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Wha relationship Anil share to feel betrayed?


Sundar Popo sing a song ‘Promise is a thing you must maintain.’ Is something that two people who really intimate does mek to each other. Dem does tell mattie, “Dahlin, this is just between me and you.”
When one of dem bruck that promise that is deemed betrayal. Anil seh he feel betrayed. Dem boys want to know wha kind of deal he was engaged in.
A man and a woman got a close relationship. It suh close that dem don’t even got fuh talk and tell mattie that it should be kept confidential.
When one of dem expose that trust of intimacy fuh hurt de other one, that person does feel betrayed. When Anil tell de paper wha nobody does read that he feels betrayed, dem boys want to know who betray him; wha he was doing and de big question is  wha kind of relationship dem was sharing.
Dem boys also want to know wha kind of relationship Bond sharing in this whole issue.  He run and hug up Anil and Cee fuh Satar from de time de story bruck.
People was surprise that he tek a position that was different from he party—a Christmas party—and he comrades. He even go against de Bar Association and every other organization.
But dem boys hear that Cee fuh Satar got de sword of Damocles, he favourite tune, hanging over Bond head, under de same condition as Freddie.
De boys seh he is de only donkey fuh tek that position. He seh how de reporter was wrang to tape de conversation. Wha kind of liah is he? A man can’t do wha he want wid he own conversation?
A man can’t even tell de police that a man call fuh seh that people gun kill he and he colleagues. And before this fool who should know better because he is a liah wait and see de outcome of de investigation, he open he mouth and put he foot inside, just like Anil and he quarter bottle.
Talk half and send a quarter fuh de liah Bond.

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You suck so much wood from PPP to AFC to now PNC by know you must have knots in yuh mouth.

Jalil was right you are a liar that is why you Shamir had you as a house boy.

All fours now Tyrone all fours.
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Horsie Man Redux you spy on Mr Bond with one you fake FB account? 


Expose de unemployed man nah ?

You and it would make two perfect low breed lovers you see how you are already starting to gravitate towards each other?


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