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Ramotar threatens elections once opposition forces no-confidence motion

…holds out promise of local govt. polls mid-next year


November 5, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


It is almost certain that Guyana may be heading into early elections with Head of State, Donald Ramotar, last evening signaling his intentions to dissolve Parliament if the Opposition-controlled National Assembly goes ahead with its intentions to debate a no-confidence motion against the Government.


President Donald Ramotar

Donald Ramotar

Ramotar made the announcement in a State address broadcast on the National Communications Network (NCN). He also announced that next Monday will be first sitting of the National Assembly after the recess.

The Ramotar administration, which has been facing one crisis after the next after conceding Parliamentary control in the 2011 General Elections, encountered another one in early October when the annual two-month recess ended, but there was disagreement on a date for the reconvening of the sittings of the country’s highest law-making forum.

The disagreements had to do with which party- the Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, or ruling Peoples Progressive Party/Civic – had the right to set the date.

The situation has been one of stalemate since then.

To compound matters, the smaller of the two Opposition entities, Alliance For Change (AFC), has  signaled intentions to move a no-confidence motion against the Government side over what it says are flagrant violations.

The larger Opposition faction, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), has also made it clear that it will be supporting AFC in the motion.

However, the President yesterday made it clear that Parliament has other issues to deal with other than a no-confidence motion. These include passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML-CFT) Legislation, the Telecommunications liberalization legislation; the Education Bill and its sweeping overhaul of public education that lifts every child in Guyana, and Financial Papers providing for expenditure of public funds for development projects, and improving the welfare of the people.


APNU’s Leader, David Granger

APNU’s Leader,
David Granger

Ramotar had a warning for the National Assembly if it went ahead with the no-confidence debate while the other matters are pending.

“I disclose these, my intentions, on the assumption that the post-recess sittings of the National Assembly would proceed uninterruptedly, deliberating on the urgent matters I have listed in the interest of the people of Guyana. I also wish to declare that were this not to be so, and I am provided with reasons to believe that the Parliamentary Opposition intends to disrupt Government’s business by forcing a debate on their No Confidence Motion, I resolve to respond immediately by exercising my Constitutional options to either Prorogue or Dissolve Parliament paving the way for holding of General Elections.”

The ruling party is facing its worst rating in its two decades of continuous administration. Poor relations with the media, accusations of corruption and questions over several multi-billion-dollar State projects led to a drubbing in the 2011 elections, leaving the PPP/C as a minority Government.

Yesterday, Ramotar said that now the Parliamentary recess has ended, the National Assembly must resume its deliberations to address several of those “very important matters” not completed at the beginning of the recess. New matters are also included.

With regards to the hosting of the long-overdue Local Government Elections, the President said that he has been advised that the Guyana Elections Commission will require six months to prepare for Local Government Elections under the new local Government electoral system.

“Pending further consultations with the Guyana Elections Commission on its preparations, I also now announce my intention to hold Local Government Elections in the Second Quarter of next year, 2015.”

Local Government Elections have been a sore issue for the administration, with international pressure mounting for polls to be held. The last time, elections were held were in the 1990s.



AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader,
Khemraj Ramjattan


Meanwhile, Opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), late last evening responded to the President’s remarks. The following is the coalition’s statement.

“A Partnership for National Unity –APNU is extremely disappointed by the views expressed by President Donald Ramotar in his address to the nation this evening (4th November 2014).  It is clear that President Ramotar is trying to intimidate the opposition by threatening General and Regional Elections and putting Local Government Elections far into the future. APNU will not be threatened or intimidated.

After deliberately delaying the post–recess sitting  of the National Assembly by several weeks, APNU feels strongly that the President’s new found urgency to bring to the floor of the National Assembly “urgent matters…in  the interest of the people of Guyana” to be disingenuous.

APNU views the President’s ‘threat’ to prorogue or dissolve the Parliament as a cowardly act. The Parliament is intended to be a place for debate.  President Ramotar is choosing to dissolve Parliament instead of facing up to a debate on the PPP/C’s abysmal record.”


Source - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....o-confidence-motion/

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The Ramotar administration, which has been facing one crisis after the next after conceding Parliamentary control in the 2011 General Elections, encountered another one in early October when the annual two-month recess ended, but there was disagreement on a date for the reconvening of the sittings of the country’s highest law-making forum.

The disagreements had to do with which party - the Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman, or ruling Peoples Progressive Party/Civic – had the right to set the date.


President Donald Ramotar

Donald Ramotar


Ramotar threatens elections once opposition forces no-confidence motion

… holds out promise of local govt. polls mid-next year, November 5, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Simple matter -- the Constitution is quite clear that the specific nature how the last session ended, it is the Government's exclusive right to set the date for the next session -- which the President did a few days ago.


Ramotar threatens elections once opposition forces no-confidence motion




LIKE WOW MAN!!!!!!!!!   Was that supposed to scare anyone, HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  ,,, Da Man, Da Mouse , Da Mook.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

Ramotar threatens elections once opposition forces no-confidence motion


LIKE WOW MAN!!!!!!!!!   Was that supposed to scare anyone, HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  ,,, Da Man, Da Mouse , Da Mook.

President Donald Ramotar was simply stating the facts.


People stating or getting scared are simply their personal choices.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

Ramotar threatens elections once opposition forces no-confidence motion


LIKE WOW MAN!!!!!!!!!   Was that supposed to scare anyone, HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  ,,, Da Man, Da Mouse , Da Mook.

President Donald Ramotar was simply stating the facts.


People stating or getting scared are simply their personal choices.

"Ramotar threatens elections"


It is a fact he had to call an election


Ramotar Threatens...whom,the heck he threatening with an election. He's been running from holding elections for months and now he comes with all Big 600 pounds of himself and says he threatening. HAHAHA


Screw Jabba.


The same is on the president's agenda as of today if a no-confidence motion is forced ahead. The president has many option available to him.


To add, the speaker still unsure if the government has the power to reconvene parliament.


BTW, Granger is still open to shared governance, but he wants criminals to go to jail for doing wrong in office. Yet, no one has ever convicted. Is he a saint?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

Ramotar threatens elections once opposition forces no-confidence motion


LIKE WOW MAN!!!!!!!!!   Was that supposed to scare anyone, HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  ,,, Da Man, Da Mouse , Da Mook.

President Donald Ramotar was simply stating the facts.


People stating or getting scared are simply their personal choices.

"Ramotar threatens elections"


It is a fact he had to call an election


Ramotar Threatens...whom,the heck he threatening with an election. He's been running from holding elections for months and now he comes with all Big 600 pounds of himself and says he threatening. HAHAHA


Screw Jabba.

While a few might have the view that President Donald Ramotar is running from holding elections, the fact remains that elections will be held, as scheduled, in the latter part of 2016, or it can be earlier should a no-confidence vote is passed in the legislature.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

Ramotar threatens elections once opposition forces no-confidence motion


LIKE WOW MAN!!!!!!!!!   Was that supposed to scare anyone, HAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  ,,, Da Man, Da Mouse , Da Mook.

President Donald Ramotar was simply stating the facts.


People stating or getting scared are simply their personal choices.

"Ramotar threatens elections"


It is a fact he had to call an election


Ramotar Threatens...whom,the heck he threatening with an election. He's been running from holding elections for months and now he comes with all Big 600 pounds of himself and says he threatening. HAHAHA


Screw Jabba.

While a few might have the view that President Donald Ramotar is running from holding elections, the fact remains that elections will be held, as scheduled, in the latter part of 2016, or it can be earlier should a no-confidence vote is passed in the legislature.

You cristal ball say so? 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

To add, the speaker still unsure if the government has the power to reconvene parliament.

Is the Speaker fully aware of the Constitution?

Any aya think

this chap aware

wha happening on Monday?


Ramotar real funny  . There are countries all over the world where the people would be well happy if their ruler threatened to hold elections. Elections are the keystone of a Democracy, not privilege.


President Donald Ramotar must unleash his strategic weapon from here onwards and take back the majority in parliament. Only then things can get back on track. The joint opposition wasted three years of Ramotar's term in office and we will see the same pattern for the next two remaining years.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Donald Ramotar must unleash his strategic weapon from here onwards and take back the majority in parliament. Only then things can get back on track. The joint opposition wasted three years of Ramotar's term in office and we will see the same pattern for the next two remaining years.

I thought the 3 years was a major accomplishment for the backballin low breed president? 



Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Donald Ramotar must unleash his strategic weapon from here onwards and take back the majority in parliament. Only then things can get back on track. The joint opposition wasted three years of Ramotar's term in office and we will see the same pattern for the next two remaining years.

What strategic weapon banna, hope is not another Johnny De Bullaman.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Donald Ramotar must unleash his strategic weapon from here onwards and take back the majority in parliament. Only then things can get back on track. The joint opposition wasted three years of Ramotar's term in office and we will see the same pattern for the next two remaining years.

Simple process -- let the PNC and AFC successfully pass the no-confidence motion in parliament.


Or, at the end of the five year term in 2016.


In either way, PPP/C will emerge with 50+ percent of the votes.


Should the PPP/C wind up a majority Govt with all their shenanigans and sleazy dealings out in the open to the people of Guyana, then the people deserve everything the Govt does not do for them, steals from them,whether it be their land,their money,their lives, anything.


Lucky for those outside of Guyana who's backed the PPP/C, they would still be sitting in their nice cosy chair with their feet cock up, sipping a beverage, going..ahhhh...with each sip they take.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Donald Ramotar must unleash his strategic weapon from here onwards and take back the majority in parliament. Only then things can get back on track. The joint opposition wasted three years of Ramotar's term in office and we will see the same pattern for the next two remaining years.

Simple process -- let the PNC and AFC successfully pass the no-confidence motion in parliament.


Or, at the end of the five year term in 2016.


In either way, PPP/C will emerge with 50+ percent of the votes.

Either way this is clear evidence of your senility. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Granger is open to anything as long as the PPP continues to funnel money to the PNC Low breed. You haven't figured that out yet?

The AFC is dependent on APNU not throwing mud in their face by refusing to vote MONC based on the notion that LGE is a greater priority.


Your impotent and pathetic rants just indicate how powerless the AFC is.  With its skimpy number of seats it cannot get a thing done unless either the PPP or APNU support them.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

In either way, PPP/C will emerge with 50+ percent of the votes.

Last time you screamed 60%.  Based on your forecast they will get 40+%.  It will be a race to see who will be the minority gov't, the APNU or the PPP.


Even Luncheon told you that the days of a majority gov't or over.


Luncheon knows much more about the PPPs prospects than you do and even he has conceded that a minority PPP gov't will be the most likely scenario.


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