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Local gov't bills "dropped"....

as opposition stun Ramotar & Jagdeo Govt.....

by calling on them to put their vote where their mouth is.....

All Guyanese and Diplomatic community see...

Ramotar Dishonesty and fear of even local govt elections.

  • Thursday, 18 July 2013 16:37


Parliamentarians gather during the suspension. Parliamentarians gather during the suspension.

Debate on the long-awaited reformed local government bills was Thursday afternoon deferred after the government refused to proceed with the order voted for by the opposition.

 At the start of consideration of government business APNU’s Basil Williams moved to bring the four bills up to the top of the Order Paper, displacing the Hydro-electric Power (Amendment) Bill 2013 and a motion seeking to raise the government guarantee of loans from GUY$1B to GUY$150B.

 Both are integral to the Amaila Hydropower Project and the government has been calling on the opposition to support the moves.

 The government voted against the move to reshuffle the Order Paper but opposition prevailed 32 – 31 when the vote was called.

 However, when Speaker Raphael Trotman called on Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud to proceed with the debate on the first bill there was silence from the government benches.
Trotman then asked Prime Minister Samuel Hinds if the government intended to proceed with the bill and was again met by silence.

 The House was then suspended for about 30 minutes for Trotman to meet with the Party Whips and upon resumption he indicated that he could not order the minister to proceed. Clerk of the Assembly Sherlock Isaacs, in following the procedure, again called on the minister to read the bill and the silence continued.

 Trotman then indicated that the bill would be dropped from the Order Paper until a date was set. Nothing changed when the Clerk called on Persaud to read the other three bills and they too were dropped.

 Government MP Gail Teixeira then rose and indicated that they were prepared to debate the bills on Friday. However, a decision on that is still pending since Hinds will move the date for the next sitting at the end of Thursday’s session which could be countered by the opposition with its one seat majority.

 The Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012; the Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2012; the Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2012; and the Local Government Commission Bill were before the House for the first time since exiting a Special Select Committee.
The reforms were seen as necessary before the holding of local government elections which were last held in 1994. 
Representatives of the diplomatic community and civil society have been calling for the bills to be passed and the polls held this year.
Now Nandalal  cussing and carrying on...claiming ....
"De Rope Coming to de end".....both...
"Burnham Constitution".... and.......
"PNC Black House of Isreal Thugs"......
"Failing to help out".......
WHY?   WHY?   WHY?
"Aya put dem Chamar in Office of the President?"
"Aya put dem Rawan in Freedom House?"
"Who will explain how this happen to Congress Next Month in Berbice?"

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Rohee seh "At this time....De Goat agree with Nandalall"....

"Where is de Whizz Kid now????"....

"Look at this Bunch of A$$-hole de Goat end up with"

" how de Duck gon run kissing up to Granger....and lef alya in de goat $hit".

Just look....

all aya Runnig around like Goat Channa now....

Hoping fuh de Breeze fuh tek ayuh out de mess...


Suh Bhai Nehru.....De Local Govt Elections

which has been put off by Jagdeo & Ramotar

fuh nearly 20 years is not the most important thing now?????


If Jagdeo can suspend de Local Govt Reform Bill fuh 20 year....

why Ramotar cant suspend De Debate on de.....

Hydro SCEME fuh 20 min or 20 Hours.


Dem PNC Bhai real sharp.....

look how dem making rings around aya...

Imagine PNC attacking Ramotar & Jagdeo on.....

Corruption, Transperancy and Democratic Elections...

and Rolling all aya up into one lump of Goat $hit....

and all aya can do is cry like a baby......

Now......Where is Lamumba, Jerry Gouviea, Kit Nascimento & McClean


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