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Ramjattan must go

Dear Editor,

I join the many Guyanese in their exasperation at the crime situation in Guyana and the inability of Minister Ramjattan to engage in proper policies to address this societal plague.

His initiatives so far are on the verge of ridiculous considering the current needs of our country. While sniffer dogs are important for tracking narcotics, how do they ensure our security on the streets in Georgetown where wearing jewelry is an invitation for being mugged? How do police on horsebacks ensure the safety of a Geetangali who is robbed, beaten and gagged in the night a few houses away from Ramjattan? They don’t, for they are no match for the much necessary technological innovation of which our police officers are in dire need.

How does imposing a 2 am curfew prevent drunken drivers from extracting lives on the road? It doesn’t. It simply encourages compensation for business through illicit underground activities. If Ramjattan really believes that alcohol is a cause of our crime situation, then he should impose limits on advertisements which encourage drinking and link drinking to virility. If this Government is so bent on imitating Western models, then Ramjattan should force advertisements for alcohols to carry messages reminding consumers to use with moderation. Also, the general message the advertisements promote should be confined to established rules and regulations.

However, if Ramjattan is convinced that a curfew would actually positively impact the crime spree and enforce security, then he should maintain a national curfew through the use of police patrols on the roads to monitor and apprehend criminal activities, as a short term solution to containing and reducing crime. This proposal is no less ludicrous than the 2 am curfew which is a failure to date.

Geetangali, the victim who was robbed and assaulted in Campbellville, a few houses away from Minister Ramjattan, related to the press that the Minister flew to her aid and in a short space of time her house was literally “packed with police” officers. This is truly a valiant act from the Minister. However, what happens to other assaulted mothers who do not have the luxury of living near to the Minister’s residence? Would they suffer the same three hour wait for the police arrival as the family of Ganesh Ramlall, the murdered mall owner? Would horses, cyber strategy, sniffer dogs and a 2 am curfew help them?

Minister Ramjattan deserves the proposed no confidence motion introduced by Dr. Baytoram Ramharack. Indeed, he plays a dangerous game in his attempt to mask his blatant failure by trying to justify his inaptitude in dealing with the situation which he claims preluded his entry into ministerial office. However, his inability is accentuated by the fact that he has not inherited the same magnitude of responsibilities due to the now reduced mandate of the ministry he governs. Even so, he has shown that he does not possess what it takes to even contain crime much less reduce it. All of the initiatives so far undertaken by Ramjattan reveal that he cannot serve the people as he, through his incoherent policies, seems not to know the first thing about manning a country’s security and safety. His denial of the severity of the situation coupled with his readiness to caste blame on third parties, as well as his indifference to the ethnic undertone of the crime situation, is not only an insult to Guyanese, it is an insult to the seat he holds.

Subsequently, for all the men, women and children who fall victim to crime because of their perceived wealth, political partisanship, ethnic particularity, citizenship, etc., I join in the call to have Ramjattan replaced by a competent servant of the people, and not a Minister who is comparable only to a pompous peacock in the Honourable Parliament of Guyana.


De Sà

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

A no confidence motion similar to the one by the AFC while in opposition should be introduced in parliament to remove Rumjhaat.

And how are you going to pass this motion if you do not have the majority of votes in Parliament, Dummy?


The PPP should do what the PNC did to Ramsammy. Walk out as soon as Rumjattan gets up to speak. Carry out a nation wide campaign to get rid of him. What SUV is he running around with? Better than Naga?

Originally Posted by Prince Juno:
I support the people in Guyana to force the President to remove Mr. Ramjattan if he's unable to perform his duty effectively.

I wonder why you are allowed more than one handle.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A no confidence motion similar to the one by the AFC while in opposition should be introduced in parliament to remove Rumjhaat.

And how are you going to pass this motion if you do not have the majority of votes in Parliament, Dummy?

You are an amateur when it comes to politics.

Originally Posted by genius:

The PPP should do what the PNC did to Ramsammy. Walk out as soon as Rumjattan gets up to speak. Carry out a nation wide campaign to get rid of him. What SUV is he running around with? Better than Naga?


Exactly. Ramjattan is a disgrace to President Granger.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

A no confidence motion similar to the one by the AFC while in opposition should be introduced in parliament to remove Rumjhaat.

And how are you going to pass this motion if you do not have the majority of votes in Parliament, Dummy?

You are an amateur when it comes to politics.

Please, if I'm an amateur at anything, then you're a dummy.


Why don't you tell us how you will get a motion passed against the government when the government has the majority of votes. 


The only motion passing you're a pro at is after you digest a large serving of dhall and take a squat by the road corner. 


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ramjattan is providing an excellent job by doing absolutely nothing in his position.


Moses and Ramjattan are doing nothing but adding to the suffering to the poor and helpless Guyanese.


Could someone please tell me what the hell did that bonehead Goat do when he held that same position? Please teach me something.


Hang on tight, when your thieves from the PPP starts getting tossed in the slammer we'll hear cries..boooo hoooo dem ethnic cleansing we" booo hoooo, dem bad,,,booo hoooo.



Originally Posted by asj:

Dear Editor,

I join the many Guyanese in their exasperation at the crime situation in Guyana and the inability of Minister Ramjattan to engage in proper policies to address this societal plague.

His initiatives so far are on the verge of ridiculous considering the current needs of our country. While sniffer dogs are important for tracking narcotics, how do they ensure our security on the streets in Georgetown where wearing jewelry is an invitation for being mugged? How do police on horsebacks ensure the safety of a Geetangali who is robbed, beaten and gagged in the night a few houses away from Ramjattan? They don’t, for they are no match for the much necessary technological innovation of which our police officers are in dire need.

How does imposing a 2 am curfew prevent drunken drivers from extracting lives on the road? It doesn’t. It simply encourages compensation for business through illicit underground activities.

If Ramjattan really believes that alcohol is a cause of our crime situation, then he should impose limits on advertisements which encourage drinking and link drinking to virility. If this Government is so bent on imitating Western models, then Ramjattan should force advertisements for alcohols to carry messages reminding consumers to use with moderation. Also, the general message the advertisements promote should be confined to established rules and regulations.

However, if Ramjattan is convinced that a curfew would actually positively impact the crime spree and enforce security, then he should maintain a national curfew through the use of police patrols on the roads to monitor and apprehend criminal activities, as a short term solution to containing and reducing crime. This proposal is no less ludicrous than the 2 am curfew which is a failure to date.

Geetangali, the victim who was robbed and assaulted in Campbellville, a few houses away from Minister Ramjattan, related to the press that the Minister flew to her aid and in a short space of time her house was literally “packed with police” officers. This is truly a valiant act from the Minister.


However, what happens to other assaulted mothers who do not have the luxury of living near to the Minister’s residence? Would they suffer the same three hour wait for the police arrival as the family of Ganesh Ramlall, the murdered mall owner? Would horses, cyber strategy, sniffer dogs and a 2 am curfew help them?

Minister Ramjattan deserves the proposed no confidence motion introduced by Dr. Baytoram Ramharack. Indeed, he plays a dangerous game in his attempt to mask his blatant failure by trying to justify his inaptitude in dealing with the situation which he claims preluded his entry into ministerial office. However, his inability is accentuated by the fact that he has not inherited the same magnitude of responsibilities due to the now reduced mandate of the ministry he governs. Even so, he has shown that he does not possess what it takes to even contain crime much less reduce it.


All of the initiatives so far undertaken by Ramjattan reveal that he cannot serve the people as he, through his incoherent policies, seems not to know the first thing about manning a country’s security and safety. His denial of the severity of the situation coupled with his readiness to caste blame on third parties, as well as his indifference to the ethnic undertone of the crime situation, is not only an insult to Guyanese, it is an insult to the seat he holds.

Subsequently, for all the men, women and children who fall victim to crime because of their perceived wealth, political partisanship, ethnic particularity, citizenship, etc., I join in the call to have Ramjattan replaced by a competent servant of the people, and not a Minister who is comparable only to a pompous peacock in the Honourable Parliament of Guyana.


De Sà


This individual is just on a rant and a useless one because it distracts from real and pressing apprehensions that the government is not moving fast enough to stamp out crime.


As serious analysis would not discount the steps taken to this point, increased patrol, curfew, etc. And nothing could save the persons mentioned because statistically they can be victims of random violence in every society so mentioning them over and over does not help his case. It  massages the usual wounds.



Batoram is no athority on crime and has no provenance to call for the minister's removal other than he is a citizen. Batoram and Do se Do here ahould be asking when is the crime lab coming on line as a fully functioning DNA capable lab, is there a plan for providing rape kits to hispitals and are there going to be sensitivity training to the police for this inclusive of a special victims squad? What steps will there be to reform the justice system, decrease case load by shortening the wait for a trial, are we getting a civilian police review board to ensure proper policing practice etc


yes we need a plan and quickly. That these fellows were not asking Mr Goat to go for I do not care to hear their pratings that Ramjattan is to go.

It is plain to see that Ramjattan is out of his depth here, and no amount of bashing will solve the crime situation. What he ought to do is huddle with those who might have a better idea on how to arrest this out of control crime spree. Seawall Persaud comes to mind.  He's been around for quite some time now and should have some ideas that could be implemented.

There is no such thing as a quick fix for national crime. Even public hanging has not prevented crime in any country that uses it as a crime prevention measure. So anyone expecting an overnight solution after 23 years of a criminal government is living in a dream world.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

There is no such thing as a quick fix for national crime. Even public hanging has not prevented crime in any country that uses it as a crime prevention measure. So anyone expecting an overnight solution after 23 years of a criminal government is living in a dream world.

indeed there is no quirk fix but given that these things take a long time and will evolve as they go along we need to start. Junkies need to have a place to rehabilitate for example and that takes time and these are the main source of petty crimes.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Guyanese people elected a Govt they THOUGHT was competent, only to find out that this Govt is INEPT, CLUELESS, PLAIN STUPID AND ARE THIEVES IN THE NIGHT!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Guyanese people elected a Govt they THOUGHT was competent, only to find out that this Govt is INEPT, CLUELESS, PLAIN STUPID AND ARE THIEVES IN THE NIGHT!!!

Just the tip of the iceberg.


Yall rass blame the man for this too, but did any of you have the decency to speak out against it?....NO



1 day ago

Murdered cash crop farmer… Tests reveal gunpowder on husband’s hands

August 27, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 
Murdered: Pamela Kendall

Murdered: Pamela Kendall


Police have revealed that tests conducted on the hands of the husband of slain cash crop farmer Pamela Kendall confirmed traces of gunpowder.

With this discovery, the man, Deochand Sookchand, is now the prime suspect in the woman’s murder.

It also rules out robbery as a motive for the killing.

Senior police officials explained that in keeping with standard operating procedure the man’s hands were swabbed for traces of gunpowder soon after investigations into the matter commenced last Thursday night, since detectives had not immediately ruled out Sookchand as a suspect.

Kendall, a cash crop farmer, was reportedly shot shortly after she entered the back door of the family’s home, located near the Number 45 Village Public Road. She managed to run from her home, only to collapse in her brother’s yard, located a few houses away.

Although initial reports suggested that the 56-year old Kendall was shot by bandits, Police appeared to have been suspicious from the outset about the circumstances surrounding the ‘home invasion,’ which occurred during a power outage, at around 18.00 hrs last Thursday. This was after they unearthed evidence that Kendall may not have been the victim of a robbery attempt.

The woman’s husband had said that he was having a bath downstairs and his wife was about to close the back door when he heard a single gunshot, and his wife’s screams.

According to Sookchand, he began to scream to alert the neighbours, while one of the alleged bandits armed with a gun ran upstairs. Within minutes the intruder returned downstairs and he, along with an accomplice, fled into the backlands.

In a later interview, Sookchand said he was in the bathroom and had just told his wife to close the back door, when he heard her scream. This was followed by a gunshot. He said that he hid in the bathroom and the intruder peered inside, but did not enter. He reportedly heard the man whispering to someone, and this led him to believe the killer had an accomplice.

Sookchand said that he later ran outside to assist his wife, but she had managed to run to her brother’s residence, approximately 100 yards away.


Deochand Sookchand

Deochand Sookchand


She was later pronounced dead at the Skeldon Public Hospital.
Sookchand suggested that the killer left without taking anything, after failing to find anyone in the premises that he could have forced to hand over anything of value.

He also suggested that the power outage may have deterred the gunman from searching the house. A spent shell and a bullet were reportedly found in the kitchen.

Police became even more suspicious when a relative related that a ‘mystery telephone call’ was made to the victim’s home shortly after the murder to throw them off track. The caller had reportedly said “don’t call my name in anything,” before hanging up.

The relative told investigators that the voice sounded very familiar and suggested who it was.

Investigators have obtained phone records of calls made around that time, but officials declined to say whether they have been able to trace the call.

The dead woman’s husband was officially taken into custody on Tuesday and brought to the Headquarters of the Criminal Investigations Department where he was interrogated by members of the Force’s Serious Crime Investigations Unit.

The new twist is sure to create some uneasiness among residents of the Corentyne as well as some politicians, who tried to create mileage out of the incident.

Last week, several Number 45 Village, Corentyne, Berbice residents blocked the main roadway for about an hour to vent their outrage their outrage over Kendall’s murder and the recent spate of violent robberies in their community.

At least two prominent politicians had journeyed to the Corentyne to meet with the residents. Police sources say that a file on the matter is being prepared and the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions will be sought.


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