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Ramotar ready for AFC’s ‘no-confidence’ nation

… says Ramjattan will have much to explain


By Gary Eleazar, July 19, 2014, By Filed Under News, ]


Head of State, Donald Ramotar, has welcomed the move by the Alliance for Change (AFC) to move a no confidence motion against the government. According to the President, the unprecedented move will allow for the AFC to explain its actions to the people of Guyana.


Head of State, Donald Ramotar

Head of State,
Donald Ramotar


Ramotar, responding last evening to the AFC’s letter to him, said that the move for a no confidence motion in the administration is the AFC constitutional right. However, it is based on a pretext that is completely baseless and spurious.

According to the President, he remains resolute that the actions taken by Government, and against which the ACF has complained, are expressly authorised and permitted by both the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

He was referring to the more than $4.5B expenditure by the Administration for which the combined opposition has condemned as illegal.

The President reminded that AFC Leader, Ramjattan, “participated in this identical process in the years 2012 and 2013 by supporting Financial Papers I of 2012 and 1 of 2013.”

He was referring to the previous Statement of Excesses that had been laid in the National Assembly by the Finance Minister which the House had approved.

According to the President, “Article 218(3) is unambiguous in allowing for expenditure to be incurred in the absence, or in excess of available appropriations as approved in the extant Appropriations Act.

That Article reads thus: “In respect of any financial year it is found… that any moneys have been expended for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated for that purpose by the Appropriation Act or for a purpose for which no amount has been appropriated by that Act… a Statement of Excess showing the amounts spent shall be laid before the National Assembly by the Minister responsible for finance…”

According to President Ramotar, “as I have said publicly before, the PPP/Civic (Peoples Progressive Party Civic) and I, are prepared to face the consequences of such a motion and the electorate.”

He said that such a motion and its consequences will give the government an opportunity to demand that the AFC explains to the Guyanese people its denial of them having cheap energy by opposing the Hydro Power Station at Amaila.

“You will have a chance to explain why you have voted against giving the Guyanese people better health care due to your opposition to a Specialty Hospital.”

Ramotar added that it will allow for the AFC to clarify for the electorate, whether it was because its client lost out in the bidding process to construct the complex.

“It will be good occasion for you to explain to the people if your opposition to the construction of a Marriott Hotel was rooted in the fact that your chief financier is also in the hotel business.”

According to the President, the moving of a no confidence motion along with the subsequent actions namely a return to the polls, will give the AFC the opportunity to explain to the Guyanese people how and why the Chairman of the party, Nigel Hughes, interfered with the judicial process causing the persons who were charged with the Lusignan massacre to walk free.

According to the President, “An opportunity will be presented for you to explain why you partnered with the APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) calling for the closing down of the sugar industry thereby jeopardizing the lives and livelihood of thousands of sugar workers and their families.”

Ramotar said that should the AFC move such a motion then it will have to explain to the Guyanese people why it decided to cut budgetary allocations to the indigenous people affecting development in their communities.

“Indeed you will explain to all the people of this country, especially the poor people why you cut monies out of the National Budget which were allocated to improve and advance their welfare and that of their children, for example, the poverty alleviation initiatives, including the student loans and uniform and transportation allowances for school children.”

He spoke too of the position taken by the AFC on the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill, “thereby exposing our country to international sanctions and our people to economic and financial hardships.”

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AFC’s No-Confidence motion legally baseless- Gov’t fully prepared for it- Teixeira

Written by  , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, July 18, 2014, ]


The PPP/C Government has described as totally baseless, spurious and constitutionally incorrect, the intended motion, by the Alliance for Change (AFC), as indicated in a letter to President Donald Ramotar, to pass a No-Confidence motion against the government .


Speaking on government’s behalf this evening during an interview on the National Communications Network (NCN), Presidential Adviser on Governance, Gail Teixeira, said that the Administration is fully prepared to face any such parliamentary action which may be brought against it by the political opposition.


The letter which was sent to the president, on Thursday and received today when he returned from the BRICS summit in Brazil indicated that the AFC would seek to move the motion to “force the government’s resignation”. The supposed “force resignation” indicated by the AFC, in its letter, was also put to rest by the Presidential Adviser, who noted that Constitutional Articles 1065 and 1066, state that the president and Cabinet continue to serve until the results of any election, is announced and certified.


Teixeira said that whilst the letter quoted Article 166 of the Constitution, it curiously failed to mention Article 2183 and the Chief Justice’s ruling in the Budget Cut court case. Both of these clearly define the role of the Finance Minister and his Constitutional options for accessing funds, a move which the AFC has described as unconstitutional and even sought to have the Guyana Police Force investigate.


According to the Presidential Adviser, the opposition is using the Constitution incorrectly and appears to be seeking to create nervousness, instability and confusion, and show they have parliamentary power via their one seat majority. The move by the AFC in which they claim that the actions of the Finance Minister contravened the Appropriations Act by bringing Statements of Excess before the National Assembly to justify the spending of funds disallowed by the opposing side of the House, was explained on previous occasions by both the Finance and the Legal Affairs Ministers. It was also noted that the previous instances in which similar actions were taken by the Finance Minister, there were no such objections.


The fact that the AFC is seeking to use the wrong Parliamentary Act to proceed with their motion is nothing more than political bullyism, said Teixeira.


President Ramotar in his response this evening to Ramjattan’s letter said such action by the AFC will provide the opportunity for people to demand that the AFC explain why they opposed key developmental projects.


“The AFC will have to explain to the Guyanese people their denial of having cheap energy by opposing the hydro-power station at Amaila and therefore opposing the industrialisation of our country, the creation of jobs for people, particularly our young. You will have a chance to explain why you have voted against giving the Guyanese people better health care due to your opposition to the Specialty Hospital. Moreover, you will clarify for the electorate whether it was because your client lost out in the bidding process to construct the complex,” he said in response to the AFC’s letter.


The AFC’s opposition to the Marriott Hotel’s construction was also noted and the fact that the party’s chief financier who is a hotelier would be afraid of competition. The AFC’s opposing of the Anti-money laundering bill was also noted by the president.


The Head of State will not be bullied and will stand by the Constitution, Teixeira stated, in terms of any expenditure for essential activities, but will recognise the right of any political party to file such a No-Confidence motion.


The matter will be brought before the Speaker of the National Assembly, and according to Teixeira, he maybe be “hard put” to deal with such an issue objectively. The positions of Speaker and Deputy Speaker will show their true value at this point, she further noted.


Asked about the possible timeline for such a motion to be tabled, it was explained that precedent has been set by the Speaker who allowed the debate of the motion brought against Minister Clement Rohee to begin the same day it was brought. Normally there is a notice that is brought giving the other side of the National Assembly time to examine the merits of any such action but this has been disregarded in the past, she added.


With the next parliamentary date remaining unclear, Teixeira said that the House Speaker or the Opposition can call a date for a sitting since government’s efforts to have an earlier sitting were thwarted for various reasons by the opposition.


The opposition’s actions, via the “New Dispensation” which saw them opposing the passage of the internationally accepted Anti-Money laundering bill, despite the support of numerous stakeholders, locally and internationally, was also described by Teixeira, as morally and legally unacceptable and such actions should not be tolerated by the general electorate, particularly as it put the entire country at risk of being sanctioned internationally.


Mention was made of the government’s own action against the AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan and Kathy Hughes, both of whom had or have pecuniary interests in the Specialty Hospital and the Amaila Falls, respectively.


This is against the Parliamentary regulations, it was explained, as member of the House who have such interests have to recuse themselves from matters concerning their “interests” and decline to vote, if called on to do so.


The public is tired and saturated and have the ability to see though the shenanigans of both opposition parties, she noted and opposing members, it must be understood, constantly postpone any sittings when their members are absent so as to ensure they can vote against any government proposal successfully in spite of its merits.


It was recalled that after the only incident free General Elections ever held in Guyana, in 2006, there was a huge leap in development and numerous projects came on stream. This Teixeira stated demonstrated what could happen when common sense prevails. The current 10th parliament demonstrates otherwise.


She reiterated that President Ramotar and government are ready for any motion brought by the opposition but the opposition must be prepared to answer the electorate for their actions.


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