourself Mr. Kari that the ethnic composition of who has been dominating Jubilee hasn't not been commented on by large numbers of Indians.  These who conveniently do not see it fit to celebrate themselves as Guyanese.  But who prefer to spread disparaging remarks of Afro Guyanese who do.

So yes leave it up, so folks like you can cease to pretend as if Indian racism in Guyana is not as virulent and as damaging as its African counterpart.

Yes let us duck the issue of race in Guyana, and then ponder about what the elections in 2020 will be all about.

Zed posted:

Caribny, also, you posted that if i responded to your initial post that mentioned me, that it is to confront you. 

Well, you really need to brush up on the comprehension skills or read carefully. Nothing in my first response confronted you or anything you wrote. I know that you are intelligent enough so quit shooting breeze where I am concerned.


Did you discuss Indian racism that is here?

Did you confront Cobra, as he continues with his racism, confident in the fact that YOU as an Indian will NEVER DIRECTLY confront him on it?

Instead you respond to me!

The fact that I am intelligent is why I speak to this issue. In Guyana there is an asymmetry in how racism is spoken of. We hear endless tales of how Indians suffered in the 60s, endless whines of Wismar.  More people died on the Sun Chapman than in the Wismar attacks and yet NO responsibility taken on that.

Blacks suffered 23 years under PPP rule, excluded to the same degree as the 20 years under Burnham. Yet we only hear about Burnham.

Stop making yourself a dishonest fraud by refusing to discuss the role of Indians, when you know full well that there is endless discussion of the role of Africans!

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

I wonder how he and the good lady feel about being the only concubines!!  Reminds me of "Congo man"!

If this does not qualify as pure and evil racism I don't know what would.



Congo man???????


The owners of this Board need to look at this.

Of course now confronted with the nakedness of this, you will pretend as if this is only baseman and druggie, and not evidence of racism within the Indian community that goes way beyond this.

Just look at the attendance of virtually all of the Jubilee events and tell me that there isn't something seriously wrong!

Zed posted:

Grasping at straws I see. My condemnation is general enough to encompass all those who post their racial garbage on this site.


Your condemnation is general enough to DISGUISE the racist drivel that pours from the mouths of Indians, even though lots is said about Wismar and about the Burnham regime.

Until you are ready to specifically address Indian racist attitudes towards blacks you are not going be viewed as seriously interested in discussing this.  Because I bet that you will have loads to say about the PNC's treatment of Indians.

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

I wonder how he and the good lady feel about being the only concubines!!  Reminds me of "Congo man"!

If this does not qualify as pure and evil racism I don't know what would.



Congo man???????


The owners of this Board need to look at this.

Concubines, those conquered and then placed on displays like trophy prizes.

Congo man was in reference to the song by Sparrow, not the people.

Read the Pro-PNC fb sites, you will get the gist!

caribny posted:
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

I wonder how he and the good lady feel about being the only concubines!!  Reminds me of "Congo man"!

If this does not qualify as pure and evil racism I don't know what would.



Congo man???????


The owners of this Board need to look at this.

Of course now confronted with the nakedness of this, you will pretend as if this is only baseman and druggie, and not evidence of racism within the Indian community that goes way beyond this.

Just look at the attendance of virtually all of the Jubilee events and tell me that there isn't something seriously wrong!

Nonsense and lies.  You building off of Kari's stupidity [conveniently] to make a non-existent case, to mitigate your own racism!

The Indians stayed away because you Blacks made it into an event of conquest!  This is true in NY and in Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

I wonder how he and the good lady feel about being the only concubines!!  Reminds me of "Congo man"!

If this does not qualify as pure and evil racism I don't know what would.



Congo man???????


The owners of this Board need to look at this.

Of course now confronted with the nakedness of this, you will pretend as if this is only baseman and druggie, and not evidence of racism within the Indian community that goes way beyond this.

Just look at the attendance of virtually all of the Jubilee events and tell me that there isn't something seriously wrong!

Nonsense and lies.  You building off of Kari's stupidity [conveniently] to make a non-existent case, to mitigate your own racism!

The Indians stayed away because you Blacks made it into an event of conquest!  This is true in NY and in Guyana!

You are cloaking you personal attacks. I don't know why Admin allows you to do this unheeded.

7) Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is an idiot" is a personal attack.

Link copied to your clipboard.