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Former Member

[] –  The announcement of support for a Nagamootoo/Hughes elections ticket for the AFC by its Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, has attracted much comment. It was known for some time that the AFC had been contemplating such a combination. Mr. Hughes has already indicated his own willingness as well as his support for Mr. Nagamootoo, who said that he was humbled. This AFC team comprises two well-known Guyanese. The AFC believes that they have substantial appeal.

The AFCs had little choice in deploying what it would consider to be its best team in these specific political conditions. It will want to retain the support it took from the PPP in 2011 and recover from the PNCR that which it lost. Nagamootoo was seen as the AFC leader who attracted that PPP support. Hughes has been active in the African Guyanese community while sustaining political activity across the ethnic and geographic spectrum. He is seen within the AFC as having the potential of attracting much youth support. Both candidates are well known and have been active politically, Nagamootoo for much longer. Nagamootoo was up to 1992 one of Guyana’s leading journalists and one of Guyana’s best known politicians up to the present time. He has long been an outstanding political platform orators. Hughes has been active for many years as a public advocate for persons allegedly victimized by police violence.

The Party was established just at the time when dissatisfaction with the PNCR was mounting, temporarily as it turned out, and the goodwill for the PPP at the fringes of its support base was becoming frayed. It has been able to get the benefit from such dissatisfaction with both parties, which has not subsided. However, this by itself does not guarantee a repeat of 2006 or 2011 or a combination of both.

Young voters, who are the single largest bloc, are not as affected as the older generation by the narratives of the past, and appear to be more amenable to the influence of the AFC. But it is difficult to tell whether the AFC support among youth is confined only to the educated and/or middle class only and whether the much larger portion of working and unemployed youth remain influenced by the traditional messages of the older parties. The AFC would know that to make a significant impact it must influence this latter section of the youth.

While the AFC, the youngest of the three parties, has now demonstrated the capacity to embrace fresh thinking in choosing candidates, the two older parties will be fielding those who have already registered loses for their parties. Their Parties’ agendas will contain nothing about breaking the deadlock even if one Party wins a majority. Condemning the Guyanese people to more of the same – one political party lording it over a ‘bi-communal’ society with a broken political system would be a great disservice to the Guyanese people.

Speculation suggests that the PPP will go to the polls with an ‘A’ team as in 1997. If I were Donald Ramotar I would feel insulted by any suggestion that my candidacy needs the addition of a third, younger, person to give it any help. Also, the removal of Sam Hinds, as has been rumoured, even his ‘voluntary’ resignation after such distinguished service to the PPP, will expose the absence of an African Guyanese from among the top leadership of the PPP who can command a second or even third place on his/her own merits.

The PNCR has its own challenges. It has suffered serious divisions within recent times. These were searingly exposed at its recent Congress when a large number of Linden delegates complained about being disenfranchised and there were ‘scuffles’ resulting in a gunshot being fired. It is clear that Mr. Granger is having difficulty in reconciling important elements in the PNCR with his leadership.

The AFC can no longer rely on dissatisfaction with the two main political parties or innovative leadership decisions in order to attract support. Its support from the PNC in 2006 disappeared in 2011. Its support from the PPP’s disgruntled supporters in 2011 can equally disappear in 2016.

Guyana has not been kind to third parties. It will be equally unkind to the AFC unless it articulates a full gamut of policy choices based on elements of a core philosophy that distinguishes it from the main political parties but which emphasizes constitutional reform to end gridlock, job creation, poverty alleviation, anti-corruption, and economic growth other than from the ‘magic’ of private enterprise.

A most important aspect of these is the major projects that it has declined to support. Guyana cannot move forward without hydro electricity or a modern airport. And aid donors or investors are not lining up to hand over to or invest resources in Guyana, which does not have the capacity to attract or the clout to make demands. A lot has been heard recently about tough bargaining. This only takes place among equals.

It could well be that after two plus decades each of the PNC and the PPP in office, Guyanese are ready to break the deadlock and to give the AFC the benefit of the doubt. But the AFC will have to earn it against formidable opponents with entrenched and historic claims to loyalty.


Ralph Ramkarran


Replies sorted oldest to newest

If the deal is to create another minority government then that ticket is okay. And to maintain racial voting.


At no time in our history did we find ourselves at the cross roads we are at today.


Wide spread dissatisfaction.

A minority parliament.

The willingness of political parties to megre.


And the likes of Ramkarran wants throw away such any opportunity of an elected national government.


I think Ramkarran cannot seperate himself from the PPP old boy groupies. And so, he fails to see the opportunity that awaits for unified Guyana.


Sadly, my country has too many idiots. It seems also that Ramjattan failed to see that opportunity await the citizens. Instead, he nominates people that has so much baggage to carry the AFC to the polls.  


I hear even Malcolm Harripaul supporting the AFC. Now I can understand why there was so much despair in this statement from Tyrone......


Jalil gonna have a field day with this shyte.....




tyrone retires


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  • tyrone retires
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

Where did it say that Ralph endorses the AFC ticket????

I also read it and the Inews head line said this.  Maybe we have to ask Kamini Parasad, the wife of the Minister and owner of Inews?


Like Roberta trying a thing or what.  PPP House of Fiya or what?

Originally Posted by seignet:

If the deal is to create another minority government then that ticket is okay. And to maintain racial voting.


At no time in our history did we find ourselves at the cross roads we are at today.


Wide spread dissatisfaction.

A minority parliament.

The willingness of political parties to megre.


And the likes of Ramkarran wants throw away such any opportunity of an elected national government.


I think Ramkarran cannot seperate himself from the PPP old boy groupies. And so, he fails to see the opportunity that awaits for unified Guyana.


Sadly, my country has too many idiots. It seems also that Ramjattan failed to see that opportunity await the citizens. Instead, he nominates people that has so much baggage to carry the AFC to the polls.  

Like how the PNC frigged the 2014 PNC Congress to impose old man - 70 year old Grainja on top?


YEH real idiots in the PNC.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Some of the mirror guys were suprise to see Ralph at the celebrations so may be he was invited by a party big wig.

Ralph showed up hoping the PPP would throw him out and cuss him. That would have only buried them further. They are wising up slowly but they are getting a bit smarter.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph was at the PPP hosted Mirror 50th celebrations only a few days ago.  He was giving a speech to PPP supporters with lots of praise, cheers and happy smiles. 

Not a few days ago, Wally. It was December 2012.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph was at the PPP hosted Mirror 50th celebrations only a few days ago.  He was giving a speech to PPP supporters with lots of praise, cheers and happy smiles. 

Not a few days ago, Wally. It was December 2012.

this speech happen in 2012 and wally say it was a few days ago,wally you a buckman or you serving a life sentence 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph was at the PPP hosted Mirror 50th celebrations only a few days ago.  He was giving a speech to PPP supporters with lots of praise, cheers and happy smiles. 

Not a few days ago, Wally. It was December 2012.

this speech happen in 2012 and wally say it was a few days ago,wally you a buckman or you serving a life sentence 

Don't go hard on Wally, bro. Time flies for all of us.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph was at the PPP hosted Mirror 50th celebrations only a few days ago.  He was giving a speech to PPP supporters with lots of praise, cheers and happy smiles. 

Not a few days ago, Wally. It was December 2012.

this speech happen in 2012 and wally say it was a few days ago,wally you a buckman or you serving a life sentence 

Don't go hard on Wally, bro. Time flies for all of us.

tell him to stick to BWIA and forget them fly by night airline 

Originally Posted by warrior:

RALPH need to stop puss footing and join the AFC,He have to do what is right for guyana,this will be the final nail in the ppp coffin  



Ralph is KING of BEL AIR!

Originally Posted by warrior:

RALPH need to stop puss footing and join the AFC,He have to do what is right for guyana,this will be the final nail in the ppp coffin  

Join the AFC and help them do what exactly? reinforce the PNC missive that the AFC is the baby PPP? 


Ramkarran joining the AFC would not be a good thing for many reasons he should stay in his role as chief PPP critic.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by warrior:

RALPH need to stop puss footing and join the AFC,He have to do what is right for guyana,this will be the final nail in the ppp coffin  

Join the AFC and help them do what exactly? reinforce the PNC missive that the AFC is the baby PPP? 


Ramkarran joining the AFC would not be a good thing for many reasons he should stay in his role as chief PPP critic.

he can help swing the Indian vote away from the ppp,which can make the difference from a minority to losing completely   


Ralph has no grassroots following. To say he is gonna help swing votes is nonsense.


If the AFC continues to do the work they have been doing in regions 5,6 and 2 and also extend that to regions 3 and 4 PPP goose cooked.


The People of Guyana already are turned off by the PPP. They don't want them in office and that was clear in 2011 it is going to be even more pronounced now. of course this is where the PPP morons need to come out and tell us the PPP will win by 99% Mudslide....ala bisram poles.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ralph has no grassroots following. To say he is gonna help swing votes is nonsense.


If the AFC continues to do the work they have been doing in regions 5,6 and 2 and also extend that to regions 3 and 4 PPP goose cooked.


The People of Guyana already are turned off by the PPP. They don't want them in office and that was clear in 2011 it is going to be even more pronounced now. of course this is where the PPP morons need to come out and tell us the PPP will win by 99% Mudslide....ala bisram poles.

you my friend have no knowledge of the indian people,every indian know ralph father is a founding member of the ppp,not because he was never a minister the indian people do not know about him and what he stand for in the ppp.the indian people have more respect for ralph than rohee 


Founding father all great grand bull. To the average youth man in GY which is the majority of the voters they dont give a damn about Ralph, Janet or Cheddie or any one of these tools. You are foreign to this land Many times and years removed.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Founding father all great grand bull. To the average youth man in GY which is the majority of the voters they dont give a damn about Ralph, Janet or Cheddie or any one of these tools. You are foreign to this land Many times and years removed.

you say that in the last election but the indians still vote for these fools,maybe you need to wise up and learn something go live among the people like i do.eduction begin at home you ever hear this phrase 


They not voting for Ramkarran, they are voting for the rest of these tools. 


Ok riddle me this batman where is Ramkarran's base of supporters exactly? where are they?


If he had such a large support base why would the PPP treat him like crap and hussle him to the door?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

They not voting for Ramkarran, they are voting for the rest of these tools. 


Ok riddle me this batman where is Ramkarran's base of supporters exactly? where are they?


If he had such a large support base why would the PPP treat him like crap and hussle him to the door?

Likewise Moses.


Moses is a different kettle of fish, Moses has a significant base of supporters throughout Guyana but his base is Region 6.


Moses has demonstrated that time and time again why you think the PPP promise Joey Minister wuk fuh go to Port Morant and cuss Moses morning noon and night in 2011? It didn't wuk but the PPP is terrified of Moses.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

They not voting for Ramkarran, they are voting for the rest of these tools. 


Ok riddle me this batman where is Ramkarran's base of supporters exactly? where are they?


If he had such a large support base why would the PPP treat him like crap and hussle him to the door?

the same way they treat every body like crap that refuse to toe the line,the ppp party do not have individual base it operate as a whole.but do not fool yourself the people know who is decent and well respected and ralph is one of those person in fact the indian population think he should have  make president before ramotar  

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses is a different kettle of fish, Moses has a significant base of supporters throughout Guyana but his base is Region 6.


Moses has demonstrated that time and time again why you think the PPP promise Joey Minister wuk fuh go to Port Morant and cuss Moses morning noon and night in 2011? It didn't wuk but the PPP is terrified of Moses.

Aha! The PPP can't get Joey to cuss down Moses in Port Mourant again.

Less than a year after 2011, Joey cuss down Ramotar. I posted his letter two times here already.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses is a different kettle of fish, Moses has a significant base of supporters throughout Guyana but his base is Region 6.


Moses has demonstrated that time and time again why you think the PPP promise Joey Minister wuk fuh go to Port Morant and cuss Moses morning noon and night in 2011? It didn't wuk but the PPP is terrified of Moses.

Aha! The PPP can't get Joey to cuss down Moses in Port Mourant again.

Less than a year after 2011, Joey cuss down Ramotar. I posted his letter two times here already.

That Sir Gil is where you are wrong...............Joey is a buffoon he has never seen a Minister wuk he didn't like. The PPP will pull another con on him promise him a Minister job and he gonna open up and start cussin like Millie.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph was at the PPP hosted Mirror 50th celebrations only a few days ago.  He was giving a speech to PPP supporters with lots of praise, cheers and happy smiles. 

Not a few days ago, Wally. It was December 2012.

this speech happen in 2012 and wally say it was a few days ago,wally you a buckman or you serving a life sentence 

I have been ill recently so I use days instead of years.  This year instead of last year.  My point is this.  Ralph still has support from important people in the party. Important people who still care about him.  Would he want to put that at  risk by supporting the AFC.  Maybe not.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Moses is a different kettle of fish, Moses has a significant base of supporters throughout Guyana but his base is Region 6.


Moses has demonstrated that time and time again why you think the PPP promise Joey Minister wuk fuh go to Port Morant and cuss Moses morning noon and night in 2011? It didn't wuk but the PPP is terrified of Moses.

Aha! The PPP can't get Joey to cuss down Moses in Port Mourant again.

Less than a year after 2011, Joey cuss down Ramotar. I posted his letter two times here already.

You better doan post it a tird time or mr modratetor gonna ban you with DEM dots as jb SAYS....

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph was at the PPP hosted Mirror 50th celebrations only a few days ago.  He was giving a speech to PPP supporters with lots of praise, cheers and happy smiles. 

Not a few days ago, Wally. It was December 2012.

this speech happen in 2012 and wally say it was a few days ago,wally you a buckman or you serving a life sentence 

I have been ill recently so I use days instead of years.  This year instead of last year.  My point is this.  Ralph still has support from important people in the party. Important people who still care about him.  Would he want to put that at  risk by supporting the AFC.  Maybe not.

I don't doubt you, Wally. But, let's look at it this way:

How many "important people" you're talking about? For every important PPP member there are ten unimportant ones.

The feedback I'm getting is that those unimportant ones are totally embarrassed with what the important ones did to their party. In fact, on the Essequibo Coast some unimportant ones are already saying "de PPP gon lose de eleckshuns."

This doesn't mean I'm advocating for Ralph to endorse the AFC. It's up to him; he's a big man. I know I'm endorsing the AFC ticket.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Ralph was at the PPP hosted Mirror 50th celebrations only a few days ago.  He was giving a speech to PPP supporters with lots of praise, cheers and happy smiles. 

Not a few days ago, Wally. It was December 2012.

this speech happen in 2012 and wally say it was a few days ago,wally you a buckman or you serving a life sentence 

I have been ill recently so I use days instead of years.  This year instead of last year.  My point is this.  Ralph still has support from important people in the party. Important people who still care about him.  Would he want to put that at  risk by supporting the AFC.  Maybe not.

GOOD Point Wally.  Ralph is a PPP.


No he is of no use in AFC.


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