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Ramkarran for Speaker
Thursday, 05 January 2012 00:09

I AM now convinced more than ever that some people have a penchant for burying their heads in the sand when it comes to certain matters of national importance. I refer specifically to the issue of selecting the Speaker of the National Assembly.

My choice for that position is without any prejudice. My choice is senior counsel Ralph Ramkarran. In fact, Mr. Editor, Mr. Ramkarran served in the position of Speaker of the National Assembly for 19 years with honour and distinction, and I am quite sure he is willing and able to continue to serve the nation in that capacity.

He has an unblemished record and has been respected for the impartial manner in which he carried out his functions as Speaker. I think the opposition parties in the House should put partisan politics behind their backs and support Mr. Ramkarran to be the Speaker of the new Parliament.

Source: Chronicle

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Originally posted by Cobra:
Ramkarran for Speaker
Thursday, 05 January 2012 00:09

I AM now convinced more than ever that some people have a penchant for burying their heads in the sand when it comes to certain matters of national importance. I refer specifically to the issue of selecting the Speaker of the National Assembly.

My choice for that position is without any prejudice. My choice is senior counsel Ralph Ramkarran.
In fact, Mr. Editor, Mr. Ramkarran served in the position of Speaker of the National Assembly for 19 years with honour and distinction, This is a Lie......Charles John look like a O'lo sucker who needs to get the truth before he writes lies!!!!!
According to this Liar Derek Jagan never exist....... NEXT thing this O'lo sucker will tell us Cheddi Jagan never Exist .....and JagaBT was president for 19 years too.

and I am quite sure he is willing and able to continue to serve the nation in that capacity.

He has an unblemished record and has been respected for the impartial manner in which he carried out his functions as Speaker. I think the opposition parties in the House should put partisan politics behind their backs and support Mr. Ramkarran to be the Speaker of the new Parliament.

Source: Chronicle
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Looks like PPP, with its 32 votes, will get their man for Speaker. Good Luck!

Well you wanted Nagamootoo for Speaker so the PPP would have had the Speaker either way.
it sad that you feel that way,but i know for sure you is not speaking for the APNU,and lots of guyanese blacks.
Al Yuh NOW seeing dem TRUE Colors but were backing their RACIST and SICK ideas before the Election. Caribj and Nuff can FOOL a Cunumunu "Coolie" but I can see through them like dem ah clear plastic.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Looks like PPP, with its 32 votes, will get their man for Speaker. Good Luck!

Well you wanted Nagamootoo for Speaker so the PPP would have had the Speaker either way.
it sad that you feel that way,but i know for sure you is not speaking for the APNU,and lots of guyanese blacks.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Al Yuh NOW seeing dem TRUE Colors but were backing their RACIST and SICK ideas before the Election. Caribj and Nuff can FOOL a Cunumunu "Coolie" but I can see through them like dem ah clear plastic.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Looks like PPP, with its 32 votes, will get their man for Speaker. Good Luck!

Well you wanted Nagamootoo for Speaker so the PPP would have had the Speaker either way.
it sad that you feel that way,but i know for sure you is not speaking for the APNU,and lots of guyanese blacks.
i am not backing nobody racist remarks.if you is a racist i will call it, i donot care if you is a indian or parents never teach me to be racist and i will never teach my children to be one.i belive in good and evil,not the colour of your skin
Originally posted by warrior:
i am not backing nobody racist remarks.if you is a racist i will call it, i donot care if you is a indian or parents never teach me to be racist and i will never teach my children to be one.i belive in good and evil,not the colour of your skin

Keep up the fight warrior. Dont let these racists call you a traitor because you dont drink their PPP racist coolaid.
Caribj and warrior are two of a small bunch of disgruntle people who have downgraded a respected forum like GNI with racist comments in both pre and post election time.

Nuff also spoke on issues more racially than to find a common solution for the good of a country. Guyanese should not subject themselves to this daily crap spewed from hopeless individuals who wish to degrade their country's progress.

Coolies can survive with or without your foolish opinions. Take note that people are reading what you write.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Caribj and warrior are two of a small bunch of disgruntle people who have downgraded a respected forum like GNI with racist comments in both pre and post election time.

Nuff also spoke on issues more racially than to find a common solution for the good of a country. Guyanese should not subject themselves to this daily crap spewed from hopeless individuals who wish to degrade their country's progress.

Coolies can survive with or without your foolish opinions. Take note that people are reading what you write.
these 3 and their buddies have their agendas...
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Coolies can survive with or without your foolish opinions. Take note that people are reading what you write.

I note the veiled threats and I also note your claim to be non racist, yet your focus is on one group.

What of AfroGuyanese? Obviously you, like the PPP, think they ought to behave like kids, be seen and not heard except when "father" hands them sweeties.

Now run along with the understanding that 65% of the Guyanese voters refused to vote PPP, so your claims of being popular look quite stupid.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Caribj and warrior are two of a small bunch of disgruntle people who have downgraded a respected forum like GNI with racist comments in both pre and post election time.

Nuff also spoke on issues more racially than to find a common solution for the good of a country. Guyanese should not subject themselves to this daily crap spewed from hopeless individuals who wish to degrade their country's progress.

Coolies can survive with or without your foolish opinions. Take note that people are reading what you write.
collies can survive with or without your foolish opinions.who is making the racist remark.what you mean the ppp is a collie guys name lunchon, singh now.what about kwame what his name bugger you little rascal i am not a racist,but a full out guyanese indian who will love to hang some of the ppp crime family that is stealing the tax payers want me to say some thing nice about the ppp,let me see ramottar start giving the guyanese people justice,he can start with green and the housing minister
Originally posted by albert:
Trotman realize that Ramjattan teamed up with Nagamootoo and they would inevitably forced him out of the party....

Trotman never forgets where he hid his doggy bone. Moses have to learn to be a hypocrite. Honesty is not always a good thing. Moses cannot forget where his dhall and chokka came from.
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Originally posted by albert:
Trotman realize that Ramjattan teamed up with Nagamootoo and they would inevitably forced him out of the party....

Trotman never forgets where he hid his doggy bone. Moses have to learn to be a hypocrite. Honesty is not always a good thing. Moses cannot forget where his dhall and chokka came from.
honesty is not always a good thing,spoken like a true ppp crime family
Originally posted by albert:
The P.P.P/C already has 32 seats....only one less of a majority...

The PPP will have to make a deal with either the AFC or APNU to have their man become the speaker. What will they give up?

The AFC is asking for quite a number of things.
GR posted the list.

Will APNU give critical support to the PPP in return for the speakership..

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