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Former Member

Writing over the weekend former PPP member and House Speaker Ralph Ramkarran blamed the government for the failure of the passage of the AML/CFT Bill. Writing in his weekend column Ramkarran stated that the Government should have compromised with the Opposition to pass the AML/CFT Bill. But this position betrays the devious double standards of Ramkarran and his false equivalency.

Let’s consider the Opposition’s objections to the BILL. The AFC, like every financial institution including CFATF, has none. They’re just shamelessly using the Government’s concern for the welfare of Guyana, as hostage to blackmail them to establish the unrelated “Public Procurement Commission” – on AFC’s terms. Ramkarran wants the government to acquiesce to the blackmail – without even slapping the AFC.


Then there’s the APNU callous manoeuvre. For two years, they claimed to be “consulting with stakeholders”. Two years. Finally at the 12th hour (after the first deadline is missed) they insisted on changing the INITIAL 2009 Bill, which according to CFATF, isn’t even necessary for Guyana to be declared “compliant”. And that isn’t all. As the representative of CFATF warned, the changes in the original Bill would raise new areas in which Guyana could be disqualified. So how could the government compromise?




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I noticed that dem PPP drug dealers in Guyana have been carrying out transaction with fake U$ dollar bills. Is where dem come from? Is that how they hoping to solve the shortage of foreign currency?


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