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Ramjattan’s relevance in question


ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) members in the Diaspora are voicing their concern over the whereabouts of close to $50M they’ve raised in campaign funds, which to date cannot be accounted for.

They should not cry over this small sum of money they donated to help the AFC defeat the PPP. From Day One, when the PNCites in AFC wanted Trotman to ignore the rotation and be head man over Ramjattan second election around, I said to the former PPP supporters in the AFC that AFC only want your money and vote, but keep your traps shut after.

The PNCites in AFC had pegged PNCite Nigel Hughes to be at AFC helm whenever next election is held, but Nigel dumped mess all over himself, and is a risky politician at present.

I will repeat again that no one, not even Ramjattan’s family and close friends, will ever vote for him; so, at present, Ramjattan is irrelevant to AFC.

Those disgruntled PPP supporters who voted for the old ex-PPP traitor Nagamoottoo will not give him a second shot at it, simply because he joined with his new buddy, Nigel Hughes, to call for ‘consequences’ that brought harm to them on the Agricola Public Road.

Who is left to lead AFC for the next election? AFCites like Sasenarine Singh, Mike Persaud, Anand Persaud, Glenn Lall, Tarron Khemraj, the Hotel Peg owner and others now realise that Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo soaked them big time financially to support a party in which they have no power.

The media should ask these former PPP supporters if they ever bargained for the PNCites in AFC to run things for them.

T. King

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan’s relevance in question


ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) members in the Diaspora are voicing their concern over the whereabouts of close to $50M they’ve raised in campaign funds, which to date cannot be accounted for.

They should not cry over this small sum of money they donated to help the AFC defeat the PPP. From Day One, when the PNCites in AFC wanted Trotman to ignore the rotation and be head man over Ramjattan second election around, I said to the former PPP supporters in the AFC that AFC only want your money and vote, but keep your traps shut after.

The PNCites in AFC had pegged PNCite Nigel Hughes to be at AFC helm whenever next election is held, but Nigel dumped mess all over himself, and is a risky politician at present.

I will repeat again that no one, not even Ramjattan’s family and close friends, will ever vote for him; so, at present, Ramjattan is irrelevant to AFC.

Those disgruntled PPP supporters who voted for the old ex-PPP traitor Nagamoottoo will not give him a second shot at it, simply because he joined with his new buddy, Nigel Hughes, to call for ‘consequences’ that brought harm to them on the Agricola Public Road.

Who is left to lead AFC for the next election? AFCites like Sasenarine Singh, Mike Persaud, Anand Persaud, Glenn Lall, Tarron Khemraj, the Hotel Peg owner and others now realise that Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo soaked them big time financially to support a party in which they have no power.

The media should ask these former PPP supporters if they ever bargained for the PNCites in AFC to run things for them.

T. King



This man has been on the money for over a year now, bUT RAMU afraid to FACE the people.


Call the elections Ramu and cry after.  BE A MAN!


Local gov’t polls possible this year – Ramjattan

Posted By CSpringer - Editor On April 22, 2013 @ 5:47 pm In Local News | No Comments

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan believes local government elections are possible this year and has urged the fast-tracking of the examination of four crucial bills so that elections could be held by November.

He said the Guyana Elections Commission (Gecom) budget for 2013 was not cut because they are cognisant of this need. “We want Gecom to be fully financed and prepared for local government elections,” he told Stabroek News on Sunday.

The Local Government Commission Bill, the Fiscal Transfers Bill, the Local Government (Amendment) Bill and the Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill, which were deemed instrumental for local government reform and the holding of long-delayed local government elections, are being examined by a parliamentary Special Select Committee. Earlier this month, several members had reported that the work of the Committee is progressing steadily despite disagreements. Chairman of the committee, Basil Williams had said that they are considering the third of the four bills they have been mandated to examine.

Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan

Ramjattan said the AFC hopes the committee will fast-track the Bills, reach agreement on the contentious issues and hopefully wrap up the work by July and send the Bills back to the House. By November, local government elections should be held under the new regime, he said.

The AFC leader was “pretty confident” that the elections could be held this year unless government baulks on some of the contentious issues and hold up the process. “We feel that we have to work our way around those contentious issues…,” he said urging that all need to comprise in the interest of having the polls. “Half a loaf will be better than none,” he said.

The last local government elections were held in 1994. Earlier this year, the four key western missions in Guyana called for the holding of local government elections, saying that there is no valid justification for further delay, which they said is responsible for a persistent drag on Guyana’s national development.

“Given the important and pressing need for effective local governance, we believe that 2013 should be a watershed moment for the people of Guyana — the year they can once again democratically elect their local government,” said the statement signed by US ambassador D Brent Hardt, European Union ambassador Robert Kopecky, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom Andrew Ayre, and High Commissioner of Canada David Devine.

The government has blamed a number of factors for the non-holding of local government elections but critics have argued that it has been in charge of the process and it was always within its ability to hold the elections.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan’s relevance in question


ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) members in the Diaspora are voicing their concern over the whereabouts of close to $50M they’ve raised in campaign funds, which to date cannot be accounted for.

They should not cry over this small sum of money they donated to help the AFC defeat the PPP. From Day One, when the PNCites in AFC wanted Trotman to ignore the rotation and be head man over Ramjattan second election around, I said to the former PPP supporters in the AFC that AFC only want your money and vote, but keep your traps shut after.

The PNCites in AFC had pegged PNCite Nigel Hughes to be at AFC helm whenever next election is held, but Nigel dumped mess all over himself, and is a risky politician at present.

I will repeat again that no one, not even Ramjattan’s family and close friends, will ever vote for him; so, at present, Ramjattan is irrelevant to AFC.

Those disgruntled PPP supporters who voted for the old ex-PPP traitor Nagamoottoo will not give him a second shot at it, simply because he joined with his new buddy, Nigel Hughes, to call for ‘consequences’ that brought harm to them on the Agricola Public Road.

Who is left to lead AFC for the next election? AFCites like Sasenarine Singh, Mike Persaud, Anand Persaud, Glenn Lall, Tarron Khemraj, the Hotel Peg owner and others now realise that Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo soaked them big time financially to support a party in which they have no power.

The media should ask these former PPP supporters if they ever bargained for the PNCites in AFC to run things for them.

T. King

You are hiding Conscience but I will cath you talk before Sunday.  Continue hiding.


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