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Ramotar fires back on Budget cuts … says callous Opposition refused Govt. proposals

By Gary Eleazar
April 28, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Source - Kaieteur News

President Donald Ramotar


Heartless, irresponsible and poisonous were among Head of State Donald Ramotar’s choice words as he delivered his address to the nation last evening in reaction to the $21B slashed out of the 2012 Budget.

Ramotar, in his address to the nation, which was broadcast live on NCN said bluntly, “I want to assure all Guyana that the steps and decisions my Government takes in the coming period will be guided by the national interest and commitment to the well-being of the people of this country…I am confident that we will overcome the present setback.”

Some saw this statement as a hint that general elections are not too far off.

Firing back at the Opposition and speaking directly to the cuts Ramotar said that the $192.8B budget presented by the administration was carefully crafted to lift the quality of life in Guyana and that these cuts appear to be motivated to undermine progress in our country.

“The implications of the cuts are wide ranging,” according to Ramotar who said that in the first instance the cuts could result in many people losing their jobs.

“This (the cut) will place new burdens on these persons, many of whom are the breadwinners of their families… In this regard the cuts are heartless.”

He said, too, that the cuts threaten the financing of the many transformative projects which were intended to boost economic growth.

The president said, “Through these poisonous acts, the Opposition seems determined to slow down and eventually halt the impressive growth taking place under the PPP/Civic Government.”

He said that using the dictatorship of one which they have in Parliament they want to stymie further progress obviously in the hope that if they can stop the development of our country they would advance their political mission which is to take power, even if it is at the expense of ordinary Guyanese well-being…

“This is most reckless and irresponsible and reflects the undemocratic nature of APNU, a creature of the PNCR, and the AFC which is led by bitter men obsessed with achieving personal power.”

Ramotar said, “They have done this foul deed after we had several meetings over six days during which the government provided exhaustive answers to all their concerns and offered reasonable responses to their demands.”

Speaking directly to the demands of the opposition which its leaders have been saying were ignored by the President, he said, “We demonstrated goodwill from the beginning in increasing the old age pension to $10,000 per month… That alone would cost the treasury more than one billion dollars…

“We agreed on a package of measures to assist the citizens of Linden where we agreed to implement a phased reduction in subsidies which would see the citizens of that mining community paying only a half of the tariff which the rest of the country is paying.”

Ramotar commented on the Value Added Tax (VAT) which the Combined Opposition suggested should be reduced by at least two per cent.
“We told them that we believed that a study was needed before any action was taken.”

The President said that the administration indicated “that we were willing to sit with them to agree on extending the list of zero- rated items….This we believe is a more targeted way to assist persons considered to be low income earners.”

Reducing the toll for the Berbice Bridge was another on the list of demands for the Opposition Ramotar said, “We pointed out that the company, BBCI running that entity was a private company….We pointed out that some very important public institutions had invested in the bridge, including the NIS and New Building Society.”

The president said that the Office of the President delegation deliberated with the opposition on how the fees were arrived at. “They were advised also that we were putting back a ferry to cross the river to correct the disadvantage that school children and workers in the Rosignol and West Bank Berbice may experience since the bridge became operational…

“Moreover, we asked them to consider the implications for investors in our country were we to do what they demanded -to nationalize the Bridge and make it a state company. We told them that that would put us in a bad position since we had agreed with the investors on a rate of return and that the bridge will become government owned after twenty years of operation.
“This too they rejected.”

The President for the first time broke silence on an agreement to the creation of a Depressed Community Fund and proposed its funding of over $2B dollars for 2012 through an allocation of 1 per cent of VAT revenue collections in 2011.

“We have been open and frank at all times with the Opposition….the combined Opposition has conspired and ended up retarding the development taking place…By putting workers on the breadline, they have demonstrated a callous and mean-spirited attitude.”

He said that the inexplicable and unfathomable cuts instituted by the opposition to “our National Budget constitute an ominous threat to the livelihood of Guyanese and to future generations.” Ramotar was adamant that reductions in the Budgeted provisions “assail not just workers rights but also threaten to reverse the gains which our people, through hard work and sacrifice, have earned over the years.”

The President did however assure that the door to dialogue has not been closed. “My faith in dialogue remains undiminished.”

He said that he still holds the view that dialogue with all Guyanese, including the political parties, is the best way to narrow differences and find consensus but warned that “dialogue cannot be constructive or productive when the other side is intransigent or adopt an all or nothing posture.”

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President Donald Ramotar


Ramotar, in his address to the nation, which was broadcast live on NCN said bluntly, “I want to assure all Guyana that the steps and decisions my Government takes in the coming period will be guided by the national interest and commitment to the well-being of the people of this country…I am confident that we will overcome the present setback.”

Some saw this statement as a hint that general elections are not too far off.


I thought that Ramotar might be a bit more honest than Jagdeo, but I am disappointed to have been misguided. He is no less an embarrassment than his predecessors in high office. For the man to suggest that funding GINA and other propaganda machines to the tune of U$15,000 a month in individual salaries as a setback for the country is the sign of a president with no financial responsibilities and understanding. For each GINA employee monthly salary the country can pay several doctors or teachers a yearly salary.


As for the suggestion that early election could be called: big mistake. The AFC has shown to be able to do a lot more for the canecutters and other big time PPP voters with just one MP, than the PPP has been able to do with a majority government since the last millennium.


It looks like the PPP is angry that it is unable to steal as much as it used to before. So they want to try to rig a new election and prevent the majority of the voters having a say in the way government is being held to account.


So they want to try to rig a new election and prevent the majority of the voters having a say in the way government is being held to account.





You are seeing ahead in the crystal ball.  They don't need to rig!!


Like yuh worried bhai. I can understand your dismay. Progress never is viewed well by those who support a corrupted government.  


Ramotar should be like Gorbacev,(the system that he revered) and dismantle the PPP.


Last edited by seignet

The pPP is now engaging in a PR war, they want to feel out the public sentiment to see if snap elections would go in their favor.  Much of what the AFC/PNC says can not be substantiated, however the PPP must be hiding something as they fail to respond to lots of these allegations.  The next few months will be interesting as the Amelia falls , OLPF and new airport project will never see the light of day with the current parliament. The PPP had squandered whatever good will it may have had when during the last administration it rammed through legislation without the buy in of the opposition. Now it is only to be expected that the opposition will do the same now that they have the majority. 


The pPP is now engaging in a PR war, they want to feel out the public sentiment to see if snap elections would go in their favor.  Much of what the AFC/PNC says can not be substantiated, however the PPP must be hiding something as they fail to respond to lots of these allegations.  The next few months will be interesting as the Amelia falls , OLPF and new airport project will never see the light of day with the current parliament. The PPP had squandered whatever good will it may have had when during the last administration it rammed through legislation without the buy in of the opposition. Now it is only to be expected that the opposition will do the same now that they have the majority. 


Originally Posted by Nehru:

The pPP is now engaging in a PR war, they want to feel out the public sentiment to see if snap elections would go in their favor.  Much of what the AFC/PNC says can not be substantiated, however the PPP must be hiding something as they fail to respond to lots of these allegations.  The next few months will be interesting as the Amelia falls , OLPF and new airport project will never see the light of day with the current parliament. The PPP had squandered whatever good will it may have had when during the last administration it rammed through legislation without the buy in of the opposition. Now it is only to be expected that the opposition will do the same now that they have the majority. 


This is probably not a chance the PPP want to take as they could be ousted from office via a strong turn out of PNC supporters and more cannibalization of PPP supporters by the AFc.


Carry yo rass Nehru, Guyana is finally along the right path. 

Senor Ramoutarsky has to realize that his party is not running the show and as a saying awe Toronto Mayor used in his last elections, "Let's stop the gravy train"

Look banna, the work I'm involved with needs Govt assistance and with these cuts, we are also affected but it has to be done. The poor people cannot be forking out their hard earned cash everytime the Govt cries they're broke after reckless spending.


Cain, Are you sane now, cause I think you were either sick or under serious stress. Did they CUT agencies to ond dollar (one dollar) $$$$$$$$$$$$? If you want to debate let us get started. Being prudent and being STUPID are NOT the same.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

That is a chance I will take rather than do nothing and see my Nation gets DESTROYED. It is NOT about an individual, IT IS ABOUT THE PROGREAS AND PROSPERITY OF A NATION.

"You nation"!!!  Ah weh you an' yuh pikney dem deh.  Alyuh deh up deh ah gon come bak in cold wedda wenn alyuh bones geh ole and ah hutt bu none alyuh an' alyuh pikney nah come donk hay fuh wuk.  Ah di peeple donk hay nation, alyuh stik up deh and deal wid Abama and Asama, dah alyuh nation.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Cain, Are you sane now, cause I think you were either sick or under serious stress. Did they CUT agencies to ond dollar (one dollar) $$$$$$$$$$$$? If you want to debate let us get started. Being prudent and being STUPID are NOT the same.

They were cut to nothing,  dem boys were shown they were worth at least a dollar, those I worked with received nothing.

Due to all the tension we also lost out on a $10million contract.


I do know being Prudent and being Stupit are not the same, you show this sometimes when you say stupitness.


I do know being Prudent and being Stupit are not the same, you show this sometimes when you say stupitness.

Well, you NEVER demonstrated that. How on earth you expect an Agency to function on a dollar. Man when yuh can start making sense then come back and talk.
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

 Guyanese aint stupid. 

The PPP/C Bourgeous parasites think they are. They will get voted out next time and will loose at least three more seats if a snap election is called.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

 Guyanese aint stupid. 

The PPP/C Bourgeous parasites think they are. They will get voted out next time and will loose at least three more seats if a snap election is called.

Bai alyuh betta nah talk shyte.  Alyuh betta hope dem PPP nah call early eleckshun.  Peeple a wach tings an soa far dem nah see benefits wid alyuh, leh dem see one step bakwards, two steps forward.  Rite now all abie see ah one step bakwards so alyuh hope PPP nah call elekshun before alyuh show dem da two step forward.  If alyuh kno wah good fuh alyuh, yuh gon find common ground wid da PPP an' leh peeple see benefit.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Sledge, who owns the Internet company in Guyana?

Is dah wan trik queshun or wah, wich internet company?  Wah yuh waan know, who own di infrastruture or who a di license service providas?  Exackly wah yuh queshun?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Exakly wah yuh point.  Alyuh nevva hear bout "trikle-donk" economics?  Abie PPP communists a praktice wah alyuh up deh dozz do.  Alyuh muss geh lil patience cazz dem cupple rich peeple nah rich enuff yet fuh allow trikle donk.


Alyuh hold alyuh belly and wait till dem big PPP bais geh mo rich, me estimate wait fuh anada 20 years and tings gon start geh bettah.  Dah lil bai pikney gon benefit.  Abie pon tap.


no point except to inform the fool above that if he can spam the board with garbage flyers, we can do the same. In the process it is nice to expose the hacks and quacks with some uncomfortable facts.


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