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Ramjattan attacks NICIL, ‘fat cats’ at AFC Rosignol meeting

May 19, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



“Gail Teixeira– $800,000 a month; Odinga Lumumba– $660,000 a month; you got some of the relatives of Ramotar– one of his sons– $3M a month! Reepu Daman Persaud, who could hardly walk these days– he also collecting a salary– $500,000 I understand—as a spiritual adviser!”

Khemraj Ramjattan who made these disclosures, added that those persons have gardeners, enjoy duty- free concessions and “some of them don’t work. “All these old time PPP guys doing nothing but collecting half a million dollars and more every month and then they come and tell you that they don’t have salary increases for you, that GuySuCo doing bad.”

Ramjattan, the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), said that the new dispensation in Parliament is bringing out all of the corruption in government, including NICIL.  He said that the AFC is bringing out this corruption to show that better can be done for Guyanese.

In addressing a crowd at Rosignol Village, West Berbice Thursday evening, the politician said that a number of demands the party made in the 2012 National Budget were not made. “Although we have lots of monies in this country– plenty money is being siphoned off into irregular devices like NICIL– companies that are not supposed to have the monies and then they come and criticise us for making cuts in the budget!”

He said that there has not been an honest declaration of what all the incomes are in Guyana . “This government has siphoned off more than $50B in NICIL!”
The Member of Parliament said that the money would be used to build certain projects they alone [the government] will enjoy like the Marriot Hotel”. He alluded to what Dr. Cheddi Jagan said that you “can’t start Mercedes projects with a jackass economy”.

“We do not need fancy hotels which Jagdeo and his boys are going to go to,” he said.

Ramjattan noted that the government wants to siphon the money for purposes of enjoying it themselves. He said that the people must appreciate that NICIL is not an organisation that is very transparent.

“We have to ask so much questions to see where the money is going and we are not getting answers– billions and billions of dollars are being cut in the budget not by the AFC or APNU but by this government and they are preventing us from utilising the monies for increases that you so desire”.

He said that even APNU lost faith in the discussions with the government. “After a while (the government) promised APNU the whole world without the AFC; and then APNU had to come back and then we started to make these rational cuts”.

Ramjattan said that the people are told that the cuts are irrational, “but I stand here as Chairman of the AFC and a Parliamentarian for over 25 years– indeed, everything we did in Parliament is justified!”

The AFC Leader said when all of the monies are calculated, they amount to over $100M annually in salaries. “What we did, because of the fact that we cannot in all good conscience continue this thing, we cutting back”.

Speaking about the cuts on NCN, Ramjattan said that the government must have a news agency, “but the money we cut from NCN was based on the fact, that NCN, through advertisements, make $500M a year.”

He said that private TV stations do not make so much advertisement money. “We decided we will not give them because that TV station can earn its own monies and it must also– another conditionality– it has to be more balanced!”

In the coming days and weeks, he said that the AFC will be carrying on a relentless battle to get all the monies “so we can make life for you Guyanese far happier and far better”.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

In principle he is absolutely correct and should be applauded for his relentless struggle for transparency, accountability and economic justice for the people.  My reservation is not him, but how many are listening or care to understand.  I went there and talk to many people, poor and rich, in a non-political way and truth is, very few care except to take care of themselves.


The well-to-do, including the PPP elites, are flaunting it with their fancy cars and SUV's sporting their Louis Vetton accessories, the poor are scrunging for a living in survival mode and preying off each other, the middle class are hell-bent on preserving whatever they and and seeking a way out for their kids.  This is the nation of Guyana, this is nation building, PPP style.


EVERY Guyanese, Politicans, Citizens, People in Leadership should ALL be fighting for Equality, Justice and the Rule of Law. I AGREE with you that it seems that too many are receiving large Salaries and Behefits which the Country cannot afford. However, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to highlight and fight these inequalities. The individuals must be SINCERE( Not preaching for political or other gains) but MUST be genuinely concerned with the plight of THE POOR. Remember, GLADIATORS are entitled to their share but there has to be a limit as to how many Gladiators can be supported.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

EVERY Guyanese, Politicans, Citizens, People in Leadership should ALL be fighting for Equality, Justice and the Rule of Law. I AGREE with you that it seems that too many are receiving large Salaries and Behefits which the Country cannot afford. However, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to highlight and fight these inequalities. The individuals must be SINCERE( Not preaching for political or other gains) but MUST be genuinely concerned with the plight of THE POOR. Remember, GLADIATORS are entitled to their share but there has to be a limit as to how many Gladiators can be supported.

Could you help us with the RIGHT way?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

EVERY Guyanese, Politicans, Citizens, People in Leadership should ALL be fighting for Equality, Justice and the Rule of Law. I AGREE with you that it seems that too many are receiving large Salaries and Behefits which the Country cannot afford. However, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to highlight and fight these inequalities. The individuals must be SINCERE( Not preaching for political or other gains) but MUST be genuinely concerned with the plight of THE POOR. Remember, GLADIATORS are entitled to their share but there has to be a limit as to how many Gladiators can be supported.

Not because them cane cutter has a cutlass make them "GLADIATORS"


"The Member of Parliament said that the money would be used to build certain projects they alone [the government] will enjoy like the Marriot Hotel”. He alluded to what Dr. Cheddi Jagan said that you “can’t start Mercedes projects with a jackass economy”.

“We do not need fancy hotels which Jagdeo and his boys are going to go to,” he said."



They can do the hotel once it is ALL private money. But therein lies the private investor sees it as a viable project right now in Guyana's history.

Originally Posted by baseman:

In principle he is absolutely correct and should be applauded for his relentless struggle for transparency, accountability and economic justice for the people.  My reservation is not him, but how many are listening or care to understand.  I went there and talk to many people, poor and rich, in a non-political way and truth is, very few care except to take care of themselves.


The well-to-do, including the PPP elites, are flaunting it with their fancy cars and SUV's sporting their Louis Vetton accessories, the poor are scrunging for a living in survival mode and preying off each other, the middle class are hell-bent on preserving whatever they and and seeking a way out for their kids.  This is the nation of Guyana, this is nation building, PPP style.


Which is sad because there are better ways of doing it.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

EVERY Guyanese, Politicans, Citizens, People in Leadership should ALL be fighting for Equality, Justice and the Rule of Law. I AGREE with you that it seems that too many are receiving large Salaries and Behefits which the Country cannot afford. However, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to highlight and fight these inequalities. The individuals must be SINCERE( Not preaching for political or other gains) but MUST be genuinely concerned with the plight of THE POOR. Remember, GLADIATORS are entitled to their share but there has to be a limit as to how many Gladiators can be supported.

Could you help us with the RIGHT wa
The RIGHY way is to HIRE a cmpetent Team to Evaluate the needs and recommend Cuts. There has to be discussuins in Parliament NOT wholesale cuts of entire Budgets. This MUST also include the Civil Service and Security Services. I think this will be an adequate start.


Speaking about the cuts on NCN, Ramjattan said that the government must have a news agency, “but the money we cut from NCN was based on the fact, that NCN, through advertisements, make $500M a year.”

He said that private TV stations do not make so much advertisement money. “We decided we will not give them because that TV station can earn its own monies and it must also– another conditionality– it has to be more balanced!”


Granger and his people are smiling at what's happening now. The AFC will knock walls and the PNC dogs will break free after twenty years in the kennel. Keep hope alive. The redeemer of the PNC has arrived. They will break these shackles and we will be free to govern the way we once did.


Thanks to the AFC. The UF helped us in the sixties. They disappeared while we enjoyed ourselves in office. God has sent us a new blessing, the AFC.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

EVERY Guyanese, Politicans, Citizens, People in Leadership should ALL be fighting for Equality, Justice and the Rule of Law. I AGREE with you that it seems that too many are receiving large Salaries and Behefits which the Country cannot afford. However, there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to highlight and fight these inequalities. The individuals must be SINCERE( Not preaching for political or other gains) but MUST be genuinely concerned with the plight of THE POOR. Remember, GLADIATORS are entitled to their share but there has to be a limit as to how many Gladiators can be supported.

Could you help us with the RIGHT wa
The RIGHY way is to HIRE a cmpetent Team to Evaluate the needs and recommend Cuts. There has to be discussuins in Parliament NOT wholesale cuts of entire Budgets. This MUST also include the Civil Service and Security Services. I think this will be an adequate start.

Well, i'm such this is exactly the original thought which the opposition lack and why they cannot find a way out.  You should send these to the AFC.


You know, there are leaders and cheer-leaders, there and players and there are spectators, there are risk takers and there are perfect hind-sighters.  Fortunately, all of us could find a place but not all are agents of change.


I have a question, do you think the PPP would have bothered what anyone have to say if the Budget was passed?  These issues are years old but the PPP was a majority and cared not for dialogue.  Regarding the Civil Service and Security Force, surely these should be looked at.  Why dont the PPP put these up as a counter to cuts at the OP after all, these are PNC territories.  That's the way of negotiation.


With all due respect to dialogue with the PNC, there is not much you can do to have a civilised discussion with the PNC. For years they have sat in Parliament either doing nothing or being destructive.However, communications between all Parties are necessary for the PROGRESS of the country. I m CONFIDENT that Pres Ramotar is willing and able in this regard. By the way, there were many discussui before the Budget was tabled, ahgreements and then betrayal by both KFC and PNC.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

With all due respect to dialogue with the PNC, there is not much you can do to have a civilised discussion with the PNC. For years they have sat in Parliament either doing nothing or being destructive.However, communications between all Parties are necessary for the PROGRESS of the country. I m CONFIDENT that Pres Ramotar is willing and able in this regard. By the way, there were many discussui before the Budget was tabled, ahgreements and then betrayal by both KFC and PNC.

You know my position and opinion regarding the PNC and their historical behavior. At this moment, I continue to view the PNC as I always did and understand the concerns and fear of my Indian brothers/sisters.


Please be specific on what was tabled and how/why there was "betrayal" as you put it.


too bad ramjattan was not a rich man maybe then he could have do the right thing for guyana and force out these ppp thief by brute force, i say the time for talk is long gone its time for action then he could realy jail the bitches

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Baseman, To answer your question directly, THE PPP lacks the BALLS to reform the Civil Service and Security Services.

You may not realize this, the Civil Service and security apparatus plays will into the hands of the element of the PPP ruling clan who wishes to continue in a "conveniently accountable" posture.


Almost every country I know, people complain about their public/Govt sector.  Personally, I don't think a major reform of the institution is needed, what is needed to constitutional reform which removes the GDF from the political equation.  This may create a different electoral dynamics and the rest will fall into place.  It's not a matter of balls.  They definitely "balls-up" those Buxton terrorists and their sponsors.

Originally Posted by warrior:

too bad ramjattan was not a rich man maybe then he could have do the right thing for guyana and force out these ppp thief by brute force, i say the time for talk is long gone its time for action then he could realy jail the bitches

What does that mean?  This is the attitude which keeps the nation in a cold-war freeze frame.  Threatening will bring nothing, no one will stand to see members of the PPP being threatened with jail, etc.  In the end, it was they who freed us (Indians) from the phangs of the tyranical PNC.  No one will forget that.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

too bad ramjattan was not a rich man maybe then he could have do the right thing for guyana and force out these ppp thief by brute force, i say the time for talk is long gone its time for action then he could realy jail the bitches

What does that mean?  This is the attitude which keeps the nation in a cold-war freeze frame.  Threatening will bring nothing, no one will stand to see members of the PPP being threatened with jail, etc.  In the end, it was they who freed us (Indians) from the phangs of the tyranical PNC.  No one will forget that.

Bhai, Dat is a prime example of a "COOLIE" spewing GARBAGE!!!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:

Personally, I don't think a major reform of the institution is needed, what is needed to constitutional reform which removes the GDF from the political equation.

Please explain what you mean . . .

Originally Posted by baseman:

What does that mean?  This is the attitude which keeps the nation in a cold-war freeze frame.  Threatening will bring nothing, no one will stand to see members of the PPP being threatened with jail, etc.  In the end, it was they who freed us (Indians) from the phangs of the tyranical PNC.  No one will forget that.

SPEAK FOR YOURSELF criminal lover! This is the kind of 'reasoning' which convinces the PPP crime family that they need fear NO repercussions for their depradations. 


Ramjattan has some valid points. Hopefully this will cause the PPP to change the cronyism that has been the norm in Guyana ever since independence. The PNC were also famous for rewarding their cronies with paper positions. 


the ppp feel that they can buy anybody in the security force and who they cannot buy they try to distroy.nowonder they steal without any fear and plus they have the support of some indians without any moral standard but they should know that good always distroy evil its only time,and i can see they time is coming to a end i only hope for future generation to learn they pay dearly

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Personally, I don't think a major reform of the institution is needed, what is needed to constitutional reform which removes the GDF from the political equation.

Please explain what you mean . . .

Think about it, if you can.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

What does that mean?  This is the attitude which keeps the nation in a cold-war freeze frame.  Threatening will bring nothing, no one will stand to see members of the PPP being threatened with jail, etc.  In the end, it was they who freed us (Indians) from the phangs of the tyranical PNC.  No one will forget that.

SPEAK FOR YOURSELF criminal lover! This is the kind of 'reasoning' which convinces the PPP crime family that they need fear NO repercussions for their depradations. 

Unfortunately, you do not speak for the vast majority of Indians.  I can assure you, these sentiments are hard-coded in the Indian mind.  If you think differently, be my guess, you are free to play Alice in Wonderland.


Ask your PNC campaigners what was their message to their Afro constituency.  The "card" has been played, cannot pull it back now.


i guess you do not live in guyana,if you do you will hear the indians saying this time is nan long time,the ppp lose the indians vote because the indians lose faith in the ppp they thief too much and the last election had nothing to do with if you scare of the black people you is nothing but a coward

Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you do not live in guyana,if you do you will hear the indians saying this time is nan long time,the ppp lose the indians vote because the indians lose faith in the ppp they thief too much and the last election had nothing to do with if you scare of the black people you is nothing but a coward

Yea, well you certainly don't have your ear to the ground.  Frankly, it does not matter what we think, the deceipt of the last election will play itself out in the next election.  We just have to wait for vindication.


No one afraid of anyone, but in the 28 years of PNC rule we lived under guns and boots and were expected to cry uncle and say "massa".  Those days will never be allowed to return.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

What does that mean?  This is the attitude which keeps the nation in a cold-war freeze frame.  Threatening will bring nothing, no one will stand to see members of the PPP being threatened with jail, etc.  In the end, it was they who freed us (Indians) from the phangs of the tyranical PNC.  No one will forget that.

SPEAK FOR YOURSELF criminal lover! This is the kind of 'reasoning' which convinces the PPP crime family that they need fear NO repercussions for their depradations. 

Unfortunately, you do not speak for the vast majority of Indians.  I can assure you, these sentiments are hard-coded in the Indian mind.  If you think differently, be my guess, you are free to play Alice in Wonderland.


Ask your PNC campaigners what was their message to their Afro constituency.  The "card" has been played, cannot pull it back now.

How 'Sledgehammerish' of you, Mr "Baseman"!


The only thing that's "hard-coded" is the racism in YOUR mind . . . venturing out under the flag of 'greviance' whenever PPP criminal rule appears under any real threat.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you do not live in guyana,if you do you will hear the indians saying this time is nan long time,the ppp lose the indians vote because the indians lose faith in the ppp they thief too much and the last election had nothing to do with if you scare of the black people you is nothing but a coward

Yea, well you certainly don't have your ear to the ground.  Frankly, it does not matter what we think, the deceipt of the last election will play itself out in the next election.  We just have to wait for vindication.


No one afraid of anyone, but in the 28 years of PNC rule we lived under guns and boots and were expected to cry uncle and say "massa".  Those days will never be allowed to return.

Baseman, IDIOTS like these are so egoistic, selfish and power hungry that they are blinded by their IGNORANCE!!!!!!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramjattan has some valid points. Hopefully this will cause the PPP to change the cronyism that has been the norm in Guyana ever since independence. The PNC were also famous for rewarding their cronies with paper positions. 

Bgurd, thank you. I had to read your response twice.


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