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Ramotar offers the biggest reason why his party will lose

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

Guyanese who see and hear Donald Ramotar’s explanations during the present election campaign of political misconduct of PPP leaders must surely have asked themselves; “Is this the man in charge of our country?”
Ramotar’s mediocrity may not be as threatening to civilization in Guyana as Jagdeo’s tribal and tyrannical insanities but it does serve to damage the face and body of a country in the 21st century.

Mr. Ramotar’s mediocrity deserves the harshest of condemnations because he is the President of Guyana. No nation deserves to be led by a man so poor in reasoning.
The point that must be made is that this president does not stop to think. If and when he does so he would see that yesterday he placed a country in Africa, the next day, he puts in Europe.
He has no idea that the day before he said it was in Africa. It is as bad as this with Ramotar.
Before last Saturday, Ramotar was the only PPP leader who refused to comment on Anilgate – the scandal involving Nandlall’s intention to apply violence to Kaieteur News recorded in a telephone conversation with KN staffer, Len Gildarie.
Mr. Ramotar insisted that the purported voice of Nandlall had to be authenticated and that the item has been sent for testing. There was never a word about the results of that test.

A few days ago in a radio interview, Ramotar defended Nandlall by saying that Nandlall was secretly taped by a school friend he trusted. Ramotar has now accepted that it was Nandlall’s voice but what he did not state is if he conceded that fact due to the authentication process or whether it just flew into his head to accept that it was Nandlall’s voice.
But knowing Ramotar he would not give a sensible answer if asked.

Next we have Slap and Strip Bheri and Ramotar’s most comical descent into the arena of clowns. Really, aren’t Guyanese embarrassed to see their president so intellectually enfeebled? Ramotar defended Bheri Ramsaran’s depraved mistreatment of Sherlina Nageer by casting aspersions on the woman’s character.
He accused Nageer of setting up Ramsaran because she knew he was temperamental.
He is saying that Nageer knew Bheri would have been profane and violently threatening so she goaded him. The stupidity in that viewpoint is how did he know that Nageer knew Ramsaran that well?
Secondly, why if Ramsaran is that vulnerable to giving off violent semantics, there haven’t been previous episodes with Ramsaran?


A television crew walked into his office during a meeting he was in and asked him questions regarding an allegation of sexual harassment and he did not behave erratically.
But if you think this was a sordid manifestation of Ramotar’s mediocrity here is more.
When it was put to him that Ramsaran could not have been set-up because the next day, he repeated more nasty vilifications of Nageer in a meeting with health workers, Ramotar said the words were taken out of context. Ramsaran is taped scandalizing Nageer’s name in unambiguous language claiming he could get “his women” to beat up Nageer and that Nageer has rabies and Donald Ramotar says the words have been taken out of context.

Next, Ramotar has adopted the fiction in Jagdeo’s mind that during the 2011 election campaign he knew about early morning chants by APNU people urging that Indians be chased out of office. That was never mentioned by Jagdeo, Ramotar or any PPP leader or supporter or even the plethora of PPP aligned media houses. Jagdeo brought it up in the 2015 campaign and the silly persona in Ramotar has echoed Jagdeo’s fiction that it existed.
This is the man of the moment that is the President of Guyana. Ramotar’s take on Anilgate, Jagdeo-race-baiting insanity and Slap and Strip Bheri is a sad indictment of this country.

It is sad not, in the context of Ramotar’s current position on the three episodes but in whom the man Ramotar is and what is likely to be the shape of his governance should he be reelected.
In endorsing some of the nastiest episodes in Guyanese history, it is clear to any schoolboy that PPP leaders are not going to discipline their colleagues for the committal of the most repugnant descent into criminal immorality.
What is frightening about Ramotar’s barefaced support for Nandlall and his tape scandal, Ramsaran and his anti-women cruelty and Jagdeo bestial racism is that it is coming at a time when Ramotar looks like he is losing power and needs every vote he can get.
But the madness of power has destroyed the PPP a long time ago. Ramotar personifies the comical side of that psychosis.

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