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Guyana’s President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday dispatched a letter of congratulations to Barack Obama on his re-election as the president of the United States of America.

Obama a Democrat, won the elections by a huge margin on Tuesday, beating out Republican Mitt Romney.
Obama secured 303 votes as against 206 by Romney. Obama’s lead in the popular vote count was 50.3 per cent while that of Romney was 48.1 per cent.

Below is Ramotar’s letter

Dear President Obama,
The Government and people of Guyana join me in extending sincere congratulations to you on your re-election as President of the United States of America.
The American people have once again demonstrated their confidence in your ability and that of the Democratic Party to lead their country on the path to further development and increased prosperity.

I wish you greater success as you continue to pursue consolidation of the strategic policies for the sustained economic and social progress of the United States of America.

It is my hope that our two countries will enjoy even stronger relations and I look forward to working with you towards achieving this objective as well as in the advancement of initiatives for the security and development of the people of our hemisphere.

Please accept my best wishes for your continued good health and well-being and that of the First Lady Michelle Obama and your family.

Donald Ramotar
President of the Republic of Guyana
November 7, 2012

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