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Buzz: The missing Czech

Jan 20, 2015

finance minister Ashni Singh is still waiting on a 25M Euro cheque from the European Union saying no credible reason has been given why it hasn’t arrived yet.

The silence from the EU and its ambassador here Robert Kopecky only leads to more anxiety and embarrassment for the government, and Singh comes across as slightly desperate when he told reporters yesterday, “We have, in writing, confirmation that we have discharged all of our obligations associated with qualifying for those payments…. We’ve taken the necessary actions we have implemented the necessary conditions…” But have they met all the indicators to qualify for certain tranches? The EC is a highly bureaucratic organisation that takes time to get around to publicly addressing issues especially as they relate to small countries and Guyana will have to wait although it might not like the response when it arrives. Meanwhile Singh is racing to have his budget ready in time to present to the non existent parliament.

The main reason for the press conference was to announce that Guyoil will unilaterally be cutting its prices for fuel by some 30%… ($695 per gallon for gasoline). However in a sleight of hand the government actually increased the excise tax even further to the maximum 50 per cent on gasoline and 45 per cent on diesel. So essentially what it is doing is forcing the other oil companies to lower their prices without losing any excise revenue. Pretty hardball but the government must have done its maths and thinks they are making excess profits at the moment and can afford to drop their prices. Then again Guyoil might simply run out of fuel with the rush it will get.  Something to watch.

In brief …

The Guyana Times is reporting that Ramotar will call the election “any moment now“. Add that to imminent and “soon soon” “Should an announcement be made now by the President, the date for elections will likely be around late April or early May.’

Two aviation stories..the pilots involved in the near collision at JFK involving a Caribbean Airlines flight have been taken off duty pending an investigation. The pilots apparently ignored three warnings to stop short of the runway but reports are they were on the wrong frequency so could not hear the instructions. SN via the Trinidad Express has a transcript of the conversation. And the search for the ASL plane that went down near Mahdia on December 28 has been called off.

The cocaine ship has set sail having paid its fine and forever known to SN as the Delta Dies. No word on the amount. The SSS tonic case has also set sail.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Buzz: The missing Czech

Jan 20, 2015

finance minister Ashni Singh is still waiting on a 25M Euro cheque from the European Union saying no credible reason has been given why it hasn’t arrived yet.

The silence from the EU and its ambassador here Robert Kopecky only leads to more anxiety and embarrassment for the government, and Singh comes across as slightly desperate when he told reporters yesterday, “We have, in writing, confirmation that we have discharged all of our obligations associated with qualifying for those payments…. We’ve taken the necessary actions we have implemented the necessary conditions…” But have they met all the indicators to qualify for certain tranches? The EC is a highly bureaucratic organisation that takes time to get around to publicly addressing issues especially as they relate to small countries and Guyana will have to wait although it might not like the response when it arrives. Meanwhile Singh is racing to have his budget ready in time to present to the non existent parliament.

The main reason for the press conference was to announce that Guyoil will unilaterally be cutting its prices for fuel by some 30%… ($695 per gallon for gasoline). However in a sleight of hand the government actually increased the excise tax even further to the maximum 50 per cent on gasoline and 45 per cent on diesel. So essentially what it is doing is forcing the other oil companies to lower their prices without losing any excise revenue. Pretty hardball but the government must have done its maths and thinks they are making excess profits at the moment and can afford to drop their prices. Then again Guyoil might simply run out of fuel with the rush it will get.  Something to watch.

In brief …

The Guyana Times is reporting that Ramotar will call the election “any moment now“. Add that to imminent and “soon soon” “Should an announcement be made now by the President, the date for elections will likely be around late April or early May.’

Two aviation stories..the pilots involved in the near collision at JFK involving a Caribbean Airlines flight have been taken off duty pending an investigation. The pilots apparently ignored three warnings to stop short of the runway but reports are they were on the wrong frequency so could not hear the instructions. SN via the Trinidad Express has a transcript of the conversation. And the search for the ASL plane that went down near Mahdia on December 28 has been called off.

The cocaine ship has set sail having paid its fine and forever known to SN as the Delta Dies. No word on the amount. The SSS tonic case has also set sail.

I also believe Ramotar will stall, until his pension is secure.

The PPP made promised before  that did not mean much.  

Singh is desperate that they want the  money before things change in Guyana. It could mean, they want to take some with them.

Corruption at its best. 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Buzz: The missing Czech

Jan 20, 2015

finance minister Ashni Singh is still waiting on a 25M Euro cheque from the European Union saying no credible reason has been given why it hasn’t arrived yet.

The silence from the EU and its ambassador here Robert Kopecky only leads to more anxiety and embarrassment for the government, and Singh comes across as slightly desperate when he told reporters yesterday, “We have, in writing, confirmation that we have discharged all of our obligations associated with qualifying for those payments…. We’ve taken the necessary actions we have implemented the necessary conditions…” But have they met all the indicators to qualify for certain tranches? The EC is a highly bureaucratic organisation that takes time to get around to publicly addressing issues especially as they relate to small countries and Guyana will have to wait although it might not like the response when it arrives. Meanwhile Singh is racing to have his budget ready in time to present to the non existent parliament.

The main reason for the press conference was to announce that Guyoil will unilaterally be cutting its prices for fuel by some 30%… ($695 per gallon for gasoline). However in a sleight of hand the government actually increased the excise tax even further to the maximum 50 per cent on gasoline and 45 per cent on diesel. So essentially what it is doing is forcing the other oil companies to lower their prices without losing any excise revenue. Pretty hardball but the government must have done its maths and thinks they are making excess profits at the moment and can afford to drop their prices. Then again Guyoil might simply run out of fuel with the rush it will get.  Something to watch.

In brief …

The Guyana Times is reporting that Ramotar will call the election “any moment now“. Add that to imminent and “soon soon” “Should an announcement be made now by the President, the date for elections will likely be around late April or early May.’

Two aviation stories..the pilots involved in the near collision at JFK involving a Caribbean Airlines flight have been taken off duty pending an investigation. The pilots apparently ignored three warnings to stop short of the runway but reports are they were on the wrong frequency so could not hear the instructions. SN via the Trinidad Express has a transcript of the conversation. And the search for the ASL plane that went down near Mahdia on December 28 has been called off.

The cocaine ship has set sail having paid its fine and forever known to SN as the Delta Dies. No word on the amount. The SSS tonic case has also set sail.

I also believe Ramotar will stall, until his pension is secure.

The PPP made promised before  that did not mean much.  

Singh is desperate that they want the  money before things change in Guyana. It could mean, they want to take some with them.

Corruption at its best. 

So said Ms Cleo.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Buzz: The missing Czech

Jan 20, 2015

finance minister Ashni Singh is still waiting on a 25M Euro cheque from the European Union saying no credible reason has been given why it hasn’t arrived yet.

The silence from the EU and its ambassador here Robert Kopecky only leads to more anxiety and embarrassment for the government, and Singh comes across as slightly desperate when he told reporters yesterday, “We have, in writing, confirmation that we have discharged all of our obligations associated with qualifying for those payments…. We’ve taken the necessary actions we have implemented the necessary conditions…” But have they met all the indicators to qualify for certain tranches? The EC is a highly bureaucratic organisation that takes time to get around to publicly addressing issues especially as they relate to small countries and Guyana will have to wait although it might not like the response when it arrives. Meanwhile Singh is racing to have his budget ready in time to present to the non existent parliament.

The main reason for the press conference was to announce that Guyoil will unilaterally be cutting its prices for fuel by some 30%… ($695 per gallon for gasoline). However in a sleight of hand the government actually increased the excise tax even further to the maximum 50 per cent on gasoline and 45 per cent on diesel. So essentially what it is doing is forcing the other oil companies to lower their prices without losing any excise revenue. Pretty hardball but the government must have done its maths and thinks they are making excess profits at the moment and can afford to drop their prices. Then again Guyoil might simply run out of fuel with the rush it will get.  Something to watch.

In brief …

The Guyana Times is reporting that Ramotar will call the election “any moment now“. Add that to imminent and “soon soon” “Should an announcement be made now by the President, the date for elections will likely be around late April or early May.’

Two aviation stories..the pilots involved in the near collision at JFK involving a Caribbean Airlines flight have been taken off duty pending an investigation. The pilots apparently ignored three warnings to stop short of the runway but reports are they were on the wrong frequency so could not hear the instructions. SN via the Trinidad Express has a transcript of the conversation. And the search for the ASL plane that went down near Mahdia on December 28 has been called off.

The cocaine ship has set sail having paid its fine and forever known to SN as the Delta Dies. No word on the amount. The SSS tonic case has also set sail.

I also believe Ramotar will stall, until his pension is secure.

The PPP made promised before  that did not mean much.  

Singh is desperate that they want the  money before things change in Guyana. It could mean, they want to take some with them.

Corruption at its best. 

Do Presidents entitled to pension in jail? 


I done tell aluh 1 month now Ramotar dem holding out till next year. Now is de time foh de bad boys dem like KishanB, Harse and dem bad gurl fram Linden foh lead de revolution. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Buzz: The missing Czech

Jan 20, 2015

finance minister Ashni Singh is still waiting on a 25M Euro cheque from the European Union saying no credible reason has been given why it hasn’t arrived yet.

The silence from the EU and its ambassador here Robert Kopecky only leads to more anxiety and embarrassment for the government, and Singh comes across as slightly desperate when he told reporters yesterday, “We have, in writing, confirmation that we have discharged all of our obligations associated with qualifying for those payments…. We’ve taken the necessary actions we have implemented the necessary conditions…” But have they met all the indicators to qualify for certain tranches? The EC is a highly bureaucratic organisation that takes time to get around to publicly addressing issues especially as they relate to small countries and Guyana will have to wait although it might not like the response when it arrives. Meanwhile Singh is racing to have his budget ready in time to present to the non existent parliament.

The main reason for the press conference was to announce that Guyoil will unilaterally be cutting its prices for fuel by some 30%… ($695 per gallon for gasoline). However in a sleight of hand the government actually increased the excise tax even further to the maximum 50 per cent on gasoline and 45 per cent on diesel. So essentially what it is doing is forcing the other oil companies to lower their prices without losing any excise revenue. Pretty hardball but the government must have done its maths and thinks they are making excess profits at the moment and can afford to drop their prices. Then again Guyoil might simply run out of fuel with the rush it will get.  Something to watch.

In brief …

The Guyana Times is reporting that Ramotar will call the election “any moment now“. Add that to imminent and “soon soon” “Should an announcement be made now by the President, the date for elections will likely be around late April or early May.’

Two aviation stories..the pilots involved in the near collision at JFK involving a Caribbean Airlines flight have been taken off duty pending an investigation. The pilots apparently ignored three warnings to stop short of the runway but reports are they were on the wrong frequency so could not hear the instructions. SN via the Trinidad Express has a transcript of the conversation. And the search for the ASL plane that went down near Mahdia on December 28 has been called off.

The cocaine ship has set sail having paid its fine and forever known to SN as the Delta Dies. No word on the amount. The SSS tonic case has also set sail.

I also believe Ramotar will stall, until his pension is secure.

The PPP made promised before  that did not mean much.  

Singh is desperate that they want the  money before things change in Guyana. It could mean, they want to take some with them.

Corruption at its best. 

Do Presidents entitled to pension in jail? 

IF-IF-IF they win, they might change the constitution to allow this.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Sweet Carolyne says Ramotar's announcement is imminent.

Imminent means henameannextyearhemeananytimesoon.

April or May of 2015. Stay tuned.

iT CANNOT BE LATER THAN aPRIL cONSTIYUTIONALLY without using Emergency Power. I doubt the President want to go down that road.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Sweet Carolyne says Ramotar's announcement is imminent.

Imminent means henameannextyearhemeananytimesoon.

April or May of 2015. Stay tuned.

iT CANNOT BE LATER THAN aPRIL cONSTIYUTIONALLY without using Emergency Power. I doubt the President want to go down that road.

Well he is a brainless idiot, that disgraceful tub of lard is apt to do anything stupid.


YOU wrong, the man Ramutar called your bluff



President to announce Election Date today

January 20, 2015 3:41 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


President Donald Ramotar. [iNews' Photo]

President Donald Ramotar. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – iNews has confirmed that President Donald Ramotar is slated to announce a date for general and regional elections later this afternoon.


A source from the main Opposition – A Partnership for National Unity (ANU) -told iNews that the President informed Opposition Leader, David Granger of his intention to make the announcement today.



This afternoon I would like to make an announcement to announce an announcement on a date for the next election, which could be forthcoming anytime soon, could be next season, could be next year, jus could be


Elections are not constitutionally due until 2016 but the President has decided on an early election given the political situation in Guyana, where the Opposition holds the majority in Parliament.


Ramotar ain't deciding anything the opposition specifically Moses bent him over.........


Get yuh tub a lard out fat boy.........

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ramotar ain't calling one *****, he is a liar and a coward.

WE will soon find out who IS THE JACKASS!!!

WE aready know is you.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ramotar ain't calling one *****, he is a liar and a coward.

WE will soon find out who IS THE JACKASS!!!

WE aready know is you.

I will soon prove you ARE THE BIGGEST JACKASS on the Planet.


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