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Former Member

Ramjattan’s relevance in question

T. King, March 7, 2014, Source


ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) members in the Diaspora are voicing their concern over the whereabouts of close to $50M they’ve raised in campaign funds, which to date cannot be accounted for.


They should not cry over this small sum of money they donated to help the AFC defeat the PPP. From Day One, when the PNCites in AFC wanted Trotman to ignore the rotation and be head man over Ramjattan second election around, I said to the former PPP supporters in the AFC that AFC only want your money and vote, but keep your traps shut after.


The PNCites in AFC had pegged PNCite Nigel Hughes to be at AFC helm whenever next election is held, but Nigel dumped mess all over himself, and is a risky politician at present.


I will repeat again that no one, not even Ramjattan’s family and close friends, will ever vote for him; so, at present, Ramjattan is irrelevant to AFC.


Those disgruntled PPP supporters who voted for the old ex-PPP traitor Nagamoottoo will not give him a second shot at it, simply because he joined with his new buddy, Nigel Hughes, to call for ‘consequences’ that brought harm to them on the Agricola Public Road.


Who is left to lead AFC for the next election? AFCites like Sasenarine Singh, Mike Persaud, Anand Persaud, Glenn Lall, Tarron Khemraj, the Hotel Peg owner and others now realise that Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo soaked them big time financially to support a party in which they have no power.


The media should ask these former PPP supporters if they ever bargained for the PNCites in AFC to run things for them.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ADMIN, is this not the second post of the same letter that Conscience posted below.


How the PPP boys can flood the board with such levels of SPAMMING with no action from you?


Please Sir Raymond.



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ramjattan’s relevance in question

T. King, March 7, 2014, Source


ALLIANCE For Change (AFC) members in the Diaspora are voicing their concern over the whereabouts of close to $50M they’ve raised in campaign funds, which to date cannot be accounted for.


They should not cry over this small sum of money they donated to help the AFC defeat the PPP. From Day One, when the PNCites in AFC wanted Trotman to ignore the rotation and be head man over Ramjattan second election around, I said to the former PPP supporters in the AFC that AFC only want your money and vote, but keep your traps shut after.


The PNCites in AFC had pegged PNCite Nigel Hughes to be at AFC helm whenever next election is held, but Nigel dumped mess all over himself, and is a risky politician at present.


I will repeat again that no one, not even Ramjattan’s family and close friends, will ever vote for him; so, at present, Ramjattan is irrelevant to AFC.


Those disgruntled PPP supporters who voted for the old ex-PPP traitor Nagamoottoo will not give him a second shot at it, simply because he joined with his new buddy, Nigel Hughes, to call for ‘consequences’ that brought harm to them on the Agricola Public Road.


Who is left to lead AFC for the next election? AFCites like Sasenarine Singh, Mike Persaud, Anand Persaud, Glenn Lall, Tarron Khemraj, the Hotel Peg owner and others now realise that Ramjattan and Nagamoottoo soaked them big time financially to support a party in which they have no power.


The media should ask these former PPP supporters if they ever bargained for the PNCites in AFC to run things for them.

bai you think pampers is cheap,the AFC take that money and buy some washable pampers for bar-rat,now every time kwame wash conman wine

Originally Posted by KishanB:

ADMIN, is this not the second post of the same letter that Conscience posted below.


How the PPP boys can flood the board with such levels of SPAMMING with no action from you?


Please Sir Raymond.



It is unfair how this board can have the PPP boys flooding the bord with the same message on two strings but when I do it they complain.


This is the unfairness that make this board no FUN.


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