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Ramjattan presents torture victim to AG - in bid for payment of award

Attorney Khemraj Ramjattan yesterday presented the teen boy who was tortured while he was in police custody to Attorney General Anil Nandlall, in a bid to get the government to pay out damages that were awarded by the High Court.


Nandlall on Tuesday accused Ramjattan of badgering him for the $6.5M in damages, and said that he had information that the boy’s whereabouts were unknown. Government appealed the award and Nandlall said he indicated that government may settle the matter if Ramjattan produced his client, who could not be located for over a year to testify in court.


However, Ramjattan said in an interview with Capitol News yesterday that he visited the Attorney General’s Chambers to get an update on the payment to clear up some comments made by Nandlall questioning his representation of the tortured teen. “[My clients] are here with me to go and make our presence felt at the Attorney General’s Chambers for purposes of vindicating to him that they are still my clients,” he said. He refuted Nandlall’s contentions and indicated that his client wanted their money, which he has been authorised to receive.


According to Nandlall, Ramjattan had requested the award be paid to him but he maintained that it was the clients that were entitled to the sum and not his attorney. He added that now that the clients have been produced, the government is to decide whether it will be pursuing the appeal or settling the matter.


Nandlall said as an attorney, he knows that lawyers have the authority to receive money on behalf of their clients but as Attorney General and the state’s attorney in the case, he has to ensure that the actual client is being paid. He stressed that Ramjattan indicated that his fees are in the judgment sum so he (Nandlall) has to be satisfied that the client receives the judgment sum.


“Ramjattan told me that to pay him the judgment’s sum because his fees are in there, but I don’t care about that, I have to ensure that ultimately the client is the one being paid,” he said. The teen, through Ramjattan, had filed a lawsuit against the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Police and the two ranks accused of torturing him, asking for $40 million in compensation.


Last June, Justice George after describing the case as constituting torture, awarded the teenager $6.5 million in damages. In giving her ruling she explained that there had been a violation of his fundamental human rights. 


The boy had been held for questioning in connection with the murder of retired Region Three vice-chairman Ramenaught Bisram, who was found dead at his home on Monday October 26, 2009 with several stab wounds. While being interrogated by police officers at the Leonora Police Station, the boy, then 15, was reportedly doused with methylated spirits and set alight.


Two policemen, Mohanram Dolai and Narine Lall, were later charged for causing grievous bodily harm to the then 15-year old teen but had the charges later dismissed in the Magistrate’s Court, when the teen and his family failed to show up at the trial to give evidence.

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Torture teen three years later…Nandlall backpedals on torture teen compensation…says he has to ascertain Govt. next move



The teenager who had his genitals set alight in 2009 during a Police murder investigation is yet to receive the $6.5M in compensation awarded by the High Court.


“I come here just to make (attorney-at-law Khemraj Ramjattan) collect my son money…We need the money for him,” the teen’s mother, Shirley Thomas, told Kaieteur News yesterday.  Ramjattan had taken the mother and the teen, Twyon Thomas, now aged 17, to meet with Attorney General Anil Nandlall.


Twyon Thomas, Shirley Thomas and Khemraj Ramjattan.


Last June, High Court judge Roxanne George-Wiltshire ruled that the teen should be compensated by the State. However, Ramjattan said that the Attorney General had claimed that the teen and his mother had abandoned Ramjattan, and that he (Ramjattan) was seeking to collect the money.


On Tuesday, in a statement sent to Kaieteur News, Nandlall stated, “I indicated in the press that the Government may consider settling the case in which judgment was granted to Twyon Thomas (the genitals burning case) in the sum of approximately GYD$6,000,000.00 (six million dollars), provided that the victim comes forward because I have information that this person’s whereabouts are now unknown.”

“The clients are here with me to make our presence felt for the purpose of vindicating me as their lawyer; they have not abandoned me,” Ramjattan stated, yesterday. “We had indicated that we want our monies and that the monies ought to be paid over,” he added.

When confronted yesterday, Kaieteur News understands that the Attorney General claimed the money was not made available by the government and that he had to verify if the government wanted to proceed with an appeal of the court’s decision or if it would pay the teenager. He had backpedaled one day later after his bold statement, Ramjattan said.


After the decision by Justice George-Wiltshire, the government filed an appeal. That appeal is still to be heard. However, Nandlall, before his appointment as Attorney General, had questioned the decision by the government to appeal the judge’s decision. It is not clear whether as Attorney General he would now persuade the government to withdraw its appeal. Mrs Thomas said that she did not come forward earlier before because she was in the North West District.


Ramjattan had sued the then Attorney General, the Commissioner of Police, and the two police ranks who tortured Thomas when he was 14 years old as part of an investigation into the death of Region Three official, Ramnauth Bisram. The two police ranks, Sergeant Narine Lall and Constable Mohanram Dulai – were freed of the criminal charges brought against them after the teen repeatedly failed to show up in court.

Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire found that the teenager’s fundamental rights were violated. She described his treatment as “degrading, humiliating and debasing.” She had said that “the torture and cruel and inhuman treatment meted out to Thomas has demonstrated and established an absolute and flagrant disregard for his constitutional rights.”


Malicious Nandalaal baba is playing Pu$$y Foot. His actions demonstrate the vindictiveness of the PPP.


"vindictive persons live the life of witches; who, as they are mischievous, so end they infortunate." Sir Francis Bacon


While  these  pukes are  dickering over a  paltry   6.5  million  dollar  court  awarded  judgement  to a kid  who was  severely tortured by  agents  of the  States,  they are  feverishly  trying  to  sweep  a  90  million  dollar caper  and  other glaring boondoggle ( Ministry  of  Education Book  Scam,  contracts  etc.) under  the  rug.  And  they  are  wondering  why  more and  more  of  their traditional  base  are  deserting  them!


If  Donald  Ramotar  has  any balls and  brain,  he would  recognize the urgency to  change tack and  start  being  his  own  man. Stop looking  for traitors  and  neemakharams in the  AFC!  They are  all within  your  bosom and  perhaps a  few  on this  BB,  still shamelessly shilling  for poke cuttas & hennesey and  sour  milk. 


It turns out that Ramjattan's motive all along were materialistic. You would thing he would have represented this kid killer for free, instead he had lawyer motives. He should waive his fees for this case given the amount of publicity this case brought the AFC. But a crook will always be a crook, they don't work for free.

When making accusations you have to provide proofs. Show that he got a split from the buyer concerning the $30M.Originally Posted by Nehru:

GR, The last transaction he worked with the Buyer and low ball the Property fom 85 M to 55 M. He and the Buyer had a " DEAL". 30 M to SPLIT.



According to Nandlall, Ramjattan had requested the award be paid to him but he maintained that it was the clients that were entitled to the sum and not his attorney. He added that now that the clients have been produced, the government is to decide whether it will be pursuing the appeal or settling the matter.

Nandlall said as an attorney, he knows that lawyers have the authority to receive money on behalf of their clients but as Attorney General and the state’s attorney in the case, he has to ensure that the actual client is being paid. He stressed that Ramjattan indicated that his fees are in the judgment sum so he (Nandlall) has to be satisfied that the client receives the judgment sum.

“Ramjattan told me that to pay him the judgment’s sum because his fees are in there, but I don’t care about that, I have to ensure that ultimately the client is the one being paid,” he said.


Excerpts from Stabroeknews

Originally Posted by Mara:


If  Donald  Ramotar  has  any balls and  brain,  he would  recognize the urgency to  change tack and  start  being  his  own  man. Stop looking  for traitors  and  neemakharams in the  AFC!  They are  all within  your  bosom and  perhaps a  few  on this  BB,  still shamelessly shilling  for poke cuttas & hennesey and  sour  milk. 

Ramoutar is no Hoyte


Whenever the payment is made, officials from the Guinness Book of Records should verify.

The way will then be cleared for a new entry in next year's edition of the Guinness Book of Records:

"G$6.5 million for a roasted dick. Government of Guyana penalized for the action of a rogue prick in its police force."

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It turns out that Ramjattan's motive all along were materialistic. You would thing he would have represented this kid killer for free, instead he had lawyer motives. He should waive his fees for this case given the amount of publicity this case brought the AFC. But a crook will always be a crook, they don't work for free.


When last you worked for free?


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