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President, Opposition Leader attend 170th Anniversary celebration of Congregational Church in Buxton
President Ramotar with, from left, APNU MP, Rupert Roopnarine, Opposition Leader, David Granger, Minister Juan Edghill and MP Odinga Lumumba at the Congregational Church in Buxton

President, Opposition Leader attend 170th Anniversary celebration of Congregational Church in Buxton

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar was in attendance on Sunday when the Arundel Congregational Church in Buxton celebrated their 170th Anniversary with a thanksgiving service under the theme, “Preserving our Inheritance, Honouring our Calling”.

President Ramotar greets Leader of the Opposition, David Granger

President Ramotar greets Leader of the Opposition, David Granger

President Ramotar was joined by Minister within the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill and PPP/C Member of Parliament, Odinga Lumumba and celebrated with the congregation by belting out songs of praise.
The Head of State lauded the work the church has been doing in the community and urged its members to continue in this regard. “I know this church has been doing a lot for this community and I urge you to continue doing so,” he said.
President Ramotar going back in time explained to the congregation that he was born and christened in the Caria Caria Congressional Church in the Essequibo River. He noted that he is very proud to be associated with the church which has always reached out to the less fortunate.
“In Caria Caria it was the only house of worship we had and I also attended the Congressional school,” he said.

President Ramotar delivers his address to the congregation

President Ramotar delivers his address to the congregation

The Head of State referred to parts of the scriptures from the Holy Bible, adding that the Congregational churches have fulfilled their task of assisting to make people’s lives better, and have done so with distinction.
“There are two quotes I think this church has lived up to – well one from Deuteronomy and the other from Matthew.” He also noted that the church calls on us to be modest and when we are helping we need not broadcast it. President Ramotar said that he has always tried to practice these same principles while executing his duties as a leader.
Also speaking briefly was Leader of the Opposition, David Granger as he joined in congratulating the church and its members on achieving their 170th year of existence. He gave a brief history of the existence of the church and urged the members to continue in their service to the community.
The church was first built on a plantation south west of where it now stands. During those days, there was tremendous fear that the Atlantic Ocean would soon claim the building and the land on which it stood owing to erosion. The large plot of land, on which the church now stands, was donated by Mr. Carter, a former slave and grandfather of the late George Carter, who later became a staunch deacon of the Arundel Congregational Church.

(Rebecca Ganesh-Ally)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did Ramjattan ever shake the president hand? I never see him and Moses play phagwah with the prezzy, but Granger did each year. 

YUh remember when yuh Daddy and yuh Cha Cha does get wrang dem does stop talk to each other and thrteaten not to attend their Funeral and such thing?? Well dem 2 still gat dat kind of attitudes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did Ramjattan ever shake the president hand? I never see him and Moses play phagwah with the prezzy, but Granger did each year. 

you ever hear the saying keep your friend close but keep your enemy closer 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Ramotar delivers his address to the congregation

Uncle Ramu look like a preacher here. 

god need the devil,ramu is a perfect devil

Ready for Armageddon: Granger issues final caution to President Ramotar

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bro, you looking at two gentlemen shaking hands on a beautiful occasion in Buxton. You can't find a better venue to be united. 

Granja got wan dagger for him.  LOL.


You can shake hands with a clench fist according to Indira Gandhi, that genius of a politician.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Ramotar delivers his address to the congregation

Uncle Ramu look like a preacher here. 

god need the devil,ramu is a perfect devil

Ready for Armageddon: Granger issues final caution to President Ramotar

Bhai, haul you tail suh with this old news. This was since Nov 09th.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Bro, you looking at two gentlemen shaking hands on a beautiful occasion in Buxton. You can't find a better venue to be united. 

Indeed Cobra.


Despite political differences, there have been many occasions where the two are shown in cordial situations.


D_G, I would like to see a shared governance working together for the greater good of Guyana. This never happened before and I don't know if it will ever happen since there is no trust, but the idea of shared governance must live that one day the opposition(s) might come to a common understanding for the people and government of Guyana. Good ideas must always be a breath of fresh air for our people in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

D_G, I would like to see a shared governance working together for the greater good of Guyana.

Between the progressive elements of the PPP/C and the PNCR.


With that possibility, they could obtain over 80% of the votes.


Indeed there will be people from both the PPP/C and PNCR who would not like that approach.


It is conceivable that they may form other political groups or merge with the AFC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Jalil, you should chose updated news to post.

Granger tell Ramotar...

Keep Pumping Lies...

Opposition not interested in

in Small Talk with anyone who

Promoting Buggerism

Cobra say this is Stale News?


APNU protest on suspended Parliament…

A serious constitutional problem looms if Ramotar doesn’t reconvene – Granger

November 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

“It has already started to bring about change,” said Leader of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger, of ongoing protest action being spearheaded by his political party in response to the move by President Donald Ramotar to prorogue the Parliament on November 10, last.

A section of the protestors yesterday

A section of the protestors yesterday


Granger, who was at the time taking time-out from a protest on Vlissengen Road, just outside the Office of the President complex yesterday, to speak with media operatives, is of the firm belief that it has been protest actions that have served to even prompt a response from the Organisation of American States (OAS). In a press statement from the Washington, USA-based organization, Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza, took note of Proclamation by President Ramotar to prorogue the 10th Parliament. He urged both the governing and opposition political parties to “redouble their efforts to reach an understanding and compromise on the major political and socio-economic issues facing the country.” Secretary General Insulza thus hoped that parliamentary debate could be resumed in the 10th Parliament in the “shortest possible period of time.”


According to Granger, as part of his party’s efforts to react to the prorogation, APNU has written to the Secretaries General of both Commonwealth and Caricom.  He however, did not detail the contents of those correspondences but went on to note that “we will continue to engage civil society; we spoke to the Roman Catholic Church, the Private Sector Commission, the Public Service Union…and people are very sympathetic to what we are doing.”


Granger, in bringing attention to consultations held by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) that have sought to justify the action of the President, said “I think that when people come to us they realise that the PPP is not telling the full truth about the circumstances that led to the prorogation of Parliament.” As a result, he shared his conviction that with more information the public as well as civil society organisations will be better informed, thereby, allowing for a united decision to be made to “put pressure” on the PPP to reconvene Parliament.

“I have not heard any voices outside of the PPP that support the prorogation of Parliament. Only PPP diehards have been supporting that call…You speak to any civil society organisation, business organisation, they all are calling for the reconvening of Parliament and getting on with the business,” the APNU Leader asserted. As presently constituted, Parliament represents the majority of the population, Granger said, as he noted that what the PPP has done, although it might be in accordance with the Constitution, is unethical. 



He has therefore characterised the move to prorogue Parliament as a tactic that is “smothering democracy and what people have realised (and) there is going to be a serious constitutional problem, a worse constitutional problem in this country if Ramotar does not reconvene.


” The Opposition Leader is not at all worried that the protest action will cause some level of uneasiness in the society even as the Christmas holidays near. “The people know that today is the 25th of November and they know that on the 25th of December they will be celebrating Christmas…They know that today they are protesting for the greater good (but) in the final analysis we are going to have a system of governance in this country based on the Constitution; a system of governance based on the representation of the people…This is what they are struggling for; they are not struggling for Christmas, but a good future for Guyanese,” Granger intimated.


picket 0




APNU AND AFC COLLABORATION And even as he dispelled reports that APNU has been operating without the support of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Granger insisted that “we have always collaborated with the AFC from the start of the tenth Parliament in January 2012.” He pointed out that the current Speaker of the House (Raphael Trotman), a former AFC leader, could only have been elected because there was collaboration between APNU and the AFC. And from that time on, he noted, the two parties have had cordial and collaborative relations.


“I don’t know where this talk about division is coming from,” said Granger, as he made reference to the presence of executive members of the AFC being present at a recent APNU rally at the Square of the Revolution. “The Chairman of the AFC (Nigel Hughes) was present, the General Secretary of the AFC (David Patterson) was present and the Chairman spoke at great length, and he was well received by the APNU audience which had gathered there, and these things could have only been possible if there was collaboration…He was not an intruder, he was not a ‘cochore’, he was greeted as a partner,” Granger stressed.


Collaboration between the two parties was also evident when they passed the Bill to have local Government Elections which was proposed for August 1, 2014.


Although there was no evidence of AFC executives at yesterday’s protest, there were, however, scores of persons armed with placards lending their support to the APNU-spearheaded protest.


Aside from Granger, there were several APNU executive members marching along and chanting slogans to emphasise the need for democracy to prevail. As they marched under the watchful eyes of Police ranks, the group vocalised slogans including “Lame Duck Government” and “No Parliament, No Talks” among others as they emphasised the need for the President to resume Parliament forthwith.

Led once again by APNU MP Annette Ferguson, the protestors also belted out the lyrics to the song “We Shall Overcome.”


LONE PROTESTOR And even as APNU’s protest commenced at 11:00 hours, a one-man silent protest had started since around 08:00 hours on the opposite side of the thoroughfare. The lone protestor armed with a Guyana flag and a placard bearing the words “Democracy strip naked” sought to emphasise silence and also attempted to obstruct his identity by covering the majority of his face with scotch tape.


He however, in a brief comment to this publication said that his action was also spurred by the move to prorogue Parliament.

A lone protestor exemplifies the silence of Parliament by scotch-taping his face.

A lone protestor exemplifies the silence of Parliament by scotch-taping his face.



“I am calling on the President to quickly reconvene Parliament, as soon as possible, and let everyone have their say in the National Assembly.


“I feel that my rights are being trampled upon…I voted for my elected representatives and they cannot have a say in the National Assembly because the President has prorogued the Parliament and has removed the freedom of speech.”


And like APNU, the lone protestor also vowed to continue this action until prorogation of Parliament is brought to an end.


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