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Former Member

Ok folks


This is one exciting election.


According to AFC's supporter Kishan B's posting this morning, talks between the AFC and PNC broke down in which Ramjattan told Granger to haul his a**


My sources have also confirmed this revelation.


The sticking point apparently stems from Ramjattan demanding BOTH the Presidential and Prime Ministerial spot for the AFC and giving the PNC the Ministers of Finance and Home Affairs.


This did not go too well with the PNC and created an uproar in the PNC camp.


Now, given this situation, should Ramjattan and Moses lead the PNC ?


Should Granger allow Ramjattan and Moses to take over the PNC ?


The AFC cannot even organize a protest or hold a political meeting. The AFC are now behaving like bullies.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Quote from PNC Member


"However, prominent opposition supporter, Carol Sinclair of Region Five (Mahaica/ West Berbice) said that what the AFC is now coming with is what the PNC has been saying since during its 2011 campaign. β€œAPNU has been proposing inclusive government…” Sinclair said the parties are still taking and β€œI don’t want to say anything that would jeopardise the talks… but my personal view is that the way the AFC is going about it as though they are the boss and we, I mean APNU is just following is not right. They have to hold a big congress between the two parties and let members from both sides vote on it… if they don’t do that I don’t see it working because after the elections there will be problems…”"



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


This is one exciting election.


According to AFC's supporter Kishan B's posting this morning, talks between the AFC and PNC broke down in which Ramjattan told Granger to haul his a**


My sources have also confirmed this revelation.


The sticking point apparently stems from Ramjattan demanding BOTH the Presidential and Prime Ministerial spot for the AFC and giving the PNC the Ministers of Finance and Home Affairs.




This is a blatant lie. yuji is deliberately sowing mischief.

It will backfire big time.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote from PNC Member


"However, prominent opposition supporter, Carol Sinclair of Region Five (Mahaica/ West Berbice) said that what the AFC is now coming with is what the PNC has been saying since during its 2011 campaign. β€œAPNU has been proposing inclusive government…” Sinclair said the parties are still taking and β€œI don’t want to say anything that would jeopardise the talks… but my personal view is that the way the AFC is going about it as though they are the boss and we, I mean APNU is just following is not right. They have to hold a big congress between the two parties and let members from both sides vote on it… if they don’t do that I don’t see it working because after the elections there will be problems…”"



That is called negotiation, to the unschooled you are willing to chase any bone thrown in your direction.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


This is one exciting election.


According to AFC's supporter Kishan B's posting this morning, talks between the AFC and PNC broke down in which Ramjattan told Granger to haul his a**


My sources have also confirmed this revelation.


The sticking point apparently stems from Ramjattan demanding BOTH the Presidential and Prime Ministerial spot for the AFC and giving the PNC the Ministers of Finance and Home Affairs.




This is a blatant lie. yuji is deliberately sowing mischief.

It will backfire big time.




This has been rumoured and my source is very reliable. I have spies in both camps. I said apparently in my post, please read it carefully.


This information will soon be confirmed as talks have broken down between the AFC and PNC. It is only a matter of time before this becomes public knowledge.


This is all part of the campaign and we will see and hear a lot more about this stalled negotiation between the AFC and PNC.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


This is one exciting election.


According to AFC's supporter Kishan B's posting this morning, talks between the AFC and PNC broke down in which Ramjattan told Granger to haul his a**


My sources have also confirmed this revelation.


The sticking point apparently stems from Ramjattan demanding BOTH the Presidential and Prime Ministerial spot for the AFC and giving the PNC the Ministers of Finance and Home Affairs.




This is a blatant lie. yuji is deliberately sowing mischief.

It will backfire big time.




This has been rumoured and my source is very reliable. I have spies in both camps. I said apparently in my post, please read it carefully.



Your spies are telling you what you want to hear. I don't blame them. They're smart not to pull the plug on their recompence --- apparently.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


This is one exciting election.


According to AFC's supporter Kishan B's posting this morning, talks between the AFC and PNC broke down in which Ramjattan told Granger to haul his a**


My sources have also confirmed this revelation.


The sticking point apparently stems from Ramjattan demanding BOTH the Presidential and Prime Ministerial spot for the AFC and giving the PNC the Ministers of Finance and Home Affairs.




This is a blatant lie. yuji is deliberately sowing mischief.

It will backfire big time.




This has been rumoured and my source is very reliable. I have spies in both camps. I said apparently in my post, please read it carefully.



Your spies are telling you what you want to hear. I don't blame them. They're smart not to pull the plug on their recompence --- apparently.


We will find out.


You said the same thing about Boots on The Ground in Berbice which was responsible for dismantling the AFC. The AFC fell asleep at the switch when they had momentum going for them in 2011.


The AFC has a bunch of very lazy leaders. The biggest loss was depriving Gerhard a seat in parliament which eventually led to Gerhard leaving the AFC in frustration.


Gerhard could have been a very valuable asset to the AFC during this important campaign. Big Blunder by the AFC.


Granger scored a big bonus by having Gerhard on his side.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

AFC & APNU Talks

are progressing well....


and APNU has their eyes on the prize.


Granger said without AFC

PNC will be sitting

de same place fuh de next 50 years

It seems pretty simple doesn’t it? You do what’s important to you ...

Granger then said


Raise yuh hand if yuh want PPP still in Govt...

Dem PNC boys "Sit down pun dem hands"


How does APNC (A Partneship for National Change)sound to you?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


This is one exciting election.


According to AFC's supporter Kishan B's posting this morning, talks between the AFC and PNC broke down in which Ramjattan told Granger to haul his a**


My sources have also confirmed this revelation.


The sticking point apparently stems from Ramjattan demanding BOTH the Presidential and Prime Ministerial spot for the AFC and giving the PNC the Ministers of Finance and Home Affairs.


This did not go too well with the PNC and created an uproar in the PNC camp.


Now, given this situation, should Ramjattan and Moses lead the PNC ?


Should Granger allow Ramjattan and Moses to take over the PNC ?


The AFC cannot even organize a protest or hold a political meeting. The AFC are now behaving like bullies.



SO what, at least it is not like th PPP where Kwame teking over the Freedom House.


Jagan's Dream was to Unite PPP & PNC.....

 and Lead Them.


He saw a lot of Good in the PNC.


Jagan did not see.....

all de Dhar Poke & Chat-3 in the PPP

hijacking Freedom House......




 Teaming up with

(the worst Bandits in the PNC)

The House of Isreal Thugs,

Black PNC Thugs, Killers, Rapist

& Election Riggers.......




to Create

a Bunch of Crooks & Drug Dealers.



Now the PNC is free of their worst Bandits

(Dem all move over to Freedom House)......

even Jagan would want lead PNC Today.

Last edited by Former Member

United front is best way to landside victory – AFC

January 23, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

The Alliance For Change (AFC) remains optimistic that a pro-democracy grouping will result in the expulsion of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Administration which has, according to the opposition, done little or no good for Guyana in recent times.

AFC vice chairman Moses Nagamootoo

AFC vice chairman Moses Nagamootoo

The Party has no doubt that such an alliance, which will include alignment with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), will daunt any of its supporters. This was told to the media yesterday by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan as he hosted his party’s weekly press conference. Ramjattan was asked if his Party considered the fact that many who voted for the AFC in the past did so to run away from PPP and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-dominated APNU, and to what extent will an alliance affect such support. β€œI feel it will not in any way daunt them,” Ramjattan replied. He said that those who supported AFC for its fresh outlook can rest assured that none of AFC’s polices will be compromised. In this regard, Ramjattan stated emphatically that the AFC will not align itself with APNU unless it is an AFC-led alliance. β€œSo if it will be led, there will be no cause for concern and whatever we said we will go into elections with we will do so,” said Ramjattan. He added that β€œIt will be more beneficial to those you say may be daunted by that move.” Also, AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo said that β€œmost persons who voted for the AFC voted consciously for change, and if we are able to bring together more forces we may have a positive change.” Nagamootoo placed emphasis on the fact that the proposed alliance is β€œnot only APNU, we are talking about civil societies, other organizations such as state unions and those persons who are being marginalized and sidelined in the PPP as I speak right now, because they dare not put up challenges to the powers that be in that administration.” He said that the AFC believes that the impetus of carrying a broad front offers a greater opportunity for change and β€œI believe it will be a landslide victory for Guyana if we were able to have a united front in this election as opposed to several parties.” Nagamootoo said that the AFC will not lose any supporters if voters understand that β€œIt (the alliance) is not what is wrongly being brandished to the effect that it is an AFC-APNU alliance…our pro-democracy alliance is for the people’s front against this corrupt regime.”

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

AFC won't win shit on their own. They will win berbice. 


Uncle Raphael done wuk out he deal wid granger wait until that hits the floor.

Is the country going to fall apart?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Some PNC/APNU bashers already praising the PNC/APNU. Some even cross over already. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

AFC won't win shit on their own. They will win berbice. 


Uncle Raphael done wuk out he deal wid granger wait until that hits the floor.

Is the country going to fall apart?

Change! Change! Change bai!

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Some PNC/APNU bashers already praising the PNC/APNU. Some even cross over already. 

Me kall dem dry goat shit. Roll wid de breeze.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Some PNC/APNU bashers already praising the PNC/APNU. Some even cross over already. 

Most of the AFC done gone over to APNU Ramjattan loves TV time. He too will soon tek a drink of reality wid some chaser from Uncle Raphael.


Uncle Raphael done negotiate for the AFC, Ramjattan in his own lil world.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Some PNC/APNU bashers already praising the PNC/APNU. Some even cross over already. 

Most of the AFC done gone over to APNU Ramjattan loves TV time. He too will soon tek a drink of reality wid some chaser from Uncle Raphael.


Uncle Raphael done negotiate for the AFC, Ramjattan in his own lil world.

A long time ago, after the last elections, the AFC started to show signs of pigheadedness. Thought tat had to do wid Moses. Dey from the PPP yuh know-indoctrination.


If anyone is serious about removing the corrupt and arrogant PPP from power, he has to face reality. That reality is that APNU alone cannot remove the PPP, neither can the AFC do so alone. Both parties have to contest the May 11 elections as one force, under one name, with one presidential candidate and one prime ministerial candidate, and using one logo or symbol.

As regards the issue of people who were once PNC/APNU bashers now turned PNC/APNU praisers, that is nothing new under the sun. There are myriad such examples worldwide of political antagonists forming alliances.

In Guyana's case, in the 1961 general elections Burnham said bluntly that his PNC would not coalesce with D'Aguiar's UF. Well, he did so in 1964.

Jagan and Burnham fought bitterly against each other from 1955 onwards. PPP supporters lost their lives, as did PNC supporters.

In 1985 Jagan and Burnham were holding secret talks to form an alliance. Both PPP and PNC have acknowledged that fact openly.

I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Some PNC/APNU bashers already praising the PNC/APNU. Some even cross over already. 

Me kall dem dry goat shit. Roll wid de breeze.

somebody love to deal with shit no wonder they post shit i think there are shit 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

If anyone is serious about removing the corrupt and arrogant PPP from power, he has to face reality. That reality is that APNU alone cannot remove the PPP, neither can the AFC do so alone. Both parties have to contest the May 11 elections as one force, under one name, with one presidential candidate and one prime ministerial candidate, and using one logo or symbol.

As regards the issue of people who were once PNC/APNU bashers now turned PNC/APNU praisers, that is nothing new under the sun. There are myriad such examples worldwide of political antagonists forming alliances.

In Guyana's case, in the 1961 general elections Burnham said bluntly that his PNC would not coalesce with D'Aguiar's UF. Well, he did so in 1964.

Jagan and Burnham fought bitterly against each other from 1955 onwards. PPP supporters lost their lives, as did PNC supporters.

In 1985 Jagan and Burnham were holding secret talks to form an alliance. Both PPP and PNC have acknowledged that fact openly.

I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.


I love the Homer stories. I always hoping for Ulysses to return and reclaim his lands. Is like hoping for Quamina Gladstone to appear. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
In 1985 Jagan and Burnham were holding secret talks to form an alliance. Both PPP and PNC have acknowledged that fact openly.

Had Forbes Burnham not died, the PPP and PNC would have merged and things would have been different in Guyana.


However, that approach was quickly put aside by the new PNC leaders after Burnham's transition in life.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.

Whether the opposition form one party or not, the PPP/C will be elected the government at the next election.

Why are you so confident? Lots of people are not so happy with them however the race cArd is being played heavy by the PPP.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.

Whether the opposition form one party or not, the PPP/C will be elected the government at the next election.

Why are you so confident? Lots of people are not so happy with them however the race cArd is being played heavy by the PPP.


Blacks vote 90 percent PNC. Is that not race voting too ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.

Whether the opposition form one party or not, the PPP/C will be elected the government at the next election.

Why are you so confident? Lots of people are not so happy with them however the race cArd is being played heavy by the PPP.


Blacks vote 90 percent PNC. Is that not race voting too ?

the ppp have the cream of the blacks,kwame,labumba,joe,bynoe 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.

Whether the opposition form one party or not, the PPP/C will be elected the government at the next election.

Why are you so confident? Lots of people are not so happy with them however the race cArd is being played heavy by the PPP.

My personal, similar to you have personal views on issues.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Some PNC/APNU bashers already praising the PNC/APNU. Some even cross over already. 

Some love Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe, Edgehill, Nascimento, McClean, Manni, Eddie, Brian, De Drug Dealers  and the Worst from House of Israel & PNC Black Thugs, Rapist & Killers.

Dem been praising these Thiefmen since Jagdeo took them in 1998 at Office of the President & Freedom House.


And yuh right....

Others will work with APNU if those

Black Thugs, Crooks, Drug Dealers & House of Israel Goons

are no longer in the PNC.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

APNU is an alliance. The AFC should join them. 

In your dreams.  AFC is going it alone.

Bai Kish, I have a question. We HAD a lot of PNC/APNU bashers on this BB supporting AFC. Now that the AFC is contemplating joining APNU/PNC, you think these bashers will start praising the PNC/APNU? Will look like dry goat shit to me.
Your thoughts?


Some PNC/APNU bashers already praising the PNC/APNU. Some even cross over already. 

Some love Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton, Bynoe, Edgehill, Nascimento, McClean, Manni, Eddie, Brian, De Drug Dealers  and the Worst from House of Israel & PNC Black Thugs, Rapist & Killers.

Dem been praising these Thiefmen since Jagdeo took them in 1998 at Office of the President & Freedom House.


And yuh right....

Others will work with APNU if those

Black Thugs, Crooks, Drug Dealers & House of Israel Goons

are no longer in the PNC.


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.

Whether the opposition form one party or not, the PPP/C will be elected the government at the next election. Dis is called de views of a Kunt-ole.


I agree with Ray...

our Respected Moderator....


It is Ok to

Forgive Our 60% or More

Pole-in-de-hole K-hole

and tell Burnham Hydro_Engineer

To "F" OFF...

Keep yuh $kunt to yuh self


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.

Whether the opposition form one party or not, the PPP/C will be elected the government at the next election.

Why are you so confident? Lots of people are not so happy with them however the race cArd is being played heavy by the PPP.

Hold your horses Chief. By proposing that Nagamootoo be the head of the PNC/APNU/AFC ticket, the opposition is playing the race card also.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
I am fully supporting a pre-election alliance of the AFC and APNU and other parties that want to remove the PPP.

Whether the opposition form one party or not, the PPP/C will be elected the government at the next election.

Why are you so confident? Lots of people are not so happy with them however the race cArd is being played heavy by the PPP.

Hold your horses Chief. By proposing that Nagamootoo be the head of the PNC/APNU/AFC ticket, the opposition is playing the race card also.

So what colour the person gotta be before no mention of race?


You guys getting real desperate I tell ya. But as long as we the good guys around, nothing getting by us.


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