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February 2,2017 Source

Former President Donald Ramotar says that as President of Guyana he authorised and sanctioned the issuance of a lease of Red House to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre Inc (CJRCI).

In an affidavit drawn by attorney Anil Nandlall, Ramotar averred that “at all material times, I was aware of, authorised and sanctioned the issuance of a lease of government land for educational/research purposes,

The vigil that was held at Red House on December 30 against the planned eviction of CJRCI

number 3068, dated 30th of March, 2012, in respect of Area “A” now called Red House, comprising lots 65, 66 and 67 High Street, Kingston, situate in the City of Georgetown, County of Demerara, by the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys acting on behalf of the Government of Guyana and the Cheddi Jagan Research Inc…”

The affidavit was sworn to on Tuesday in the case brought by CJRCI against the Attorney General and the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission over the planned eviction of CJRCI from the historic property which is now a repository of the works of the late President Cheddi Jagan.

The affidavit is seen as significant as it has been argued by those who believe that the lease is invalid that it required the imprimatur of the sitting President for validity.  Ramotar was President between November 28, 2011 and May 16, 2015.  The lease was finalized in March of 2012.

On December 30, Red House was the scene of high drama after CJRCI secured a conservatory order from the court against the government’s revocation of its lease.

A day after President David Granger announced that the lease held by CJRCI to the heritage building would be revoked, a battery of lawyers representing CJRCI rushed to court and obtained an interim order in chambers before Chief Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards. The conservatory order freezes the government instruction that the High Street premises be vacated by December 31.

A short while after the court issued the order,  several men with the insignia of the Ministry of the Presidency (MotP) on their clothing descended on the wooden, colonial-style Red House, broke the signboard for the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre and changed a padlock. Police were called in and the men eventually left the building after they were confronted by the occupants.

When Stabroek News arrived at Red House, the sign was seen broken and thrown in a corner of the compound. A small truck was also seen parked nearby.

Three men, one of whom was in possession of a hammer, were standing across the road and it was learnt that they were the MotP employees who had done the damage.

The matter was reported to the police who showed up and spoke to PPP/C members and the MotP employees.

Key members of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), including Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo; General Secretary, Clement Rohee; Parliamentary Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira; Irfaan Ali; Juan Edghill and former President, Donald Ramotar rushed over to Red House.

The padlock that the MotP employees had placed on the gates was broken and PPP/C members were seen testing out another lock that was said to be more secure.

In a brief address to the media at  the dark red painted building, PPP/C Executive Member, Indra Chandarpal said even though they were aware of the legal challenge to the President’s revocation order, they had started to gather their important documents.

SN observed that the documents were neatly packed away in a room. The centre contains important documents and artifacts belonging to the Jagan family and the PPP/C.

Chandarpal recounted that she left the centre around 2 pm and when she returned several of the MotP men tried to prevent her from entering. She told them that they could not stop her and she pushed her way in but her vehicle was left outside. The staff were busy and unaware of what was transpiring.

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