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Former Member

Ramjattan seeks to cut $300M in funding for Amerindian projects

Thursday, 12 December 2013, Source


LEADER of the AFC, Kemraj Ramjattan, filed a motion with Parliament late yesterday to cut $300M in supplementary funding earmarked for the provision of projects and programmes in Amerindian communities.

The $500M supplementary funding was tabled by Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on November 7 and is expected to be debated in Parliament today. Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, upon receiving a copy of the motion said she was extremely appalled at the AFC leader.

“This motion clearly demonstrates the bias and contempt towards Amerindian development in Guyana and provides further evidence that the ACF is intentionally and maliciously stifling the Amerindian people,” the minister said.

The $500M supplementary funding comes on the heels of the just concluded National Toshao Council meetings which sought to provide a forum for Amerindian village leaders to plan developmental projects for their respective communities.

“The financial request is a direct response to the needs identified by the Amerindian leaders themselves to ensure children have access to an education, food and health care.” explained Minister Sukhai. “It also enables villagers to be self-sufficient in trade and agriculture through the development of roads and access paths.”

The Amerindian Affairs Minister explained that the provision of transportation to indigenous villages will ensure that children do not have to walk or paddle miles per day in order for them to reach to school or access health facilities. Likewise, due to the remoteness of villages in the hinterland, villagers do not easily access transportation, roadways and access paths through which they can transport agricultural produce. The supplementary funding was expected to provide much needed aid to those communities as Government continues to support their self-sufficiency.“ Agriculture is the backbone for many of these villages. To deny these communities transportation is to deny them economic and food security,” said the minister.

“I don’t believe the AFC has any commitment to the development of this country,” the minister said. “These villages have experienced years of neglect and marginalisation by the previous regime, and now, the AFC is continuing this legacy.”

The minister reassured however that all efforts will be made at her end to ensure that the AFC explains and justifies the proposed cuts to her constituents.

“This proposed cut is highly unacceptable by any political party,” the minister said. “I can justify any request for funding to the Amerindian people in Parliament.”

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ramjattan seeks to cut $300M in funding for Amerindian projects

Thursday, 12 December 2013, Source




Ramjattan needs to be publicly hanged or publicly stoned.



Last edited by Former Member

Dem boys seh…Ash Knee must explain de $8,000 million

December 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 



When a cat get corner he does become dangerous. People know bout cat that attack and scratch up some people and put dem in hospital. De other day Ash Knee behave like a cat and that was because he get cornered.  De nation ask him how he spend de extra money that parliament vote. Instead he explain to de nation, he resort to bad woman style and not dem expensive ones. He behave like dem cheap one wha he old time boss use to love. He cuss down and try fuh pull down and all kinda down. De way he behave deh inside de paper. He cuss Ramjattan and Nigel Hughes and Cathy Hughes like if is dem spend de $8,000 million that de nation asking bout. De way how he behave dem boys want to believe that he did hustle de money or a big portion of de money, if not all. And de only way dem boys gun believe otherwise is if he come and explain to de nation how de money really spend. Is not eight cents dem talking about. Is $8,000 million. He talking to this nation like if is he Mooma and he Daady money that he inherit and that nobody can’t ask he nutten. He shaat behind might get a slap if he continue to behave like that. Dem boys want he fuh know that he ain’t got de power like de Donald and Jagdeo can’t help him when de real people ready. Dem boys hear that Donald done recruiting an international tribunal fuh try some of dem in de Hague. Rob Earth deh in that. Irfaat and Ganda de Recycle man gun join he. Jagdeo in another category. He got to be tried, but not in Guyana. Uncle Sam done got the judge, de court and everything. De charge gun be money washing. He guh have to explain all dem property that he got, including de one that he just get from Brian. Dem boys want know de deal but neither he nor Brian talking. He really tie up he self wid nuff Brian– Brian James, Brian Yong and Brian Tiwari.   Is only Brian Lara get away.  Dem boys wonder if is de ‘ian’ in de name. Talk half and Ash Knee must explain de money.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Ramjattan seeks to cut $300M in funding for Amerindian projects

Thursday, 12 December 2013, Source


LEADER of the AFC, Kemraj Ramjattan, filed a motion with Parliament late yesterday to cut $300M in supplementary funding earmarked for the provision of projects and programmes in Amerindian communities.

The $500M supplementary funding was tabled by Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on November 7 and is expected to be debated in Parliament today. Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, upon receiving a copy of the motion said she was extremely appalled at the AFC leader.

“This motion clearly demonstrates the bias and contempt towards Amerindian development in Guyana and provides further evidence that the ACF is intentionally and maliciously stifling the Amerindian people,” the minister said.

The $500M supplementary funding comes on the heels of the just concluded National Toshao Council meetings which sought to provide a forum for Amerindian village leaders to plan developmental projects for their respective communities.

“The financial request is a direct response to the needs identified by the Amerindian leaders themselves to ensure children have access to an education, food and health care.” explained Minister Sukhai. “It also enables villagers to be self-sufficient in trade and agriculture through the development of roads and access paths.”

The Amerindian Affairs Minister explained that the provision of transportation to indigenous villages will ensure that children do not have to walk or paddle miles per day in order for them to reach to school or access health facilities. Likewise, due to the remoteness of villages in the hinterland, villagers do not easily access transportation, roadways and access paths through which they can transport agricultural produce. The supplementary funding was expected to provide much needed aid to those communities as Government continues to support their self-sufficiency.“ Agriculture is the backbone for many of these villages. To deny these communities transportation is to deny them economic and food security,” said the minister.

“I don’t believe the AFC has any commitment to the development of this country,” the minister said. “These villages have experienced years of neglect and marginalisation by the previous regime, and now, the AFC is continuing this legacy.”

The minister reassured however that all efforts will be made at her end to ensure that the AFC explains and justifies the proposed cuts to her constituents.

“This proposed cut is highly unacceptable by any political party,” the minister said. “I can justify any request for funding to the Amerindian people in Parliament.”

I am sure this is a hooting and a hollering for nothing like their last attempt as saying the AFC was depriving amerinds given they looped portions off the LCDS last time. I am not even going to ponder the fraud that the AFC is anti Amerinds.

Last edited by Former Member

The AFC is not amused by the vile attempts of the PPP/C administration to cause strife and urges our Amerindian brothers and sisters and all residents of hinterland communities to inform themselves on how funds for LCDS projects can be accessed from the GRIF. The AFC wants to make clear that the LCDS projects in Amerindian and hinterland communities will not be affected by cuts to the 2012 budget.

Under the agreement with Norway whereby that country has committed to providing Guyana with up to US$250 million by 2015, a Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) has been set up with the World Bank as the Trustee. The World Bank will receive the money from Norway and transfer t it to the Partner Entities when a request is made. These Partner Entities are the Inter American Development Bank (IDB), the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank. (Not the Government of Guyana)

All projects to be funded must be approved by a Steering Committee that has been set up and which comprise representatives of Guyana and Norway. Once the Steering Committee approves a project and agrees on an amount of funds to be allocated it will notify the World Bank and the Partner Entity (IDB, UNDP or WB) of such approval. The Trustee (WB) will issue a Letter of Commitment to pay over the approved allocation. When the Partner entity receives this letter it will send a Transfer Request to the World Bank. The World Bank will then pay the requested allocation to the Partner Entity which will make all payments to the implementing agency.

The agreement provides that once the projects are approved by the Steering Committee and does not exceed the amount in the Fund, money will be allocated. All projects approved by the Steering Committee whether it be Amerindian Land Titling, provision of solar panels for Hinterland communities, Micro and Small Enterprise Development or any other approved project will receive funding once they reach the eligibility criteria of the Partner Entity and the Steering Committee.

Persons can check this information against what is provided by the World Bank by visiting the World Bank website:

The Government’s vile attempts to mislead the Parliament into thinking that the budget amount of $18 billion that was voted against, was money that would form part of the treasury was dishonest to say the least and could very well be intended to establish a false defensive position the government intends to take when it fails to reach the standards set by IDB and UNDP for accessing the fund.

This would not be the first time that the PPP/C Government would have failed to meet internationally set standards for accessing financing.

Guyanese well remember the negligence of the PPP/C administration in 2011 that resulted in Guyana not accessing $3.8 billion of EU funding for the sugar industry and the failure of that same administration to agree to benchmarks that would have allowed Guyana to secure a $4 billion security sector reform project fund from the British Government. It is clear that that the PPP administration is unwilling to actively pursue any foreign funded project with high standards of accountability and transparency.

 The AFC will be publishing information on the management of the GRIF which the public can verify.  [END]

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure this is a hooting and a hollering for nothing like their last attempt as saying the AFC was depriving amerinds given the looped portions off the LCDS last time. I am not even going to ponder the fraud that the AFC is anti Amerinds.


What part of $300M you don't understand?  The PPP proposed $500M and Ramjattan wants to cut it down to $200M. Stop playing stupid or maybe that Howard education causing you to flip flop. On moment you say that the PPP don't do enough for the Amerindians, the next moment you back up cockeye for proposing budget cuts to them.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I am sure this is a hooting and a hollering for nothing like their last attempt as saying the AFC was depriving amerinds given the looped portions off the LCDS last time. I am not even going to ponder the fraud that the AFC is anti Amerinds.


What part of $300M you don't understand?  The PPP proposed $500M and Ramjattan wants to cut it down to $200M. Stop playing stupid or maybe that Howard education causing you to flip flop. On moment you say that the PPP don't do enough for the Amerindians, the next moment you back up cockeye for proposing budget cuts to them.

Did I say I did not understand anything. I am completely convince this is the shrill cry of crooks trying to pad their pockets in someway. My Howard education is prized. I suggest you inform us of where you went before condemning what you do not know a damn about.


Of course the PPP do not do enough for Amerindians. Schemes like the interior electrification program is a big con job. Imagine handing a black bush indo a 60 watt bulb and tell him it will last 6 hours and call that Black bush electrification. 


Guyanese well remember the negligence of the PPP/C administration in 2011 that resulted in Guyana not accessing $3.8 billion of EU funding for the sugar industry and the failure of that same administration to agree to benchmarks that would have allowed Guyana to secure a $4 billion security sector reform project fund from the British Government. It is clear that that the PPP administration is unwilling to actively pursue any foreign funded project with high standards of accountability and transparency.

 The AFC will be publishing information on the management of the GRIF which the public can verify.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

WE WANT OUR MONEY! Hinterland residents protest against AFC’s plan to cut $300M of its funding



Hope you did not pick them out from the hostel and pay them to come like t he last folks are quite the creep


I do not blame the AFC President from cutting off any kinds of funds right now, the reason is simply that I do not trust the Corrupt PPP/C, I believe that, had Ramjattan votedfor that amount, what might have happened is that the Amerindian would have seen less than 150 million and the rest would have gone for Channa, in the Corrupt PPP/C pockets.


If the Procurement Committee is set up, then strict financial precedent would be adhered to and followed, right now no one, I mean no one trust the Corrupt PPP/C  


The AFC has lost the very limited public support in some factions of the society as a result, they are doing whatever it takes to have the cameras on them, even if it entitles affecting the lives of our hard working Amerindian brothers and sisters.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC has lost the very limited public support in some factions of the society as a result, they are doing whatever it takes to have the cameras on them, even if it entitles affecting the lives of our hard working Amerindian brothers and sisters.

And the corrupt PPP is soaring to new heights in the polls! Wake up

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Dem boys seh…Ash Knee must explain de $8,000 million

December 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 



When a cat get corner he does become dangerous. People know bout cat that attack and scratch up some people and put dem in hospital. De other day Ash Knee behave like a cat and that was because he get cornered.  De nation ask him how he spend de extra money that parliament vote. Instead he explain to de nation, he resort to bad woman style and not dem expensive ones. He behave like dem cheap one wha he old time boss use to love. He cuss down and try fuh pull down and all kinda down. De way he behave deh inside de paper. He cuss Ramjattan and Nigel Hughes and Cathy Hughes like if is dem spend de $8,000 million that de nation asking bout. De way how he behave dem boys want to believe that he did hustle de money or a big portion of de money, if not all. And de only way dem boys gun believe otherwise is if he come and explain to de nation how de money really spend. Is not eight cents dem talking about. Is $8,000 million. He talking to this nation like if is he Mooma and he Daady money that he inherit and that nobody can’t ask he nutten. He shaat behind might get a slap if he continue to behave like that. Dem boys want he fuh know that he ain’t got de power like de Donald and Jagdeo can’t help him when de real people ready. Dem boys hear that Donald done recruiting an international tribunal fuh try some of dem in de Hague. Rob Earth deh in that. Irfaat and Ganda de Recycle man gun join he. Jagdeo in another category. He got to be tried, but not in Guyana. Uncle Sam done got the judge, de court and everything. De charge gun be money washing. He guh have to explain all dem property that he got, including de one that he just get from Brian. Dem boys want know de deal but neither he nor Brian talking. He really tie up he self wid nuff Brian– Brian James, Brian Yong and Brian Tiwari.   Is only Brian Lara get away.  Dem boys wonder if is de ‘ian’ in de name. Talk half and Ash Knee must explain de money.

8,000 Million is a lot of moolah, it is not $300 Million, and yet the Corrupt  PPP/C has no answer.


If the joint opposition was so confident of their "perceive" massive support, they would have already pass a vote of no-confidence against the state, but they knew to their gut that the PPP/C was a victim of their own success at the 2011 polls and also suffered from incumbency fatigue all of which the party has fully recovered from.


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