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PPP tight-lipped about likely negotiations with APNU for local govt elections

PPP General Secretary Clement RoheePPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee was Monday tight-lipped about whether his party would be willing to negotiate with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on holding Local Government Elections (LGE) instead of general elections.

“I am not prepared to comment on that matter. The most I can do is to give you a bright smile on that,” he said when asked by Demerara Waves Online News.

Asked whether the two parties have initiated communications to hold such talks, Rohee said “not with the PPP as a party.”  “I cannot speak for the government what is happening at that level. There is no such situation arising as far as I am aware.”  

President Donald Ramotar has told Opposition Leader David Granger that he is willing to meet with him on his return from New York on Tuesday. Granger has not ruled out such talks only if they will yield LGE.

The General Secretary said that while the PPP was always willing to talk, no one has expressed an interest to his party in holding talks or negotiations. “If such a situation was to arise, the party leadership will obviously discuss it and come to a conclusion.”

At the same time, Rohee appeared to be driving a wedge deeper between APNU and the Alliance For Change (AFC) over which elections were preferable. He suggested that the AFC might eventually bwe left out in the cold with its no-confidence motion that could result in elections being held within 90 days of its approval. “The AFC better prepare themselves for a  major fallout politically because  I don’t get the impression that the APNU is moving in the direction of supporting the no-confidence motion and if the APNU withdraws their support for the AFC’s no-confidence motion you know what we heading for,” he said, adding that much depended on what the AFC wanted.

Rohee boasted that the PPP would be able to influence its supporters and others about whether Guyanese should go to LGE or general elections.

Ironically, APNU has pledged to vote with the AFC to secure passage of that motion while at the same time it has been campaigning for LGE.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Whichever way APNU goes matters little to AFC, matter of fact, whatever it does fares better for AFC. The AFC did what people wanted.

There are APNU members who just need a slight tilt to throw them off their bandwagon and onto AFC's, this could be it.



Originally Posted by Cobra:

This convince my believe that APNU is giving AFC the boot, while negotiating with the PPP in secrecy.


Carib always talks about the PNC knife and fork policy. AFC is going down the toilet drain. PNC prefers to deal with the big boys.


AF will always remain a Katahar Burger Party.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP tight-lipped about likely negotiations with APNU for local govt elections

PPP General Secretary Clement RoheePPP General Secretary Clement Rohee

People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee was Monday tight-lipped about whether his party would be willing to negotiate with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on holding Local Government Elections (LGE) instead of general elections.

“I am not prepared to comment on that matter. The most I can do is to give you a bright smile on that,” he said when asked by Demerara Waves Online News.

Asked whether the two parties have initiated communications to hold such talks, Rohee said “not with the PPP as a party.”  “I cannot speak for the government what is happening at that level. There is no such situation arising as far as I am aware.”  

President Donald Ramotar has told Opposition Leader David Granger that he is willing to meet with him on his return from New York on Tuesday. Granger has not ruled out such talks only if they will yield LGE.

The General Secretary said that while the PPP was always willing to talk, no one has expressed an interest to his party in holding talks or negotiations. “If such a situation was to arise, the party leadership will obviously discuss it and come to a conclusion.”

At the same time, Rohee appeared to be driving a wedge deeper between APNU and the Alliance For Change (AFC) over which elections were preferable. He suggested that the AFC might eventually bwe left out in the cold with its no-confidence motion that could result in elections being held within 90 days of its approval. “The AFC better prepare themselves for a  major fallout politically because  I don’t get the impression that the APNU is moving in the direction of supporting the no-confidence motion and if the APNU withdraws their support for the AFC’s no-confidence motion you know what we heading for,” he said, adding that much depended on what the AFC wanted.

Rohee boasted that the PPP would be able to influence its supporters and others about whether Guyanese should go to LGE or general elections.

Ironically, APNU has pledged to vote with the AFC to secure passage of that motion while at the same time it has been campaigning for LGE.

Does Jalil believe that the PNC Practice & Defend Kwame & Buggery?

Jalil would want the AFC to ban soap and butter.

Last edited by Former Member

It is good that Rohee is distancing the PPP from the government. But he Rohee is a minister in the government. And he doan know if the government is negotiating with the APNU. Blasted liard. Rohee, should impeach Ramotar bcz he has alot of thieves on the government payroll. As for Jagdeo, Rohee should keep him away from the PPP. All these are things Rohee should do as the leader of the Peoples Progessive Party.


I hope Granger know what he is doing? 


In recent weeks, I admire Granger's activities and somewhat believe that he can do a whole lot better without Ramjattan. After all, APNU is the main opposition party to the PPP, not the AFC. The PPP and PNC has been apart of Guyana political history since the colonial days.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

This convince my believe that APNU is giving AFC the boot, while negotiating with the PPP in secrecy.


Carib always talks about the PNC knife and fork policy. AFC is going down the toilet drain. PNC prefers to deal with the big boys.


AF will always remain a Katahar Burger Party.

If I were the PNC I would prefer to deal wid "the big boys" translation big thief man dem. Why? dem big thief man got access to nuff money.


Why waste time with the broke AFC?

Originally Posted by seignet:

It is good that Rohee is distancing the PPP from the government. But he Rohee is a minister in the government. And he doan know if the government is negotiating with the APNU. Blasted liard. Rohee, should impeach Ramotar bcz he has alot of thieves on the government payroll. As for Jagdeo, Rohee should keep him away from the PPP. All these are things Rohee should do as the leader of the Peoples Progessive Party.


I hope Granger know what he is doing? 

Siggy, all those things you think Rohee should do go against the Rohee grain. He himself is a big part of the problem. He is part and parcel of the corruption. Not for nothing the US Embassy denied him a visa some years ago. Not for nothing the Chinese ambassador presented a Mercedes Benz to Rohee a few years ago. Not for nothing Rohee refused to resign his ministerial post when he became PPP General Secretary. Rohee cannot impeach Ramotar because Ramotar is cleaner than Rohee and knows of Rohee's skeletons from way back when to the present.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Django:

Granger actions is not in the best interest of the

Guyanese people it is time for some members of

the PNC to defect.

to where?

To the third party make them stronger,PPP and PNC

is not good for Guyana one had 28yrs the other

22 and going and the people still suffer,because

of race based voting one will be in government

for ever and the other in opposition.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by seignet:

It is good that Rohee is distancing the PPP from the government. But he Rohee is a minister in the government. And he doan know if the government is negotiating with the APNU. Blasted liard. Rohee, should impeach Ramotar bcz he has alot of thieves on the government payroll. As for Jagdeo, Rohee should keep him away from the PPP. All these are things Rohee should do as the leader of the Peoples Progessive Party.


I hope Granger know what he is doing? 

Siggy, all those things you think Rohee should do go against the Rohee grain. He himself is a big part of the problem. He is part and parcel of the corruption. Not for nothing the US Embassy denied him a visa some years ago. Not for nothing the Chinese ambassador presented a Mercedes Benz to Rohee a few years ago. Not for nothing Rohee refused to resign his ministerial post when he became PPP General Secretary. Rohee cannot impeach Ramotar because Ramotar is cleaner than Rohee and knows of Rohee's skeletons from way back when to the present.

Rohee was daring MP's the other day to prove e visa was revoked. The Honorable Speaker had to remind him that it was all over the press for years....


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