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The PPP doesn't want Haitians in Guyana because they are "Black" and likely to stay, become citizens, and vote for the Coalition.

He also said the reopening of sugar estates is racist, but closing them is not.

The racial division will forever be a part of Guyana culture when politicians playing the race card in making a point.

Granger really gets this man's head confused. This is the same Ramjattan who tells Berbicians to haul their brown asses and wait for security because he was busy preparing for the independence day celebration.

I will leave it right here.   

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Ramjattan was telling coolies in Berbice that they cannot vote for the PNC because it is a black party. Opening of the sugar estates will provide jobs for Guyanese.  Eighteen percent of the sugar workers were blacks.  The PPP is inclusive.  When the Coalition closes the sugar estates it was to spite the PPP.  Moses and Ramjattan lied to the sugar workers telling them that they are going to provide money to revive the sugar estates.

Ramjattan is practicing reversed Racism. To keep his job with the black party, he is the impression that he hates Indians. When in fact he and all the token house coolies hate Indians which include their lowlife families.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Viper posted:

The PPP doesn't want Haitians in Guyana because they are "Black" and likely to stay, become citizens, and vote for the Coalition.

He also said the reopening of sugar estates is racist, but closing them is not.

The racial division will forever be a part of Guyana culture when politicians playing the race card in making a point.

Granger really gets this man's head confused. This is the same Ramjattan who tells Berbicians to haul their brown asses and wait for security because he was busy preparing for the independence day celebration.

I will leave it right here.   

Its not only politicians who play the race card. Ordinary people on either side of the divide are to be blamed too. Even here on GNI there are some prominent racists who roam the board.

I know one guy here with many handles who said many many times that the only good blackman is a dead one.😁😄😃


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