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The emergence of a dictatorship



By Khemraj Ramjattan

When Hitler was elected Chancellor in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. There were free and fair elections; persons were allowed to vote for the party of their choice; and, there were many to choose from. To pass a law, a Bill had to be tabled, debated and approved. The Reichstag of January 1933 saw over 50% of those who held seats being against the Nazi Party. What could have happened that resulted in Germany shortly thereafter having one of the most infamous dictators of all history? What lessons are there for Guyana?
In politics, a dictatorship is government and governance not limited by law. There is a concentration of political power either in one person or in an elitist and strongly united core group.
The central characteristic of such a regime is that it dominates the political and economic and social levers of the entire society its rules without any regards to good governance and accountability principles, human rights, integrity of its offices and total disregard for checks and balances in financial affairs. Further, it is unabashed in its propensity to use state resources to advance its agenda. So it would be quite commonplace to see Ministers of a dictatorial government, using State resources such as vehicles, properties and finances to conduct its work and coerce and bribe citizens into becoming members and supporters. In a dictatorial regime, social and public institutions are generally run by cronies of the regime or relatives of the central cabal.
Dictatorial governments are known to use their position and access to the resources of the country to promulgate widespread propaganda designed to discredit any opposing view and promulgate themselves as the only ‘salvation’ for the people. Independent media daring to question or criticize such a government are labeled “oppositionists”, “detractors” and other derogatory terms. Such regimes are also known to expend significant amounts on its own propaganda so that what the public receives from the media is a constant dose of the achievements of the dictator or his regime, and how all of this is in the interest of the people. Powerful images will dominate all media to present the regime as most caring, respected and honest.
Probably the most glaring characteristic of a dictatorial regime is its pervasive greed. Leading members of such a regime abuse power for their personal enrichment. They misappropriate from the public purse and divert public resources with impunity and use their propaganda machinery to fool the public into believing otherwise. They are immersed in corruption.
The country which a dictatorial government presides over generally suffers serious migration of its best and brightest, infrastructural degradation, economic decline and raging political conflicts.
Now the point must be made that while it is generally known that dictators have never been held accountable for their atrocities unless they are thrown out of power, the development of the international criminal law and with the emerging trends on international anti-corruption legal regimes, there is a possibility of despotic dictators being held accountable for their atrocities outside their jurisdictions.  Governing dictatorial cabals are loathe to adhere to international best practices of governance and when their atrocities come in for international attention are quick to scream: “We are a sovereign state and would tolerate no outside interference”.
Does such a country ring a bell? Yes…indeed it is today’s Guyana. For some who may want to deny that it has reached such a state, they must honestly pronounce that it will soon reach such a disastrous destination.
After 21 years in power, we see these exact characteristics in the PPPC Government; the greed, corruption, concentration of power in the hands of a few, total disregard for the principles of good governance, contempt towards criticism and the general attitude that they alone have the right to rule.
The Guyanese dictators need to wake up and read the writing on the wall. They must be reminded that the longest rope has an end. But our Guyanese citizens must also wake up to the reality that unless we actively engage in finding that end of the rope, this oppression will persist that longer. We must stand up and speak out. We must show our outrage at this spawning of these maharajahs and sultans. By our silence we will only be condoning this brutality, this fast advancing local Nazism.
As Justice William O. Douglas of the US Supreme Court said, “As nightfall does not come at once, neither does, oppression. In both instances, there’s twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramjattan sees parallels between the PPP/Civic gov't. of present-day Guyana and the Nazi Regime of the 1930s. This is a desperate attempt to tarnish the image of the ruling party. I want to know if Ramjattan seriously believes what he wrote. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

You have to be insane to believe such nonsense.  Ramjattan has this tendency of blowing things completely out of proportion to gain poltical mileage. This lawyer has to come to his senses and realize that he is hurting his party and himself by waging such ridiculous arguments. How can he hold on the votes the PPP lost to the AFC if he is going to continue to write and say things that are false and preposterous. This is surely is a sign of self-destruction

Billy Ram Balgobin

Hitler's Nazi party won power through free and fair elections, just like the PPP. Hitler was very popular.

Having secured power, he consolidated his rule by adopting one totalitarian measure after another, just as the PPP is doing.

Ramjattan is merely warning the people of what direction the ruling PPP cabal is headed. He says: "For some who may want to deny that it [Guyana] has reached such a state, they must honestly pronounce that it will soon reach such a disastrous destination."


Ramjattan, like any democrat worth his salt, has a duty to warn the populace of present and future encroachment upon their rights.

Lest we forget, in the 1970s the PPP used to describe the PNC as a fascist regime like Hitler's Nazi party. Many political analysts say the current PPP regime is worse than the preceding PNC regime.


If the PPP is consolidating power like the Nazis how come they can't carry out their economic plans such as the contruction of a hydro-electric dam, specialty hospital, and many other projects? How come the PPP still cannot balance the armed forces? How come the PPP can't gain control of Geortown and rid City Hall of all those incompetent and corrupted people? The Reichstag was not controlled by the opposition. It was doing everything that Hitler dictated. Jadeo nor Ramotar does not have such powers. You have to be insane to believe Ramjattan.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I find this "Hitler" article by Ramjattan very troubling. Ramjattan can do a lot better than that.



Troubling?  The truth will always have unrighteous Ravan troubled.  

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I find this "Hitler" article by Ramjattan very troubling. Ramjattan can do a lot better than that.



The current PPP regime is worse than the preceding PNC regime.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If the PPP is consolidating power like the Nazis how come they can't carry out their economic plans such as the contruction of a hydro-electric dam, specialty hospital, and many other projects? How come the PPP still cannot balance the armed forces? How come the PPP can't gain control of Geortown and rid City Hall of all those incompetent and corrupted people? The Reichstag was not controlled by the opposition. It was doing everything that Hitler dictated. Jadeo nor Ramotar does not have such powers. You have to be insane to believe Ramjattan.

for 20 years they governed like kings. They did not feel accountable to anyone and never accounted for their action. Minimal restraints were placed on them this time around. Our constitution is a dictators constitution and the PPP embrace it like it is holy writ. Note they were the ones that defined it as a dictators constitution riddled with autocratic precepts when they were in office. They use it to shield their need to be autocrats


The Amalia falls was killed and barely so. It was a bloated pig affording them and their cohorts lots of pork. The specialty hospital is also a misplaced burden on us. Like the Marriott is is build on the backs of the people, despite their opposition to it as pork, because the PPP dictators want it to enrich their friends.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I find this "Hitler" article by Ramjattan very troubling. Ramjattan can do a lot better than that.



The current PPP regime is worse than the preceding PNC regime.

State terrorism under the PPP has been worse than PNC state terrorism. That article I posted last week shows factually how murderous the Jagdeo regime was, even killing its own Sash Sawh.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

rAMJHAAAAAAATAN IS A bloody fool!!!

He built a reasonable case so why do you think he is  foolish...without you  being indicted of the same offense?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

rAMJHAAAAAAATAN IS A bloody fool!!!

He built a reasonable case so why do you think he is  foolish...without you  being indicted of the same offense?

He demonstrated that he has no knowledge of Hitler for one. He writes about a subject that he is not verse in.


More the combined opposition open their mouths, the more ineffective is their ability to reach the voters. Just like the years of rigged elections, the official opposition(PPP) were ineffective no matter how much they bitched about it. Help only came to the ppl of Guyana after the whitemen decided to intervene. Only to replace rigged elections with insolence of the PPP-the replacement of the PNC. The Combined Oppostion has no effective on those who tramble on democracy. So, doan lament over Guyana-the voters are quite happy. There are no whitemen coming to remove the PPP.

Originally Posted by seignet:

More the combined opposition open their mouths, the more ineffective is their ability to reach the voters. Just like the years of rigged elections, the official opposition(PPP) were ineffective no matter how much they bitched about it. Help only came to the ppl of Guyana after the whitemen decided to intervene. Only to replace rigged elections with insolence of the PPP-the replacement of the PNC. The Combined Oppostion has no effective on those who tramble on democracy. So, doan lament over Guyana-the voters are quite happy. There are no whitemen coming to remove the PPP.

True Dat!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

rAMJHAAAAAAATAN IS A bloody fool!!!

He built a reasonable case so why do you think he is  foolish...without you  being indicted of the same offense?

He demonstrated that he has no knowledge of Hitler for one. He writes about a subject that he is not verse in.

Well, why don't you tell us since he did not speak of Hitler but of the rise of the Reich. You are the one pretending  you know something and offering any evidence you do.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I find this "Hitler" article by Ramjattan very troubling. Ramjattan can do a lot better than that.



The current PPP regime is worse than the preceding PNC regime.

State terrorism under the PPP has been worse than PNC state terrorism. That article I posted last week shows factually how murderous the Jagdeo regime was, even killing its own Sash Sawh.




The RCMP is interested in your statement. Can they contact you for proof ?


I prefer to see an inquiry into the murder of Sash since he was a very decent man. The PPP must have an inquiry into his death.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I find this "Hitler" article by Ramjattan very troubling. Ramjattan can do a lot better than that.



The current PPP regime is worse than the preceding PNC regime.

State terrorism under the PPP has been worse than PNC state terrorism. That article I posted last week shows factually how murderous the Jagdeo regime was, even killing its own Sash Sawh.




The RCMP is interested in your statement. Can they contact you for proof ?


I prefer to see an inquiry into the murder of Sash since he was a very decent man. The PPP must have an inquiry into his death.

Like haven't read the wiki leaks?


yuji how many deaths have had enquires thus far? The one we have goin  on now is from donkey years ago. This is the flippin problem, things are swept under the rug regardless of how loud the people scream.

Originally Posted by seignet:

That's what I said earlier. The ppl rights are trampled upon. When will they have enough?

The people busy like rass worrying bout getting by day by day them cyant even bruk them own fart

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I find this "Hitler" article by Ramjattan very troubling. Ramjattan can do a lot better than that.



The current PPP regime is worse than the preceding PNC regime.

State terrorism under the PPP has been worse than PNC state terrorism. That article I posted last week shows factually how murderous the Jagdeo regime was, even killing its own Sash Sawh.




The RCMP is interested in your statement. Can they contact you for proof ?

What statement? What proof? Please read again what I said. It's highlighted above.

And here's the relevant portion of that article which was written by Richard Millington, Research Assistant – George Washington University Law School and published in the CAS blog on Nov 20, 2011. You can show this to the RCMP and contact Sash's brother-in-law for confirmation:

"The phantom gang committed over four hundred murders for hire and executions of mostly young African Guyanese men. It is also responsible for hundreds of kidnappings, including that of a US diplomat. The gang also assassinated then PPP Agriculture Minister Sash Sawh as well as anti-PPP journalist Ronald Weddell. Sawh was locked in a bitter skirmish with Khan when he was killed. Waddell, a television talk show host, believed Jagdeo governed by ethnic supremacy and was unrelentingly critical of the PPP’s association with Khan. Jagdeo had also accused him of forming an alliance with Buxtonans who were resistant to the PPP government. The melee between Khan and Sawh stemmed from Sawh’s abrupt cancellation of a land deal that was signed between Khan and corrupt PPP appointees on the Forestry Commission, which fell within Sawh’s ministerial portfolio.  The deal awarded a large concession of lands to a company owned by Roger Khan, much to the chagrin of the US government....President Jagdeo rejected an offer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to assist the Guyana Police with the investigation. Sawh’s family has accused Jagdeo of complicity in his killing. Some members have defected to the opposition Alliance For Change party while his wife has reportedly been rewarded with a diplomatic posting ostensibly to quell further family demands for a commission of enquiry."

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

rAMJHAAAAAAATAN IS A bloody fool!!!

He built a reasonable case so why do you think he is  foolish...without you  being indicted of the same offense?

He demonstrated that he has no knowledge of Hitler for one. He writes about a subject that he is not verse in.

And who is making this qualitative observation, a man who did not even finish primary school????



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