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Former Member

Ramsammy slams Granger’s justification of pay hikes

Former Minister of Agriculture Dr Leslie Ramsammy in a publication to Guyana Times launched on the offensive, completely discrediting President David Granger’s justifications for the obscene salary increases for Cabinet members. According to Ramsammy, at every opportunity that presents itself, the Government seeks to justify the irrational increases by offering outrageous explanations. He reflected on past incidents where the new Government would have criticised the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for what they alleged were Ministers living in a “donkey cart economy with Cadillacs”, adding that the new Government has been presenting itself as “get rich as quickly as possible merry men and women”. Ramsammy related that he is utterly disgusted by Granger’s statement that the salary increases were necessary in order to ensure efficiency and commitment. He added that Minister of State Joseph Harmon’s assertion that the increases were inevitable and designed to prevent corruption are quite questionable, as he is not aware that the Nation has to buy the commitment of people whom they appointed to Cabinet so as to deter them from stealing and corruption. “I thought that APNU/AFC campaigned to become the government because they had among them committed, efficient and competent people, professionals who wanted to serve the people of Guyana. They went to the people and presented themselves as people of integrity, competence, and commitment to a better Guyana and better lives for our people. At no time did they inform the people of Guyana that we had to pay them enormous salaries in order for them to not thief, to carry out their duties with efficiency and with commitment. I want David Granger to show me an iota of evidence that he or anyone in APNU/AFC told the people that their service will not come cheap. “What does David Granger mean when he said we have to pay for competence and efficiency?” Ramsammy questioned as he affirmed that Government failed to prepare a proper Budget. “Recall that the Budget did not meet the eligibility criteria of the Constitution for statutory bodies and did not meet the Fiscal Management and Accounting Act. How competent was the Finance Minister? But the whole Cabinet had to approve the budget and they gave full endorsement to a flawed and illegal document,” Ramsammy related.

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“I thought that APNU/AFC campaigned to become the government because they had among them committed, efficient and competent people, professionals who wanted to serve the people of Guyana. They went to the people and presented themselves as people of integrity, competence, and commitment to a better Guyana and better lives for our people. At no time did they inform the people of Guyana that we had to pay them enormous salaries in order for them to not thief, to carry out their duties with efficiency and with commitment.


 “Recall that the Budget did not meet the eligibility criteria of the Constitution for statutory bodies and did not meet the Fiscal Management and Accounting Act. How competent was the Finance Minister? But the whole Cabinet had to approve the budget and they gave full endorsement to a flawed and illegal document,” Ramsammy related.


He [Ramsammy] reflected on past incidents where the new Government would have criticised the then People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for what they alleged were Ministers living in a “donkey cart economy with Cadillacs”, . . .

indeed, they would have been speaking directly at people like u, Herr Ramsammy, being RK's main man in GT and all


because y'all were stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, living large compliments of drug-trafficker's blood money, and building gross mansions on minista salary


yeah, let's talk about that

Last edited by Former Member

PPP/C supporters

must also condemn Jagdeo,

former ministers over Pradoville 2 land


Dear Editor,

The society, while examining the increased salary of ministers and parliamentarians has a responsibility to equally examine, and where possible, condemn the assigning of State property to the former president, ministers and others who benefitted from using their office to abuse the nation’s resources. None must be exempted in the new wave of citizens’ activism to hold public officials accountable.


The argument that Bharrat Jagdeo, in conveying to himself State property for personal use, cannot be prosecuted because he has immunity should be far from anyone’s imagination. Immunity is when you are discharging the functions of the State consistent with the laws, on behalf of the citizens.


To even entertain the thought that the President has immunity is to subscribe to the idea that the office holder can take money out of the Consolidated Fund to do as s/he pleases or take away your personal property.


The mangled interpretation of Article 182 in the Guyana Constitution came out of political opportunism and one-upmanship of the 1980s. Dragging this type of politicking into today’s reality does the society more harm than good, because in addition to it being misplaced, it offers coverage to the office holder to abuse the State’s resources and run roughshod over the citizens.


Laws are not made in abstract. Laws are made for the society and on some occasions they are made to rein in the excesses of people who are placed in privileged positions.Nowhere in perusing the Guyana Constitution is there any clause that says the President has the power, authority or right to arrogate to him or herself the resources of the State, violate the laws or transgress the rights of citizens in the execution of official duties.

It is basic: one cannot swear to uphold a constitution and laws and at the same time have immunity to violate them.


The PPP/C in responding to the revelation of the abuse of State property at Pradoville 2 for members in the upper echelons opted to treat an egregious matter of this nature flippantly by saying it is a diversionary tactic of the government to deflect attention from the increased salary for ministers and parliamentarians, which its members too stand to benefit from.


Let it be known, this new wave of activism in society allows the citizens the opportunity to hold public officials, be it the government or opposition, accountable at the same time.


As we move forward the supporters of the PPP/C must take the opportunity, that while they may condemn what this government may have done, equally they must condemn and hold Jagdeo, Donald Ramotar and the entire party leadership accountable for taking our national patrimony and abusing it. To do so is an act in reviving our democracy, making all public officials accountable to the people for their conduct in managing the affairs of State and insisting that you be treated with dignity and respect.


This society needs to take note that while all parliamentarians stand to benefit from the increase in salary, the PPP has not come out definitively and said it will not accept the increase or will return it to the Consolidated Fund. Unlike what the PPP is seeking to make out,this issue is not about the APNU+AFC; it is about conduct of public officials, including the PPP, who blow hot and cold at the same time, in their thrust to divide the nation for partisan political benefits.


The issue before us is about the management of State property, the people’s resources.

Jennifer Westford was placed before the court for the transfer of State vehicles.

Jagdeo and others must be placed before the court also.

Who are responsible must be held accountable. There must be equal treatment before the law and in the pursuit of justice for the citizens.

None is above the law and none must be exempted.


Yours faithfully,


Lincoln Lewis


It is most unfortunate that since the beginning of the PPP, the people was not allowed to think for themselves, but became faithful followers and join in the corruption and vindictiveness of most in the PPP, especially new leaders like Jagdeo.

Even the structure of the CC did not allow mutual discussion, but imposing from a corrupt majority.   


But new generations of Indians are seeing a new light and are challenging the corrupt leadership, because they are being isolated from sharing the pie.

Interesting times ahead for the PPP. Lets see how Jagdeo will justify his wealth to his young followers, since becoming president.       


The mangled interpretation of Article 182 in the Guyana Constitution came out of political opportunism and one-upmanship of the 1980s. Dragging this type of politicking into today’s reality does the society more harm than good, because in addition to it being misplaced, it offers coverage to the office holder to abuse the State’s resources and run roughshod over the citizens.




Isn't this called Politricking?




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