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A big High-5 to Devany. Uncle Tom is out of order to back-pedal on his election promise to rescind the radio and TV licences that Bharrat Jagdeo had unethically doled out to his friends and family just before demiting office in 2011. Many coalition supporters are not happy with Moses Nagamootoo's latest pronouncement on the issue. Bluntly, it is a betrayal of trust. Read this:

KAIETEUR NEWS, March 15 --- Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, said, yesterday, that he has said enough on

AFC Leader and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader and Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan

the campaign trail about the importance of the revocation of all illegally granted broadcasting licences and as such, will maintain those statements today.
His comments were in response to questions about Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo favouring the issuing of more licences as opposed to the revocation of illegal ones.
Ramjattan made it clear that he would not comment on Nagamootoo’s statements at this time but reiterated that his position on the matter, as expressed on the 2015 election campaign trail, will remain unchanged.

The Minister of Public Security had emphasized during that time that there is no doubt that the issuing of radio licences and the spectrum to certain people alone is something that is unconstitutional and is repugnant to any true democracy.
Ramjattan had said that former President Bharat Jagdeo’s calculated granting of the licences was political and deemed it “control freakism”.
He had recalled on numerous occasions how Jagdeo, weeks before leaving office, awarded his best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop five radio frequencies; New Guyana Company Limited, five and Telcor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc another five.
Telcor’s contact person is Omkar Lochan, who happens to be the former Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment. That Ministry was headed by Robert Persaud. Lochan has since resigned.

It was also exposed that the owner of the radio station is Robert Persaud’s sister, Ruth Baljit.
New Guyana Company is the one that publishes the party’s newspaper, Mirror, and whose  Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

contact person is PPP’s Member of Parliament (MP), Dharamkumar Seeraj.
Jagdeo also gave two cable licences to two of his closest friends, Vishok Persaud and Brian Yong.
Ramjattan has been protesting with private media houses, including Kaieteur News, against the unfair distribution of the radio and cable licences. During those protests, he also called for unlawful licences to be taken away.
In the mean time, Nagamootoo’s comments recently that he favoured more licences being granted as opposed to them being rescinded did not sit well with some members of the GNBA and other critics outside of the entity.
The officials who spoke with Kaieteur News on Sunday said that Nagamootoo would be making a big political mistake were he to follow through with such an approach.
They made it clear that the system has to be regularized. Towards this end, the officials emphasized that the illegalities in the Broadcasting sector, one of which includes the unlawful granting of radio and cable licences by Former President Bharat Jagdeo to his friends and “favourites”, must be addressed.
Significantly, Kaieteur News was also made aware by several officials within GNBA that all the prime spots for television channel frequencies, as well as cable are all gone because of the PPP’s ad hoc scheme.
They noted that while some space is still available in the radio spectrum for new applicants, some major spots are already taken up.

Considering this, some officials within GNBA and even critics outside of the entity are questioning Nagamootoo’s reasoning for favouring the award of new licences without addressing expeditiously, those illegally granted.
On several occasions, the Chairman of the GNBA Board, Leonard Craig, has been questioned on this state of affairs. Before Nagamootoo’s utterances to the media, Craig had failed to give any clear answer on the revocation of unlawful licences.

GNBA Head, Leonard Craig

GNBA Head,
Leonard Craig

He would only say that the Board will host a press conference with the media. He made this promise last year and this year and it is yet to be fulfilled.
On Sunday, Craig told this newspaper that the Board has made no decision to rescind the licences but noted that legal advice suggests that it is better if the Board does not.
The Chairman also declined to reveal who the “legal minds are,” except to say that they are “well respected.

Asked if the Board is inclined to follow the legal advice given, he responded, “The PM (Prime Minister) seems inclined. We work for him.”
With regard to the long awaited press conference, Craig said that the Board has a Public Relations Officer who will be handling that matter.
Speaking with this publication, University Professor, Dr. David Hinds said that his political view is that the licences should be rescinded.
The University Professor said that the capricious manner, in which the licences were granted by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, represents a grave injustice to those who were arbitrarily denied licences at the time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

Not only useless but cant be trusted with a black Jill, dont care rat's ass about the poor, would use power to steal wealth.


The onle good is they are experts of wiping Batty, cleaning house and washing clothes!!!!!

skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

LOL! Men have breasts and tits. Why?

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"useless as tits on a bull".

Imaginative metaphor, but bulls don't have tits

Never examined one. When last you did? Wrong person to ask. Maybe the cow thief, Warria can enlighten us.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"useless as tits on a bull".

Imaginative metaphor, but bulls don't have tits. 

FACT:  Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics.

[Skelly is correct!!]

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"useless as tits on a bull".

Imaginative metaphor, but bulls don't have tits. 

FACT:  Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics.

[Skelly is correct!!]

So you have taken the time to examine the bull.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"useless as tits on a bull".

Imaginative metaphor, but bulls don't have tits. 

FACT:  Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics.

[Skelly is correct!!]

So you have taken the time to examine the bull.

Well now you are talking bull!!

Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

Whatever you presume is "vendetta"; is the call to redress the latent theft of state resources  not a matter of addressing corruption and recovery of state assets?

skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

Rejected by whom, Skelly? The will of the PPP supporters or a demamgogic, undemocratic clique?

Please explain how that "rejection" was a correct decision in hindsight. And pray, tell, how useless has Ramjattan and Naga been in mobilizing the disaffected PPP supporters, and in asking for open governance.

Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

Not only useless but cant be trusted with a black Jill, dont care rat's ass about the poor, would use power to steal wealth.


The onle good is they are experts of wiping Batty, cleaning house and washing clothes!!!!!

I  see you're well qualified to make this statement, oh master of batty-wiping!


Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

Kari posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

Rejected by whom, Skelly? The will of the PPP supporters or a demamgogic, undemocratic clique?

Please explain how that "rejection" was a correct decision in hindsight. And pray, tell, how useless has Ramjattan and Naga been in mobilizing the disaffected PPP supporters, and in asking for open governance.

I was not in Guyana when the decision to select or elect Jagdeo as the leader of the party. In my opinion, the decision to select or elect Jagdeo was a good one. He won both his elections. I don't see Naga or Khemraj having any voice in "open governance". I read of undemocratic decisions within their government..dictatorship. The disaffected supporters have now realized that they have been given larwah by the two to hold on to.


The advise of the international community was to formalize the process of bandwidth allocation which the PPP agreed would be the process. But that crook jagdeo give away 10 of these frequencies to PPP kith and kin a month before he left office. That is blatant thievery however within the right the President was in the allocation. There are no formal broadcasting commission so if the President can give he can take.

If this cannot be pulled back then the million of acres they give away to their friends in wai wai territories cannot be rescinded as well. Why the hell are we doing audits of accounts or prattling we look into Pradoville? That would be double speak if they can do nothing to seek restitution for misuse or pilfering of state assets

That is bunk. It is the legitimizing of theft. It means the PNC can give away our assets left and right and however much we complain there is no avenue for redress in event of a change of government.




Leadership problems in the PPP and its methods of electing people into senior positions and leadership roles have come into question. Concerns about the superstructure of the party and how it has come back to haunt the party must not be ignored. The fallout in the PPP was a direct result of something that is in dire need of change.  The PPP must recognize that there is problem on how leaders are elected. Moses tearful plea to Berbicians was a protest against how the party elect its leader. This translated into votes for the PNC. This must not happen again.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Stormborn posted:

The advise of the international community was to formalize the process of bandwidth allocation which the PPP agreed would be the process. But that crook jagdeo give away 10 of these frequencies to PPP kith and kin a month before he left office. That is blatant thievery however within the right the President was in the allocation. There are no formal broadcasting commission so if the President can give he can take.

If this cannot be pulled back then the million of acres they give away to their friends in wai wai territories cannot be rescinded as well. Why the hell are we doing audits of accounts or prattling we look into Pradoville? That would be double speak if they can do nothing to seek restitution for misuse or pilfering of state assets

That is bunk. It is the legitimizing of theft. It means the PNC can give away our assets left and right and however much we complain there is no avenue for redress in event of a change of government.



Here comes more global warming. Save the ocean from your bilious hog wash.

Kari posted:
Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

Not only useless but cant be trusted with a black Jill, dont care rat's ass about the poor, would use power to steal wealth.


The onle good is they are experts of wiping Batty, cleaning house and washing clothes!!!!!

I  see you're well qualified to make this statement, oh master of batty-wiping!

You , Uncle Tom and Devany are one and the same:SHAMELESS BEYOND ANYTHING YOU CAN FIND ON THE PLANET!!!!!!

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:

The advise of the international community was to formalize the process of bandwidth allocation which the PPP agreed would be the process. But that crook jagdeo give away 10 of these frequencies to PPP kith and kin a month before he left office. That is blatant thievery however within the right the President was in the allocation. There are no formal broadcasting commission so if the President can give he can take.

If this cannot be pulled back then the million of acres they give away to their friends in wai wai territories cannot be rescinded as well. Why the hell are we doing audits of accounts or prattling we look into Pradoville? That would be double speak if they can do nothing to seek restitution for misuse or pilfering of state assets

That is bunk. It is the legitimizing of theft. It means the PNC can give away our assets left and right and however much we complain there is no avenue for redress in event of a change of government.



Here comes more global warming. Save the ocean from your bilious hog wash.

You are an apt example of that ignorant troglodytes do given they have but the merest allocation of functional brain cells on account of being low on the human evolutionary tree.

susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

I thought Ramjaatan is a lawyer, it shows that Nagga is a better lawyer, he knows the legality of a contract. Recently Rumjaat is putting his mouth in areas of government that he is not assigned, since he has failed in his own department, national security.

kp posted:
susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

I thought Ramjaatan is a lawyer, it shows that Nagga is a better lawyer, he knows the legality of a contract. Recently Rumjaat is putting his mouth in areas of government that he is not assigned, since he has failed in his own department, national security.

It is no contract. In Guyana this sort of Licence does not give contractual rights but it gives property rights, property rights are powerful and cannot be taken way unless granted illegally and it will be difficult to prove illegality. That is why Nagamootoo's proposed strategy might be best.

I think it is a matter of the government choosing its battles wisely. 

susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

Susan,as it may be difficult to prove illegality,BJ actions for granting of [frequency] license to friends,family is immoral and not above board.

The frequency spectrum is huge all is not taken, the government can surely issue license to qualified persons,Naga is on track.

skeldon_man posted:
Kari posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Ramjattan has a personal vendetta against Jagdeo. He is pissed off because he and Naga both were soundly rejected to lead the PPP. That was the correct decision in hindsight. We can now see that they are as "useless as tits on a bull".

Rejected by whom, Skelly? The will of the PPP supporters or a demamgogic, undemocratic clique?

Please explain how that "rejection" was a correct decision in hindsight. And pray, tell, how useless has Ramjattan and Naga been in mobilizing the disaffected PPP supporters, and in asking for open governance.

I was not in Guyana when the decision to select or elect Jagdeo as the leader of the party. In my opinion, the decision to select or elect Jagdeo was a good one. He won both his elections. I don't see Naga or Khemraj having any voice in "open governance". I read of undemocratic decisions within their government..dictatorship. The disaffected supporters have now realized that they have been given larwah by the two to hold on to.

Janet handpicked Jagdeo to succeed her in the presence of Ramjattan, Naga, Ramkarran, the PPP Central Committee, etc.  No one objected.  Shortly after that the second youngest President in the world was sworn in to a beautiful little country name Guyana.  Constitutionally, it was supposed to have been Sam Hinds to have succeeded Janet.  I don't know how that conversation went, but he quickly took out his pen to give up that right to Jagdeo.

The Presidency landed in Jagdeo (the Boy Prince's) lap and he did not even know what to do with it.  He had to sink or swim quick.  He chose to swim.  And he won the race!!!!  

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

Susan,as it may be difficult to prove illegality,BJ actions for granting of [frequency] license to friends,family is immoral and not above board.

The frequency spectrum is huge all is not taken, the government can surely issue license to qualified persons,Naga is on track.

The spectrum is large but all is not usable. There is a goldilocks zone of usable frequencies and that nasty crook allocated them to his friends.

Django posted:
susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

Susan,as it may be difficult to prove illegality,BJ actions for granting of [frequency] license to friends,family is immoral and not above board.

The frequency spectrum is huge all is not taken, the government can surely issue license to qualified persons,Naga is on track.

Yes he is on track. I agree with his approach. Open it up to all qualified persons who can be accommodated on the spectrum at this time. 

Separately, Recall that Raphael said that the audits will reveal not only illegalities but also administrative irregularities. And I dare say the audits will show those practices that amounted to blatant inequitable and immoral treatment. From what is already in the public domain and from what comes from the audits, the government will have to choose which battles it will fight legally, or  administratively and for which it will just reprimand the previous govt publicly. I maintain that the govt has to choose its battles wisely. 

Stormborn posted:
Django posted:
susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

Susan,as it may be difficult to prove illegality,BJ actions for granting of [frequency] license to friends,family is immoral and not above board.

The frequency spectrum is huge all is not taken, the government can surely issue license to qualified persons,Naga is on track.

The spectrum is large but all is not usable. There is a goldilocks zone of usable frequencies and that nasty crook allocated them to his friends.

Yes. In essence, the frequency spectrum, a seemingly infinite resource is made somewhat functionally finite because it can only be tapped for broadcasting purposes through technology. But technology is evolving so very rapidly that there are many more portions available for broadcasting today than were available in 2011, and they are prime portions too. 

Nagamootoo can easily give effect to his intention. 

Stormborn posted:
Django posted:
susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

Susan,as it may be difficult to prove illegality,BJ actions for granting of [frequency] license to friends,family is immoral and not above board.

The frequency spectrum is huge all is not taken, the government can surely issue license to qualified persons,Naga is on track.

The spectrum is large but all is not usable. There is a goldilocks zone of usable frequencies and that nasty crook allocated them to his friends.

Actually there is a lot usable,for example TV VHF band is CH2 to 13,UHF 14 to 83. between 13 and 14 there is another band that Cable TV uses

check this link



Why all this talk about bandwidth allocation, and licensing, and frequency?  Those licenses are just a useless piece of paper.  Many of the areas that received coverage under these licenses no longer get any of these channels.  They were already shut down by the PNC.  Many of the people who used to listen to Freedom Radio no longer get it, especially in the Berbice area.   Even wifi is becoming a luxury in certain areas where people used to take it for granted.

I had to laugh a certain doctor friend of mine who thought the coalition would have solved every single problem in Guyana once they ascended to the throne.  He didn't have wifi for a week in his Georgetown mansion and when it was finally restored, he took to Facebook to rant about that problem.  Well the FB community had some choice words for him.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Stormborn posted:
Django posted:
susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

Susan,as it may be difficult to prove illegality,BJ actions for granting of [frequency] license to friends,family is immoral and not above board.

The frequency spectrum is huge all is not taken, the government can surely issue license to qualified persons,Naga is on track.

The spectrum is large but all is not usable. There is a goldilocks zone of usable frequencies and that nasty crook allocated them to his friends.

Actually there is a lot usable,for example TV VHF band is CH2 to 13,UHF 14 to 83. between 13 and 14 there is another band that Cable TV uses

check this link


This physics here is clear and international convention demarked frequencies based on their potential to carry data. Technology has allowed more data to be packed in these regions and equipment to use formerly unusable areas but the characteristic of the region of the spectrum makes it easily usable and covering larger distances. Those regions are finite.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why all this talk about bandwidth allocation, and licensing, and frequency?  Those licenses are just a useless piece of paper.  Many of the areas that received coverage under these licenses no longer get any of these channels.  They were already shut down by the PNC.  Many of the people who used to listen to Freedom Radio no longer get it, especially in the Berbice area.   Even wifi is becoming a luxury in certain areas where people used to take it for granted.

I had to laugh a certain doctor friend of mine who thought the coalition would have solved every single problem in Guyana once they ascended to the throne.  He didn't have wifi for a week in his Georgetown mansion and when it was finally restored, he took to Facebook to rant about that problem.  Well the FB community had some choice words for him.

Their use can be creative as the user needs to be and for carrying all kinds of data.  It is not limited to what is being received presently or not. Who cares what channel is received if it is point to point transmission? Then there is its use simultaneously for phones or police cars or ship to shore or family radio or any of a hundred uses that has little to do with TV channels. These are valuable spectral real estate that could net the holder millions for any kind of data transmission. Multiplexing by holders of multiple licenses further increase their potential.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why all this talk about bandwidth allocation, and licensing, and frequency?  Those licenses are just a useless piece of paper.  Many of the areas that received coverage under these licenses no longer get any of these channels.  They were already shut down by the PNC. Many of the people who used to listen to Freedom Radio no longer get it, especially in the Berbice area.   Even wifi is becoming a luxury in certain areas where people used to take it for granted.

I had to laugh a certain doctor friend of mine who thought the coalition would have solved every single problem in Guyana once they ascended to the throne.  He didn't have wifi for a week in his Georgetown mansion and when it was finally restored, he took to Facebook to rant about that problem.  Well the FB community had some choice words for him.

Apparently you don't understand broadcasting,for large area of coverage the broadcasting stations need high power transmitters or repeaters,tell the guys at freedom radio to increase the power of their transmitters[it cost money],the same applies to wifi,this area need good technicians i am in the field,they can hire me.

baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I had to laugh a certain doctor friend of mine who thought the coalition would have solved every single problem in Guyana once they ascended to the throne.  He didn't have wifi for a week in his Georgetown mansion and when it was finally restored, he took to Facebook to rant about that problem.  Well the FB community had some choice words for him.

They got what they wanted!!

Oii Bibi who own the wifi [the gov't] ?? you are humorous.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why all this talk about bandwidth allocation, and licensing, and frequency?  Those licenses are just a useless piece of paper.  Many of the areas that received coverage under these licenses no longer get any of these channels.  They were already shut down by the PNC. Many of the people who used to listen to Freedom Radio no longer get it, especially in the Berbice area.   Even wifi is becoming a luxury in certain areas where people used to take it for granted.

I had to laugh a certain doctor friend of mine who thought the coalition would have solved every single problem in Guyana once they ascended to the throne.  He didn't have wifi for a week in his Georgetown mansion and when it was finally restored, he took to Facebook to rant about that problem.  Well the FB community had some choice words for him.

Apparently you don't understand broadcasting,for large area of coverage the broadcasting stations need high power transmitters or repeaters,tell the guys at freedom radio to increase the power of their transmitters[it cost money],the same applies to wifi,this area need good technicians i am in the field,they can hire me.

Nations like ours should break with wifi even though the equipment is cheap. We should use mesh tech since coverage and redundancies in rural areas is more the necessity and  robust in the long run.


Django posted:
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I had to laugh a certain doctor friend of mine who thought the coalition would have solved every single problem in Guyana once they ascended to the throne.  He didn't have wifi for a week in his Georgetown mansion and when it was finally restored, he took to Facebook to rant about that problem.  Well the FB community had some choice words for him.

They got what they wanted!!

Oii Bibi who own the wifi [the gov't] ?? you are humorous.

GT&T controls it.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"useless as tits on a bull".

Imaginative metaphor, but bulls don't have tits. 

FACT:  Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics.

[Skelly is correct!!]

Oh Rass bai one more professor on GNI, skeltonman u na count no more

baseman posted:
susan posted:

Prakash might just be sticking closely to what he said pre- election in election campaigning mode to safeguard his credibility. At the end of the day it is not his call on whether those licences are revoked or not. 

Bryn Pollard SC makes excellent points. Unless an illegality can be proven in the award of licences then they are valid. That legitimate expectation doctrine  is a very powerful one. That the past government discrimated against others by not granting other licenses to qualified applicants gives rise to cause of action for damages from them and motion to court that the government be directed to grant them licences. There were some similar cases in Trinidad and other jurisdictions. 

I don't think that it is easy to prove illegality in the grant of the licences because if I recall correctly  BJ had delayed the coming into operation of the Broadcasting Act to facilitate he grant of licences before 2011 elections to his friends. That allowed him to grant the licences under the very old law that empowered him to do it. It was a crafty move. 

I tend to agree with Nagamootoo that the answer lies now in opening the grant of licences to all qualified persons. Any suit for damages will amount to naught as the State typically does not pay. 

All the hogwash of the PNC/AFC, they will never prove a single case in a court of law.  Many may disagree with the PPP, but they did nothing illegal!  Well apart from the poor sister who tried to "tek" a couple vehicles for she family and friends!!

The lies of the PNC/AFC will be unveiled as time passes.  Granger will be embarrassed to pursue further investigations and would prefer to leave it hanging to the "court of public opinion"!!

The PNC/AFC losers will never stand to the test with BJ and them PPP boys/girls.  They (Coalition) were born out of lies and deceit, an Original Sin which can never be washed away!!

The AFC clowns will cover their lies about dem "tief" but abie cyaant prove, but abie still smart.  That was the line of the famous TK.  It's like getting pregnant but denying intercourse.  Oh yes, immaculate conception, a real and viable concept, and no Original Sin!!

How stupid can one be,in a race it's the winner that counts the coalition won which mean the opposition is second best

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Leadership problems in the PPP and its methods of electing people into senior positions and leadership roles have come into question. Concerns about the superstructure of the party and how it has come back to haunt the party must not be ignored. The fallout in the PPP was a direct result of something that is in dire need of change.  The PPP must recognize that there is problem on how leaders are elected. Moses tearful plea to Berbicians was a protest against how the party elect its leader. This translated into votes for the PNC. This must not happen again.

Another fair comment, Billy.

Gilbakka posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Leadership problems in the PPP and its methods of electing people into senior positions and leadership roles have come into question. Concerns about the superstructure of the party and how it has come back to haunt the party must not be ignored. The fallout in the PPP was a direct result of something that is in dire need of change.  The PPP must recognize that there is problem on how leaders are elected. Moses tearful plea to Berbicians was a protest against how the party elect its leader. This translated into votes for the PNC. This must not happen again.

Another fair comment, Billy.

Thank you Gil. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:

The advise of the international community was to formalize the process of bandwidth allocation which the PPP agreed would be the process. But that crook jagdeo give away 10 of these frequencies to PPP kith and kin a month before he left office. That is blatant thievery however within the right the President was in the allocation. There are no formal broadcasting commission so if the President can give he can take.

If this cannot be pulled back then the million of acres they give away to their friends in wai wai territories cannot be rescinded as well. Why the hell are we doing audits of accounts or prattling we look into Pradoville? That would be double speak if they can do nothing to seek restitution for misuse or pilfering of state assets

That is bunk. It is the legitimizing of theft. It means the PNC can give away our assets left and right and however much we complain there is no avenue for redress in event of a change of government.



Here comes more global warming. Save the ocean from your bilious hog wash.

You are an apt example of that ignorant troglodytes do given they have but the merest allocation of functional brain cells on account of being low on the human evolutionary tree.

More global warming.


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