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Former Member

In seeking to chastise Education Minister Priya Manickchand for her letter of support in the face of a relentless attack by the opposition against the wife of Finance Minister Ashni Singh, AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan once again exhibits hypocrisy and double standard.

Ramjattan cites Manickchand's refusal to comment on allegations made by the spouse of then President, Bharrat Jagdeo but ignores his own silence in light of the gruesome details of abuse made by the wife of his friend and colleague Lallbachan Christopher Ram during her petition for divorce.

And just in case he was unaware of all the beatings Ena Ram and her children endured at Lallbachan's hands we will post links to the affidavit here:


PG 1

PG 2

PG 3




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Bhai Nehru


Karma is now exposing these rotten and dirty people in the AFC. The PPP will rule and torment these rotten and dirty AFC individuals for another 100 years.


Christopher Ram runs around and talks about morale and high standards while his behaviour is rotten and vulgar. I am not surprised since the posts by the AFC on this BB is equally vulgar and dirty.


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