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Ramotar puts brake on 'light bill' increase

Friday, 14 June 2013


President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh and Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira in talks with officials of the Guyana Power and Light [GPL), the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) and the Private Sector Commission (PSC) GINA photo.

President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh and Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira in talks with officials of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) and the Private Sector Commission (PSC) GINA photo.

Determined to have the $5.2B budgetary allocation to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) restored, President Donald Ramotar on Friday ordered a delay in the proposed 26.7 percent tariff hike the power company is planning to implement.

The instruction was given after the Head of State met with the Board and management of the power company for talks earlier in the day amidst concerns about the implications of the subsidy that was denied by way of majority vote by the political opposition.

President Ramotar who made the announcement at the launch of GuyExpo 2013 in the lobby of the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) said restoration of the government’s subsidy to the power company must be expeditious.

β€œWe are ready to take it back to parliament tomorrow once we are assured that we will have the support to get it passed so that we can minimise any increase of rates that GPL will be forced to implement,” he was quoted by the state-run Government Information Agency (GINA) as saying.

The opposition Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), which together used their majority to cut the subsidy to GPL, are demanding better accountability of previous subsidies and effective management of the power company to reduce technical and commercial losses. They want the entire board, its Chairman as well as Chief Executive Officer replaced.

Government has so far not given into any of those demands.

The power company had decried the decision to cut the subsidy, pointing to several projects in the making that have either been incomplete or have not yet commenced as a result.

Among them is the 26-megawatt plant at Vreed-en-Hoop which requires foundation works, equipment lodged in Finland and sub-stations under the Chinese infrastructure development projects.

The subvention also would have advanced the process of frequency conversion which was successfully undertaken at the Wartsila Kingston plant and was planned for about eight other locations.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the power company Bharrat Dindyal who had only Thursday met with the President in the company of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), had pointed to the number of locations across the country where the construction of sub-stations are evident, but has reached a standstill.

He had argued that the 26.7 percent tariff hike which he is aware would bring significant impact on consumers is the only alternative to garner the funds needed to complete them and improve efficiency and service quality, and address technical and commercial losses.

The political opposition parties are opposed to the increase and are doubting that the denial of the subvention is the rationale for GPL’s decision.

GPL has submitted its Final Return Certificate (FRC) to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).

The company is counting on the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) to reduce the costs of generation by half and lessen the impact of fuel costs on increasing tariffs. Experts had concluded that hydropower has potential to reduce the electricity bills by 25 to 40 percent, President Ramotar had recently noted.

At Friday's launch he assured that once on stream, hydropower would totally eliminate the need for annual subventions to the power company and satisfy the need for cheap and reliable energy to promote efficient production in the processing and manufacturing industries.

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Dem boys seh … Donald set up David and Prakash

June 17, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News

Donald smart. He get de whole country to believe that dem gun pay a big light bill then he come out and announce that GPL gun hold off pun de light bill increase. From de time he mek de announcement people jump up and holler how Donald is a good man who does always think bout poor people. At de same time de people still cussing APNU and AFC fuh cutting de budget and fuh nearly mek people pay nuff money fuh light bill.  Dem boys willing to bet that Donald got another trick up he sleeve. He gun expose everything that de government doing and that gun cut out all de talk bout corruption because all who been thiefing gone out of de system. Was de same Donald who tell de world that he would cut a deal wid de devil. He try to cut a deal wid David but de same David was no devil suh he couldn’t cut a deal. But Prakash was a devil in he own right. De only problem was that he didn’t want cut no deal wid Donald. Moses woulda cut a deal but he always remember how Bharrat cut one deal and then cut he off. Is de same Donald who mek couple things expose. De man who set up Rohee and got de IDB checking pun Guyana get expose because of Donald. This man Rai, did cut a deal wid a man and after he con de man de same man tell Donald and de story buss out. Then dem got a man who was suppose to help promote tourism. This man get expose by Donald too. De only thing Donald ain’t expose yet is how much Bobby pay fuh de Guyana franchise and why is only he get one to buy. But dem boys believe is only time. Talk half and watch Donald expose everything.


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