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President Donald Ramotar
President Donald Ramotar

Ramotar to head PPP/C list of candidates -says candidates include ‘surprises’


THE expectation is that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) will pull a “big crowd” at today’s nomination day march to City Hall, from its headquarters, Freedom House, Robb Street.
And President Donald Ramotar disclosed that the PPP/C list of candidates will also feature a few “surprises” this time round.Mr Ramotar, in an interview with the Guyana Chronicle yesterday, maintained that his Party’s list will be reflective of Guyana’s national diversity.“The list of candidates will reflect our national diversity. We have new names on the list, many professional people, working people, and many youths,” he said.

FLASHBACK: The PPP/C procession making its way to City Hall on nomination day 2011

FLASHBACK: The PPP/C procession making its way to City Hall on nomination day 2011

According to him, a representative list has always been a focus for the PPP/C and Mr Ramotar pointed out that full representation has always been a consideration for the PPP/C, as is reflected in the policies, programmes and legislative actions advanced by successive PPP/C administrations.
The 65 members of the National Assembly, relative to representation in the House, will be decided on the basis of the outcome of the upcoming General and Regional Elections, and who those individuals are will be based on the names submitted, via the Lists of Candidates.
The President disclosed too that he will be heading the list.
The former PPP General Secretary, now the party’s presidential nominee, headed the List of Candidates in the November 2011 General and Regional elections.
Additionally, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has made public its guidelines for the composition of the necessary lists that need to be submitted, come April 7.
Contesting parties are permitted to submit three separate lists on Nomination Day. These Lists of Candidates are in respect of: Geographical Constituencies Lists; National Top-up Lists; and Regional Democratic Council Lists.
In accordance with the electoral system of Proportional Representation, in order to qualify for a seat in the National Assembly, contesting parties must contest a minimum of six (6) of the Geographical Constituencies- totalling at least 13 seats for eligibility to contest and submit Geographical Constituencies lists and National Top-up Lists. This arrangement will provide for that qualified contesting party to submit on Nomination Day, two separate Lists of Candidates.
Any contesting political party can contest the election of members of any of the 10 Regional Democratic Councils. For this purpose, a List of Candidates must be submitted on Nomination Day
Meanwhile, the Chief Election Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, over the weekend, reminded the various political party representatives that Nominations Day activities will commence promptly at 13:30h.
Political parties wishing to present their respective lists of candidates must enter the compound of City Hall through the western entrance on Avenue of the Republic.
The CEO stressed too that no more than 20 persons from each political party would be allowed to enter the City Hall compound and into the Chambers of the City Hall to present their respective lists of candidates to GECOM.
Upon the completion of the presentation of their respective lists of candidates, political parties and their representatives will depart City Hall using the eastern door of the Chamber and exit the compound through the southern gate at Charlotte Street.
GECOM has committed to ensuring that all activities leading up to the May 11 General and Regional elections, just over a month away, will be conducted in an efficient and transparent manner. (Vanessa Narine)

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