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Former Member

Anil is preparing to shamefully leave office and to be replaced by Prya.

Prya has already publicly scolded Nandalall for his disgraceful remarks.

A late last minute attempt by Ramotar on Monday morning to form a shared Govt with Granger and save his govt from collapse was immediately rejected by APNU.

Pressure is continuing to mount on Ramotar to return to Democracy and Immediately call elections.


PNC Hydro Engineer famous words..... "Interesting times lie Ahead" as Ramotar Govt folds up. New Elections will see a return with no party gaining 50% Parliament they will be forced to work together and scrap all this Dictatorship arrangements Ramotar put in place.


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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC constitution gave the President the right to prorogue parliament to save a constitutional crisis.

The PNC constitution also gave the President the right to kill Young Brilliant Indian Teeka & Sash Swah.


The PNC constitution also gave the President the right to pay fuh tummy tuck & Sperm fuh De President & De Attorney General.


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