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New River Triangle debacle…Ramotar must scrap mining pact, relieve Robert Persaud of Ministerial duties

December 15, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


…Company was secretly granted rights for 2,200,000 acres of land- Chris Ram

“Whatever the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, may or may not have said to the Natural Resources Committee of Parliament, one fact is clear: Muri Brasil Ventures Inc, has been granted the right to apply to the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) for, and shall be granted (emphasis added) a maximum of eighteen Prospecting Licences for Rare Earth Elements, Bauxite, Limestone, Nephelene Syenite, Gold, Diamonds and Granite Stones.”

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

This is according to Financial Analyst, Christopher Ram, who in his most recent writings on his media outlet, said that in face of the implications and improprieties, President Ramotar has only one option in this matter. According to Ram, the President must scrap the ‘Permission to survey’ given to the company and relieve Robert Persaud of any ministerial duties. Ram suggested that Persaud’s Ministerial performance has been characterised by some grave lapses and his commitment to responsible governance and accountability is even poorer than Guyana’s. “There are several and dangerous implications arising from the actions of Minister Persaud, whatever he and his Stakeholder Support Officer namesake may try to spin,” said Ram. He suggested that much has been made about whether or not Persaud lied, or as his counterpart in the National Assembly Joseph Harmon, euphemistically put it, “was economical with the truth.” “Of course, lying by politicians and, particularly this current crop, is not a barrier to upward mobility, often goes hand-in-hand with the accumulation of private wealth, and proudly worn as a badge of honour among peers rather than condemned by the citizenry”.

Big Deal  

MInister Robert Persaud

MInister Robert Persaud

According to Ram, the area involved in this ‘Permission’ cannot be expressed in units of hundreds or even thousands. Rather, the rights granted by the Minister covers an area 2.2 million acres of Guyana, which represents more than four per cent of the land mass of Guyana.” He said, too, that the revenue which the Government of Guyana will collect over the three-year period is a paltry US$85,000. “Clearly, the Minister places very little value on the resources of this country.” Ram in his analysis of the Permission granted to survey the large tract of land, pointed out that unlike several permissions granted under the same Act, the Muri permission is not limited to one mineral such as gold or petroleum. “This is for at least seven distinct types of mineral…The opportunities and financial incentives for the permission holder to explore for these are commensurately greater.” Ram suggested that with the GGMC controlled by the Minister, as if it is a Unit of his loosely defined Ministry, any expectation that the GGMC would or could competently oversee the execution of the Permission seems hopelessly misplaced. Ram said, too, that among the many concerns is the capacity of the persons involved. “The company, Muri Brasil Ventures Inc. was incorporated in Guyana just months before the issue of the Permission, with a very modest authorised share capital of one hundred thousand shares with a minimum issue price of $1 each.”

Christopher Ram

Christopher Ram

He said that while it is unclear how the surveys will be financed, “what we do know is that one of the directors, is it seems, the money behind the project is a Yucatan Reis, believed to be a Brazilian national. The other director is Dean Hassan formerly of North American Resources Incorporated Limited, “with which he parted company in less than amicable circumstances.” He noted that the Company Secretary is David Bacchus, a name that has long been associated with the GGMC and mining. Ram did note, “I am trying to ascertain whether this is the same person who has been appointed to investigate a complaint in which the Minister was named.” He said that given the circumstances, “you would expect that the Minister would have caused to be carried out a thorough due diligence of the application and applicants, including all statutory compliance and money-laundering clearance, of all the persons behind Muri.” Ram suggested that Hassan has friends in high places and pointed out that at a Christmas party he hosted on Friday night at the New Thriving Restaurant, the Minister and the Prime Minister were prominent by their presence. International Implications Ram pointed out too that the news of the Survey Permission granted by Persaud, may even have international implications for Guyana. “It has drawn a not particularly friendly reaction from Suriname where the Deputy Speaker of Parliament is calling for her country to lodge a formal complaint with Guyana…That will certainly complicate issues even as the bigger question remains the border with Brazil.” According to Ram, Guyanese will now wait to see if Ramotar will define himself and protect the integrity of the borders of this country. “Decisive action on this issue will give some credibility to his Presidency…If he fails to act now, nothing ever will.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is just the latest case of a questionable and quasi-secret deal involving a PPP/C minister.

This particular deal has big and troubling implications for national security and Guyana-Suriname relations.

Another strike against Minister Robert Persaud. There are more than three strikes against him already. How he remains a player in the PPP/C team is not a mystery, however. He is just copying his mentor BJ.

Let's see how this case plays out.


Let's wait and see if this is true. If it's true, Robert should go. However, C ram is not the most credible person in Guyana. He always have his axe to grind with the PPP. Some of these guys who give their pens liberty to write some of their trash would not have been able to pen a line under the PNC dictatorship. They would have been missing forever.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Let's wait and see if this is true. If it's true, Robert should go. However, C ram is not the most credible person in Guyana. He always have his axe to grind with the PPP. Some of these guys who give their pens liberty to write some of their trash would not have been able to pen a line under the PNC dictatorship. They would have been missing forever.

keep making excuse for your thieving soul 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Let's wait and see if this is true. If it's true, Robert should go. However, C ram is not the most credible person in Guyana. He always have his axe to grind with the PPP. Some of these guys who give their pens liberty to write some of their trash would not have been able to pen a line under the PNC dictatorship. They would have been missing forever.

keep making excuse for your thieving soul 

YU no wah happen unda de PNC heh? De truth huts boy! Yu cyan't choke an rab in US or Canada. Yu miss dah na?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

YU no wah happen unda de PNC heh? De truth huts boy! Yu cyan't choke an rab in US or Canada. Yu miss dah na?

the frantic red herring dribble of an undereducated punk . . . hmmmmm?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Let's wait and see if this is true. If it's true, Robert should go. However, C ram is not the most credible person in Guyana. He always have his axe to grind with the PPP. Some of these guys who give their pens liberty to write some of their trash would not have been able to pen a line under the PNC dictatorship. They would have been missing forever.

keep making excuse for your thieving soul 

YU no wah happen unda de PNC heh? De truth huts boy! Yu cyan't choke an rab in US or Canada. Yu miss dah na?

like most Indians in guyana i was one that was fighting the burham government but i did not do so for the Indians to steal 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Let's wait and see if this is true. If it's true, Robert should go. However, C ram is not the most credible person in Guyana. He always have his axe to grind with the PPP. Some of these guys who give their pens liberty to write some of their trash would not have been able to pen a line under the PNC dictatorship. They would have been missing forever.

keep making excuse for your thieving soul 

YU no wah happen unda de PNC heh? De truth huts boy! Yu cyan't choke an rab in US or Canada. Yu miss dah na?

like most Indians in guyana i was one that was fighting the burham government but i did not do so for the Indians to steal 

HEHEHE He bin ah fight Burnham under his bloody bed!!!  Neemakaram DAAG!!!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Let's wait and see if this is true. If it's true, Robert should go. However, C ram is not the most credible person in Guyana. He always have his axe to grind with the PPP. Some of these guys who give their pens liberty to write some of their trash would not have been able to pen a line under the PNC dictatorship. They would have been missing forever.

Correct Skeldon. Let us wait for the facts. If this is true, then he has to go.

Ram lacks credibility. Court documents reveled allegations of wrongdoings that he (Ram) committed that I do not wish to post.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr Robert Persaud can buy up prime real estate in Guyana with is minister salary. 

Look at what Cheddi left us. These guys have become filthy rich on a minister's salary.


Mursi deal with Robert Persaud further exposed

December 17, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


A company director openly campaigned for PPP – Granger

The scandalous events unfolding that involves the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Robert Persaud, and Mursi Brasil Ventures Inc, is a matter of concern for all Guyanese, and must be seen as a clear and present danger to our National Security and the preservation not only of the pristine environment of the New River Triangle, but more importantly, the territorial integrity of Guyana. This is according to A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), who yesterday in a public missive, said that the Granting of Permission for Geological and Geophysical Survey (PGGS) to Mursi Brasil Ventures Inc. might seem innocuous on the surface, but a deeper examination of the parties involved makes it even more sinister.

Standing next to the Brazilian Governor Jose de Anchieta Junior, on the PPP platform is Yucatan Reis.

Standing next to the Brazilian Governor Jose de Anchieta Junior, on the PPP platform is Yucatan Reis.

APNU said that it notes that one of the persons listed as a Director of the Company- Mursi Brasil, is Yucatan Reis. According to the party, “One would recall that in the November 8, 2011 issue of the Kaieteur News, a photograph was printed showing the Brazilian Governor of the State of Roraima addressing a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) rally at Lethem- Upper Takatu- Upper Essequibo Region…In that Kaieteur News photograph standing next to the Brazilian Governor Jose de Anchieta Junior, on the PPP platform is Mr. Yucatan Reis.” APNU said, “The question that now springs to mind is whether as an inducement for his support of the PPP campaign was handsomely rewarded with the granting of the PGGS.” The party further said, “The question also arises as to the involvement (if any) of the Brazilian Governor of the State of Roraima in this nefarious scheme to sell off Guyana.” According to APNU, the PPP’s financial empire and the failure of the Ramotar administration to be open and transparent are now being exposed for all to see. APNU is the latest to come out in condemnation of the permission granted to Mursi Brasil Ventures Inc. Permission granted by Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Persaud, to Muri Brasil Ventures Inc, to survey more than two million hectares of land in Guyana for rare earth elements will pose a border and security threat. According to Financial Analyst, Christopher Ram, in latest writings points out that the Permission Area is located at the confluence of the Kuyuwini and Essequibo Rivers and is right on the border. “Indeed, Annex A to the permission states that Point C of the area is located approximately three hundred yards from the Brazil Guyana border”. Ram charges that had the Minister done the kind of background research which one associates with such major decisions, he would have recognised that the national policy was against any commercial activity in the area. According to Ram, “National security and territorial integrity could be compromised over a huge swathe of Guyana.” He reminded that the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) voiced its opposition in an earlier attempt under the Cheddi Jagan Administration. He said, “It is to ensure that we are not exposed to such threats – as Robert Persaud’s action now does – that the GDF is given a place on the Board of the Geology and Mines Commission.” He said that the “tragedy is that the law allows Persaud to bypass the GGMC and engage in the kind of recklessness starkly demonstrated by the Muri permission.” Regarding the threats to the security and border that Ram suggested; that could be incurred as a result of the deal inked by Minister Persaud. The financial analyst drew reference to the fact that it has drawn a not particularly friendly reaction from Suriname. In that country, its Deputy Speaker of Parliament is calling for her country to lodge a formal complaint with Guyana. According to Ram, “that will certainly complicate issues even as the bigger question remains the border with Brazil.” He said that Guyanese will now wait to see if President Donald Ramotar will define himself and protect the integrity of the borders of this country. “Decisive action on this issue will give some credibility to his Presidency…If he fails to act now, nothing ever will.” Ram has suggested that, in face of the implications and improprieties, President Ramotar has only one option in this matter. According to Ram, the President must scrap the ‘Permission to survey’ given to the company and relieve Robert Persaud of any ministerial duties. Ram suggested that Persaud’s Ministerial performance has been characterised by some grave lapses and his commitment to responsible governance and accountability is even poorer than Guyana’s.


My sources in Brasil have said that Persaud has been handsomely paid for his work with the Brazilians. But the money is not passing through Guyana, so the PPP won't be getting a cut. Persaud has decided to go rough since he feels that the PPP has not rewarded him appropriately.

Somebody said that Persaud is trying to cut a deal with RK in return for info about who in the PPP stitched RK up. But RK already knows it is BJ.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

YU no wah happen unda de PNC heh? De truth huts boy! Yu cyan't choke an rab in US or Canada. Yu miss dah na?

the frantic red herring dribble of an undereducated punk . . . hmmmmm?

Ok illiterate jock. Keep hmmmming. Sure you have your pink and purple panties.


New River Triangle Debacle…Bharrat Jagdeo pressed for mining in disputed area

December 19, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

…Cabinet members opposed but then President held strong position

It was former President Bharrat Jagdeo who began the pursuit to explore and mine in the disputed New River Triangle Area, during his last term in Office, despite the fact that several of the members of the Cabinet at the time did not agree with the move. This confirmation came yesterday from Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, who was at the time being questioned by reporters following his post Cabinet press engagement at Office of the President.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Dr Luncheon was asked whether the government policy on mining in that area changed. “I am uncertain as to if there was a specific policy,” but it was the 2006 term of former president Jagdeo, when he brought up the issue of mining and exploring in that location, Dr. Luncheon said. Dr. Luncheon added, “At that time, the President had a strong position that was not consistent with others in the Cabinet; but we are an advisory body as you would recall and therefore the president’s view held sway. That was 2006 to 2011.” Asked if the sitting President, Donald Ramotar, is pursuing the lines of Jagdeo, Dr. Luncheon responded, “I am not saying anything further…2006 to 2011.” Dr. Luncheon was asked about the Government not heeding the warning of former Army Chief, Joe Singh when the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) had objected to similar moves by the administration under the late President, Cheddi Jagan. He responded, “Policy making in these areas isn’t dependent on objections and refusals by the military…that is alien to our understanding of civilian, military relationship.” Dr. Luncheon also holds the position of Secretary to the Defence Board and said that under the three successive army chiefs, he is not aware of any objections to mining on Muri Mountain. He said that in the “civilian/military dispensation that we embrace, the military has an obligation to respond with respect to civilian order.” Dr. Luncheon was speaking to the civilian executive that heads up the administration. According to Dr Luncheon, “If the Commander-in-Chief were to announce to the military, announce to this nation that this is the government policy, under our understanding of civilian, military, relationship, (is that) the matter is done.” Dr. Luncheon told media operatives that “the notion that this civilian military relationship preserves some right, some influence on the actions and the policy decisions made by the civilian government needs to be examined carefully.” According to the Head of State, “This ain’t about going to war…this is not making decisions about military science and military disciplines, this is civilian authority on an issue that deals in this case here with mining.”

Robert Persaud

Robert Persaud

The government spokesman told the media,  “One must be very careful lest you appear to be suggesting that this civilian military relationship is so broad, is so expansive, is so amorphous that indeed their exists privileged space for the civilian administration to have to take into consideration in these matters positions by its military.” Ever since the disclosure that Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Robert Persaud, had given permission to Muri Brasil Ventures Inc to conduct Geological and Geophysical Surveys in the disputed New River Triangle location it has attracted significant criticism. The company was granted the Permission a few months after it was registered, to survey a whopping 2.2 million acres of land. Inherent in the permission given the company was also given the right to pursue 18 prospecting licence to mine for gold, diamonds and several other rare earth elements. The company had sought to defend this by saying, “These kinds of exploration activities cost millions of US dollars, which can only be sourced as exploration investments from outside of Guyana…No such investments would be available if the investor is given no assurance that he will be granted prospecting licences.” The Company argued that it is the investor taking a risk and if he/she is not assured of a potential return, investment capital will dry up and so will Guyana’s mining industry.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

YU no wah happen unda de PNC heh? De truth huts boy! Yu cyan't choke an rab in US or Canada. Yu miss dah na?

the frantic red herring dribble of an undereducated punk . . . hmmmmm?

Ok illiterate jock. Keep hmmmming. Sure you have your pink and purple panties.

coming out of the closets 


Dr. Luncheon added, “At that time, the President had a strong position that was not consistent with others in the Cabinet; but we are an advisory body as you would recall and therefore the president’s view held sway. That was 2006 to 2011.” Asked if the sitting President, Donald Ramotar, is pursuing the lines of Jagdeo, Dr. Luncheon responded, “I am not saying anything further…2006 to 2011.”


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