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Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo
Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Ramkarran accuses Jagdeo of hypocrisy –says former President is epitome of arrogance, fostered complacency


FORMER Speaker of the House and former PPP Executive member, Ralph Ramkarran, has accused Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo of hypocrisy, and has contended that the now Opposition Leader has no justification to talk about “arrogance” and “complacency” in the PPP.At his end-of-year press briefing, the former president had said “there was a severe disconnect between the party and its supporters on the ground”, and he had this was responsible for the APNU and AFC “gaining footholds among PPP supporters”.

Former PPP Executive member Ralph Ramkarran

Former PPP Executive member Ralph Ramkarran

Mr Jagdeo had attributed this state of affairs to the PPP’s “complacency” and “arrogance”, and had vowed to work hard to strengthen the party by going “house to house to people right across this country and rebuilding a connection between them and the party”.

He had also spoken about the youth being enticed by the coalition because they lacked knowledge of the PNC’s past, and he had said there was need for the party to work “vigorously to incubate a new generation of youthful leaders”.

But writing in his weekly column, “Conversation Tree”, Mr Ramkarran pointed out that it was Jagdeo who had single-mindedly supported Mr Donald Ramotar as the PPP/C presidential candidate in 2011 in an act that was the epitome of the “worst displays of contempt and political arrogance in Guyana’s political history”.

“The compelling obsession to continue to exercise governmental authority and control was the sole motivating factor. The PPP leadership, in thrall to Mr Jagdeo, mistakenly felt that its supporters would accept anything thrown at them. It is not that the PPP leadership did not know, or could not have known, what were the possible consequences of its decision,” Ramkarran said.

According to the former Speaker, during 2010, he was in New Amsterdam to attend to a matter in the New Amsterdam High Court, but met with Messrs Zulfikar Mustapha, then Regional Chairman, and Faizal Jaffarally, an adviser — the two main PPP operatives in Berbice.
The purpose of the meeting was to solicit the support of two influential local leaders in the PPP’s heartland of Berbice for his campaign for the nomination. But they both told him that they would support him only if there was a secret ballot, as in that way Mr Jagdeo would not know whom they had supported.

The senior PPP operatives also used the opportunity to inform Mr Ramkarran that if Mr Ramotar, who had already been in semi-official campaign mode, were chosen, they would have great difficulty in mobilising PPP supporters to turn out to vote.

“The leadership was unaware of this dire possibility because the arrogance at the top was so overpowering that Messrs Mustapha and Jaffarally, and many others of the same view, dared not express their fears.

Just as Mustapha and Jaffarally predicted, thousands of Berbicians and others stayed home, and the PPP lost its majority in 2011 and in the elections in 2015.

“The entire problem of arrogance arose because of the leadership’s belief that it knew what was best; failed to advance and develop party democracy; abused and threatened all those who raised questions; and felt that the PPP would rule forever.

“The party metamorphosed into an instrument for accumulation, which became progressively worse. Disgusted and silenced, party stalwarts, young and old, dropped out.

“Arrogance led to the belief that these developments would not be noticed by supporters, or that junior leaders would not mimic the behaviour of senior leaders,” Ramkarran contended.

Mr Ramkarran has posited that, in order to repair the PPP, reforms have to start at the top. He said
Mr Jagdeo has repeatedly mentioned the need to motivate young people and to encourage young leaders in the PPP.

“But what about Frank Anthony, Anil Nandlall, Irfan Ally, Priya Manickchand, Dharamkumar Seeraj, Pauline Sukhai, Neil Kumar; and rising ones such as Charles Ramson (Jr), Nigel Dharamlall, Collin Croal, and others? Is it that Mr Jagdeo doesn’t trust them because some of these ‘young’ leaders and a few ‘old’ ones disapproved (of) his election as Leader of the Opposition?” Ramkarran asks?

The former House Speaker pointed out that young people are being wildly motivated by politicians like Jeremy Corbyn, 66, of the UK and Bernie Sanders, 74, of the US, whom Mr Jagdeo would refer to as ‘very old’ (as he did to President Granger) or “fossils”.

Ramkarran contends that these leaders are inspiring young people by progressive policies, democratic behaviour and humility.

“We have to wait and see whether blood will flow at and after the PPP Congress later this year, and if the unwanted ‘young’ and ‘old’ leaders will be made to move on.

“Both Mr Ramotar and Mr Rohee are over 65, and ‘old’ in Mr Jagdeo’s eyes. The problem for Mr Jagdeo is that these same ‘old’ leaders have helped him to influence the post-Congress vote for the male- dominated Executive Committee in recent years, so that ‘undesirable elements’ like the popular Hydar Ally and Indra Chandarpal, or the ambitious but hitherto out of favour Anil Nandlall do not sneak in,” Mr Ramkarran said.

He added: “Publicly contradicted by Mr Jagdeo, Mr Rohee, now chief cook and bottle washer, must be struggling with humiliation. It is not known if Mr Donald Ramotar will be invited this time around, and would be still willing to toe the Jagdeo line. He is struggling hard to recover from the shame of losing the elections, and is still bitter from being unceremoniously dumped by his mentor, Mr Jagdeo, in the choice of Leader of the Opposition.”

He pointed out that Dr Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan bequeathed a thriving, humming and democratic party in office, but for its loss, Mr Jagdeo is blaming everyone, except himself and his choice of presidential candidate.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

Nehru posted:
baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

I remember you saying things to that effect!

Nehru posted:
baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

What public speaking? Jagdeo and Rohee are pretty good public speakers in terms of political rhetoric. They are pretty good talk men on a rally stage. The problem is intellectual depth. They can only think in Machiavellian terms to outdo their fellow party members. They both could never grasp the big picture and how their shallow political rhetoric will be damaging to the party and country. Damn pack of asses decided to demonize and stereotype Afros as a political strategy just because dem want to mentally subjugate coolie people you PAVI. Mentally abuse coolie people to scare Afros. Deadly propaganda when dat was not necessary and downright wrong. I gat a list yasuh of about TEN Afros who Jagdeo gave land and gold mining rights. Some of dem dey right inside APNU-AFC. Dem asses never kept data to show house lot distribution and racial background of people building houses in Diamond and all these other places. 

TK posted:
Nehru posted:
baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

What public speaking? Jagdeo and Rohee are pretty good public speakers in terms of political rhetoric. They are pretty good talk men on a rally stage. The problem is intellectual depth. They can only think in Machiavellian terms to outdo their fellow party members. They both could never grasp the big picture and how their shallow political rhetoric will be damaging to the party and country. Damn pack of asses decided to demonize and stereotype Afros as a political strategy just because dem want to mentally subjugate coolie people you PAVI. Mentally abuse coolie people to scare Afros. Deadly propaganda when dat was not necessary and downright wrong. I gat a list yasuh of about TEN Afros who Jagdeo gave land and gold mining rights. Some of dem dey right inside APNU-AFC. Dem asses never kept data to show house lot distribution and racial background of people building houses in Diamond and all these other places. 

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

Nehru posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:
baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

What public speaking? Jagdeo and Rohee are pretty good public speakers in terms of political rhetoric. They are pretty good talk men on a rally stage. The problem is intellectual depth. They can only think in Machiavellian terms to outdo their fellow party members. They both could never grasp the big picture and how their shallow political rhetoric will be damaging to the party and country. Damn pack of asses decided to demonize and stereotype Afros as a political strategy just because dem want to mentally subjugate coolie people you PAVI. Mentally abuse coolie people to scare Afros. Deadly propaganda when dat was not necessary and downright wrong. I gat a list yasuh of about TEN Afros who Jagdeo gave land and gold mining rights. Some of dem dey right inside APNU-AFC. Dem asses never kept data to show house lot distribution and racial background of people building houses in Diamond and all these other places. 

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

See...same thing meh say. Low IQ coolie like you susceptible to dangerous political strategy.


What is the relationship between Ramkarran and Moses?  Do they like each other?  I get a feeling that they both have a lust for power and prestige.  

To me wanting to be president of Guyana for power and prestige is a joke.  The country is one of the poorest in the world and live on a beggar economy, what's so prestigious about that?  I have to be missing something.

Guyana's TOTAL GDP is about 1/12 the annual electric revenues in New York alone.  It is less than a speck of dust on the world's economy.

Nehru posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:
baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

What public speaking? Jagdeo and Rohee are pretty good public speakers in terms of political rhetoric. They are pretty good talk men on a rally stage. The problem is intellectual depth. They can only think in Machiavellian terms to outdo their fellow party members. They both could never grasp the big picture and how their shallow political rhetoric will be damaging to the party and country. Damn pack of asses decided to demonize and stereotype Afros as a political strategy just because dem want to mentally subjugate coolie people you PAVI. Mentally abuse coolie people to scare Afros. Deadly propaganda when dat was not necessary and downright wrong. I gat a list yasuh of about TEN Afros who Jagdeo gave land and gold mining rights. Some of dem dey right inside APNU-AFC. Dem asses never kept data to show house lot distribution and racial background of people building houses in Diamond and all these other places. 

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

Bhai..when you are cornered,suh you you does wiggle out.

Nehru posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:
baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

What public speaking? Jagdeo and Rohee are pretty good public speakers in terms of political rhetoric. They are pretty good talk men on a rally stage. The problem is intellectual depth. They can only think in Machiavellian terms to outdo their fellow party members. They both could never grasp the big picture and how their shallow political rhetoric will be damaging to the party and country. Damn pack of asses decided to demonize and stereotype Afros as a political strategy just because dem want to mentally subjugate coolie people you PAVI. Mentally abuse coolie people to scare Afros. Deadly propaganda when dat was not necessary and downright wrong. I gat a list yasuh of about TEN Afros who Jagdeo gave land and gold mining rights. Some of dem dey right inside APNU-AFC. Dem asses never kept data to show house lot distribution and racial background of people building houses in Diamond and all these other places. 

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

You guys are too focused on TK, Moses, Ramjattan...

Perhaps you guys would be better of to spend your energy and heed the advice of Mr. Ramkarran and reform the PPP/C from the top down by getting rid of the dinosaurs and losers.

It's the only way the PPP/C can ever dream of winning another election any time soon.

Mr Ramkarran pointed out that it was Jagdeo who had single-mindedly supported Mr Donald Ramotar as the PPP/C presidential candidate in 2011 in an act that was the epitome of the “worst displays of contempt and political arrogance in Guyana’s political history”.


TK, I think your use of the "c-----" word to describe people of a particular origin is inappropriate.

 Furthermore, you seem to think that the leaders of the PPP do not have intellectual depth. I might agree with you. However, what does it say about you who supported the AFC, then the APNU and look what they are doing in Guyana. You have expressed disenchantment with them. You have been wrong so many times.  You are now shopping around for some other party to get that 20 percent independent voters. 

TK posted:
Nehru posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:
baseman posted:

Jagdeo needs to accept some blame.  The tone at top has a lot to do with the aloofness and arrogance displayed by the PPP.   The Gov't is an employee of the people, never forget that regardless how high you may soar, it's the people who are the "wind beneath the wings".

Bhai, I dont expect you to remember but I have been saying this for a long time now.  When Ramotar won his Election, I said unless the PPP changes its ways both in terms of Policy, outreach, actions and attitude, the next Election may not be so successful. I was right.

I have constantly said Jagdeo, Rohee and others need basic training in Public Speaking, Communication and messaging.

What public speaking? Jagdeo and Rohee are pretty good public speakers in terms of political rhetoric. They are pretty good talk men on a rally stage. The problem is intellectual depth. They can only think in Machiavellian terms to outdo their fellow party members. They both could never grasp the big picture and how their shallow political rhetoric will be damaging to the party and country. Damn pack of asses decided to demonize and stereotype Afros as a political strategy just because dem want to mentally subjugate coolie people you PAVI. Mentally abuse coolie people to scare Afros. Deadly propaganda when dat was not necessary and downright wrong. I gat a list yasuh of about TEN Afros who Jagdeo gave land and gold mining rights. Some of dem dey right inside APNU-AFC. Dem asses never kept data to show house lot distribution and racial background of people building houses in Diamond and all these other places. 

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

See...same thing meh say. Low IQ coolie like you susceptible to dangerous political strategy.

Right hook pon Nehruski, knockout tarass.

VVP posted:

What is the relationship between Ramkarran and Moses?  Do they like each other?  I get a feeling that they both have a lust for power and prestige.  

To me wanting to be president of Guyana for power and prestige is a joke.  The country is one of the poorest in the world and live on a beggar economy, what's so prestigious about that?  I have to be missing something.

Guyana's TOTAL GDP is about 1/12 the annual electric revenues in New York alone.  It is less than a speck of dust on the world's economy.

Ramkarran and Moses hate each other.  Both feeling that their longstanding party membership gives them seniority to the door of the Presidency, hence the disdain for Jagdeo.  These old guys are going to be phased out soon.  Watch out for a young new crop of politicians in the PPP ranking.  Ramkarran has listed the names above for you.  And I will add two more names to that list as I know he wanted to seem modest.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:

What is the relationship between Ramkarran and Moses?  Do they like each other?  I get a feeling that they both have a lust for power and prestige.  

To me wanting to be president of Guyana for power and prestige is a joke.  The country is one of the poorest in the world and live on a beggar economy, what's so prestigious about that?  I have to be missing something.

Guyana's TOTAL GDP is about 1/12 the annual electric revenues in New York alone.  It is less than a speck of dust on the world's economy.

Ramkarran and Moses hate each other.  Both feeling that their longstanding party membership gives them seniority to the door of the Presidency, hence the disdain for Jagdeo.  These old guys are going to be phased out soon.  Watch out for a young new crop of politicians in the PPP ranking.  Ramkarran has listed the names above for you.  And I will add two more names to that list as I know he wanted to seem modest.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

“We have to wait and see whether(Young) blood will flow at and after the PPP Congress later this year, and if the unwanted ‘young’ and ‘old’ leaders will be made to move on."


We will find out keep you fingers crossed.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
VVP posted:

What is the relationship between Ramkarran and Moses?  Do they like each other?  I get a feeling that they both have a lust for power and prestige.  

To me wanting to be president of Guyana for power and prestige is a joke.  The country is one of the poorest in the world and live on a beggar economy, what's so prestigious about that?  I have to be missing something.

Guyana's TOTAL GDP is about 1/12 the annual electric revenues in New York alone.  It is less than a speck of dust on the world's economy.

Ramkarran and Moses hate each other.  Both feeling that their longstanding party membership gives them seniority to the door of the Presidency, hence the disdain for Jagdeo.  These old guys are going to be phased out soon.  Watch out for a young new crop of politicians in the PPP ranking.  Ramkarran has listed the names above for you.  And I will add two more names to that list as I know he wanted to seem modest.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

Meanwhile, keep your legs crossed.

TK posted:
Nehru posted:

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

See...same thing meh say. Low IQ coolie like you susceptible to dangerous political strategy.

And with all your high IQ, how come you are musical chairs with PPP, AFC, what URP?  Something ain't clicking bai!  That IQ correlation may not be as relevant as you think to the space!

baseman posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

See...same thing meh say. Low IQ coolie like you susceptible to dangerous political strategy.

And with all your high IQ, how come you are musical chairs with PPP, AFC, what URP?  Something ain't clicking bai!  That IQ correlation may not be as relevant as you think to the space!

Holy smokes, did TK now jump to the URP tree ?  

That is interesting. He jumped on the wrong tree branch again, it will break and fall with TK.

This chap should stay away from politics. He is reducing himself to a laughing stock.

yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

See...same thing meh say. Low IQ coolie like you susceptible to dangerous political strategy.

And with all your high IQ, how come you are musical chairs with PPP, AFC, what URP?  Something ain't clicking bai!  That IQ correlation may not be as relevant as you think to the space!

Holy smokes, did TK now jump to the URP tree ?  

That is interesting. He jumped on the wrong tree branch again, it will break and fall with TK.

This chap should stay away from politics. He is reducing himself to a laughing stock.

It's just that you 2guys don't have the  IQ sum greater than his shoe size. Careful now guys, don't let your brains go to your heads!

yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:

You sound like you were ABUSED mentally, physically and sexually!!!!!

See...same thing meh say. Low IQ coolie like you susceptible to dangerous political strategy.

And with all your high IQ, how come you are musical chairs with PPP, AFC, what URP?  Something ain't clicking bai!  That IQ correlation may not be as relevant as you think to the space!

Holy smokes, did TK now jump to the URP tree ?  

That is interesting. He jumped on the wrong tree branch again, it will break and fall with TK.

This chap should stay away from politics. He is reducing himself to a laughing stock.

TK is competing with Moses for that triple personality disorder prize.  Ra$$$Zzz to see who will win.

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:

See...same thing meh say. Low IQ coolie like you susceptible to dangerous political strategy.

And with all your high IQ, how come you are musical chairs with PPP, AFC, what URP?  Something ain't clicking bai!  That IQ correlation may not be as relevant as you think to the space!

Holy smokes, did TK now jump to the URP tree ?  

That is interesting. He jumped on the wrong tree branch again, it will break and fall with TK.

This chap should stay away from politics. He is reducing himself to a laughing stock.

It's just that you 2guys don't have the  IQ sum greater than his shoe size. Careful now guys, don't let your brains go to your heads!

I never said URP, only question if it's the next port of call.  And my bad, I forgot ROAR!

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

TK, I think your use of the "c-----" word to describe people of a particular origin is inappropriate.

 Furthermore, you seem to think that the leaders of the PPP do not have intellectual depth. I might agree with you. However, what does it say about you who supported the AFC, then the APNU and look what they are doing in Guyana. You have expressed disenchantment with them. You have been wrong so many times.  You are now shopping around for some other party to get that 20 percent independent voters. 

I use it to describe myself when I'm in informal settings like cyber rum shop GNI. But I believe you have a point...brown bai KKK would be better to describe the racist lot here. What are the AFC and APNU doing to Guyana? They inherited a very bad situation. Rice and sugar are virtually dead. The crisis in sugar is compounded by the Skeldon mal-investment and you can't exactly pawn your rice economic fortunes in an aggressive neighbor which claims 5/8 of your country. Yes, they are not doing as well as many (including myself) anticipated, but it's only 7 to 8 months. I started opposing PPP after 1997. Should we not at least give them some time before completely writing them off? I don't have an incentive to see either APNU+AFC or PPP fail. You came here very early expressing your views of wanting to see the govt fail. That is somewhat curious for a re-migrant, no? Re-migrants would want to see the place make progress regardless of who is in govt. That is the giveaway that are just pretending to be are deep inside Freedom House. I give my critical support in public. I DARE you to list all the things that I have been wrong about. Start off with Berbice bridge and Marriott and Skeldon. I await your response.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

Virtually all names listed being Indians. You do know that by 2020 the Indian vote will be no where near the majority.

So why only Indians, when the PPP clearly needs to broaden its base and to escape its reputation of being a party which had no use for black or mixed people?

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

Virtually all names listed being Indians. You do know that by 2020 the Indian vote will be no where near the majority.

So why only Indians, when the PPP clearly needs to broaden its base and to escape its reputation of being a party which had no use for black or mixed people?

Coming, hold on!  Charles Ramson sound very Anglo!

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

Virtually all names listed being Indians. You do know that by 2020 the Indian vote will be no where near the majority.

So why only Indians, when the PPP clearly needs to broaden its base and to escape its reputation of being a party which had no use for black or mixed people?

Coming, hold on!  Charles Ramson sound very Anglo!

His grandfather probably changed his name from Ramsarran to Ramson to sound white. He was ashamed of his Indianess.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

Virtually all names listed being Indians. You do know that by 2020 the Indian vote will be no where near the majority.

So why only Indians, when the PPP clearly needs to broaden its base and to escape its reputation of being a party which had no use for black or mixed people?

Coming, hold on!  Charles Ramson sound very Anglo!

He isn't though.

Running an Indo party, and sticking in some black poodle like Sam Hinds, or Elizabeth Harper, or Americo Selman isn't going to get significant non Indian support.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  The young well bred Ramkarran attorneys - Nikhil and Kamal.  

Virtually all names listed being Indians. You do know that by 2020 the Indian vote will be no where near the majority.

So why only Indians, when the PPP clearly needs to broaden its base and to escape its reputation of being a party which had no use for black or mixed people?

Coming, hold on!  Charles Ramson sound very Anglo!

His grandfather probably changed his name from Ramsarran to Ramson to sound white. He was ashamed of his Indianess.

His grandfather Charles Ramson Snr was a PNC parliamentarian in the 1970s. He lived on Thomas Street facing the public hospital.


With so much dissensions within the PPP over leadership it is imperative they sort out their differences now and not wait for when 2020 comes. The PNC ought to use their dam heads and focus on improving the economy and refrain from wasting millions on audits and fattening the paychecks of their comrades in ministerial and advisory positions. This country is no longer locked out from the rest of the world. Practically everyone in Guyana has access to social media where they can express their outrage with government. The PNC is not secured in power as many would like to believe. They have to face the polls in 51 months and the electorate will not hesitate to oppose them if they don't do a good job governing. The economy is not doing well presently and crime has worsened.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

With so much dissensions within the PPP over leadership it is imperative they sort out their differences now and not wait for when 2020 comes. The PNC ought to use their dam heads and focus on improving the economy and refrain from wasting millions on audits and fattening the paychecks of their comrades in ministerial and advisory positions. This country is no longer locked out from the rest of the world. Practically everyone in Guyana has access to social media where they can express their outrage with government. The PNC is not secured in power as many would like to believe. They have to face the polls in 51 months and the electorate will not hesitate to oppose them if they don't do a good job governing. The economy is not doing well presently and crime has worsened.

All fair comments.  Though audits are a necessary part of doing business.

Problem is that unless the PPP gets rid of Jagdeo they have no assurance of winning again.  APNU/AFC will not have to do that much if the best that the PPP can do is scream "black man bad".  The PPP might have lost 50% of their Amerindian vote if APNU buys some if it.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

With so much dissensions within the PPP over leadership it is imperative they sort out their differences now and not wait for when 2020 comes. The PNC ought to use their dam heads and focus on improving the economy and refrain from wasting millions on audits and fattening the paychecks of their comrades in ministerial and advisory positions. This country is no longer locked out from the rest of the world. Practically everyone in Guyana has access to social media where they can express their outrage with government. The PNC is not secured in power as many would like to believe. They have to face the polls in 51 months and the electorate will not hesitate to oppose them if they don't do a good job governing. The economy is not doing well presently and crime has worsened.

All fair comments.  Though audits are a necessary part of doing business.

Problem is that unless the PPP gets rid of Jagdeo they have no assurance of winning again.  APNU/AFC will not have to do that much if the best that the PPP can do is scream "black man bad".  The PPP might have lost 50% of their Amerindian vote if APNU buys some if it.

I agree. It is the first time I agree with Billy on something. The "bad Blackman, good Indian" thing has ran its course. I think Guyanese are much more aware of it now. If they can't put a stop to the brown Bai KKKs like Yuji and the lot they will lose the election in 2020.

TK posted:

I agree. It is the first time I agree with Billy on something. The "bad Blackman, good Indian" thing has ran its course. I think Guyanese are much more aware of it now. If they can't put a stop to the brown Bai KKKs like Yuji and the lot they will lose the election in 2020.

Has it run its course?

Was talking to an Indian whose family lived in G/town for many generations. He spoke of how he is regarded by many rural Indians, and that he feels that he has more in common with middle class blacks.

You think that the brown bai KKKs like Yuji don't whip up people, just as Trump is now doing with the white lumpen proletariat?

I think that there will be culture wars WITHIN the Indian community as a growing realization exists that the group is getting smaller and is no longer numerically dominant. 

The Indo KKK will panic, as they really don't know how interact with others.  I see these people all the time, with the fear in their eyes when they enter spaces controlled by middle class urban people.  Indo KKK behavior then becomes their comfort zone as they rail against "bad blackman and dutty Indians".


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