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Ramotar and other PPP leaders pretend they are not part of the problem.  Not one of them has openly criticized the big business control of Jagdeo/Ali.  The truth is that Jagan's socialist PPP has been hijacked by a nasty bunch of ill informed parasitic capitalist sympathizers. As I have stated before, a real socialist party will do well in the next election.

@Spugum posted:

says the man who's party hired a washington-based global political lobbying firm, Mercury Public Affairs LLC to help them win the last general election


Well duh, since when it’s illegal to hire lobbying firms to strategize election course of action?[ FYI lobbying is different from rigging.]How is that different from from the lobbying firm the PNC hire? Oh, i know Harmon uses the taxpayer money to pay for his lobbyistâ€Ķhahahahaha[ maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@Totaram posted:

Ramotar and other PPP leaders pretend they are not part of the problem.  Not one of them has openly criticized the big business control of Jagdeo/Ali.  The truth is that Jagan's socialist PPP has been hijacked by a nasty bunch of ill informed parasitic capitalist sympathizers. As I have stated before, a real socialist party will do well in the next election.

these crookish ppp leaders disposed of considerable patrimony to big international businesses for the wealth they, their friends and cronies enjoy today. now he's worried that the balance of power may have shifted and the very international businesses can determine which parties win elections in guyana

he now blames the pnc. can't say a thing to these big businesses

we have effectively become a joke, doomed to failure and all that comes with it

@Totaram posted:

Ramotar and other PPP leaders pretend they are not part of the problem.  Not one of them has openly criticized the big business control of Jagdeo/Ali.  The truth is that Jagan's socialist PPP has been hijacked by a nasty bunch of ill informed parasitic capitalist sympathizers. As I have stated before, a real socialist party will do well in the next election.

You mad man Totaram you should move to Cuba.

Ali Khan Azad

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