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Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Charles RamsonMinister of Culture, Youth and Sport Charles Ramson


April 19, 2022

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Charles Ramson says the Opposition APNU+AFC should have been invited to the Republic Day flag-raising ceremony but said that he did not “follow through” with the planning of the event.

The ceremony was held on the lawns outside of Parliament  on February 22 and saw the attendance of foreign diplomats and a slew of government officials. The only Opposition Parliamentarian present was the Liberty and Justice Party’s Lenox Shuman – who said he received an invite, twice, from the Ministry and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport.

“The invitation was sent to my office but because of the oil and gas conference, I did not go into the office. So I did not see the invitation but I asked the Minister (of Culture, Youth and Sport) if I could attend without the invite and he sent me an electronic copy and I attended,” he had told Stabroek News.

The APNU+AFC was not invited to the event and government had remained silent on the matter. Stabroek News had reached out to President Irfaan Ali’s press unit for a comment on the exclusion of the Opposition but is yet to receive a response, months later.

On Wednesday, as he was making his way out of the National Assembly, Stabroek News spoke to Minister Ramson  who had not been taking calls from this newspaper on the matter. He denied deliberately excluding the Opposition from the event while adding that it is an issue that he wishes not to address publicly.

“I don’t think it was an exclusion. I read about it [the exclusion of the Opposition] just like you. The office is responsible for distributing the invitations and I never followed through with it and it obviously saw that it was published and I told my staff that that shouldn’t be the case,” he said.

The Minister admitted that the responsibility to organize national events falls within his remit adding that the Opposition should have been invited. However, he reiterated that it is an issue that he wishes not to address publicly.

When asked, since he restated his wish not to address the issue publicly, if he had reached out to the Opposition, Ramson said “I don’t speak to the Opposition in any shape or form, nothing. I don’t have any engagement with the Opposition. For people that have done what they have done and never expressed contrition [I cannot engage].”

Ramson added “I saw the story and I don’t expect that to reoccur for the national events [but] not all the events because it’s not my MO (modus operandi) where all types of events, where it will be expected of me or expected of the state where we invite the Opposition. For national events, we will seek to have them included.”

Opposition Chief Whip Christopher Jones had told Stabroek News that they received no invitation from the government or the organisers of the event. He said that they were flabbergasted at the move and some MPs even visited Parliament office to see if the invites were dropped off there.

Since taking office, President Ali has been constantly playing up a “One Guyana” narrative, speaking of inclusion and collaboration across all forms. In his address at the flag-raising ceremony, President Ali spoke of building a “One Guyana” where there is no room for division. However, the exclusion of the APNU+AFC Parliamentary Opposition, which represents over 200,000 eligible Guyanese voters, runs counter to that narrative.

While in Opposition, the PPP/C chose to stay away from national flag-raising events after it attended the Golden Jubilee flag-raising ceremony in 2016 and the then APNU+AFC administration reportedly failed to provide them with adequate seating.

Previously, when asked whether the APNU+AFC Opposition would have shown up to the flag-raising ceremony, Jones said that MPs were prepared to show up even without being invited.

“Within our MP WhatsApp group…some MPs (were) saying I am going. MPs were prepared to dress and show up. As a representative of the people, there is an expectation that you would be invited to these forums and you have to attend. It is not PNC or PPP this, this is national…if the invitations were available there were 14 MPs that would have been present excluding those that live out of Georgetown,” he had said.

Guyana became a Republic in 1970 under the PNC government of Forbes Burnham.

With Guyana poised to celebrate its 56th Independence Anniversary of May 26, all eyes are on the government and the APNU+AFC to see if there will be a repeat of the Republic Day events.

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‘Disrespected’ PPP/C MPs leave flag raising ceremony

---  Source ---

– accepted Govt’s invitation but no seating accommodation provided when they attended

Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo and other PPP/C MPs leaving tonight's flag raising ceremony which is still ongoing

THE political Opposition accepted Government’s invitation to tonight’s historic flag raising ceremony to usher in Guyana’s 50th independence, at D’urban Park on Homestretch Avenue, given the importance of marking Guyana’s freedom from colonialism.

The Opposition PPP/C, however, left about 45 minutes after arriving, due to what has been termed ‘utter disrespect’.

The Opposition was assured that seating accommodations would be available for the 32 People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Members of Parliament (MPs) and their spouses. However, this was not the case when they arrived. They were seen waiting for a lengthy period to even enter the VIP stand, where the MPS and other VIP guests were supposed to be seated.

Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jadgeo, was seen speaking to Attorney General, Basil Williams, and Minister of Culture, Nicolette Henry, about the concerns of the PPP/C MPs being seated. The conversation was a short one. The concerns aired seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.

Meanwhile, as the PPP/C MPs waited to be seated, scores of other persons, some casually dressed – some in short pants and t-shirts – at a formal event, were seen being seated in the VIP area. Those seated included Mr. C.N. Sharma and others.

There seemed to be no organisation at the entrance, given the massive group of people arriving, who were standing and waiting to enter D’urban Park. The people included MPs, VIPS guests, diplomats and other Guyanese.

The PPP/C MPs who arrived together for the flag raising ceremony, left together. Former Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds, was also among them.


The People’s Progressive Party /Civic (PPP/C) had publicly expressed its desire to celebrate and participate in the 50th Independence Anniversary Flag Raising Ceremony, as this is a very special occasion in the life of our nation. As a result, Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo and other PPP/C MPs made every effort to ensure that they would be there and able to participate.

The issue of arrangements for accommodating the PPP/C MPs was raised on May 23rd,2016 with Minister Amna Ally and again on May 24th, 2016 at the sitting of Parliament; the Leader of the Opposition spoke directly to Minister Nicollette Henry who is the Co-chair of the Flag Raising activity. The Minister gave all assurances that seats had been reserved for the PPP/C MPs and their spouses.

On the morning of May 25th, 2016, Minister Henry was approached again about the location of and accommodation at the flag raising. Again, all assurances were given that the Leader of the Opposition, Members of Parliament and their spouses would be accommodated.

Regrettably on arrival at the VIP area tonight there were no seats set aside for the Opposition MPs, except for the two Former Presidents, Dr. Jagdeo and Mr. Sam Hinds and two other MPs. The majority of the MPs were left standing. Appeals were made to Minister Henry and Attorney-General Basil Williams but to no avail. However, in the interim dozens of people were escorted to and seated in the VIP area. After standing for over half-of-an-hour in the passage way and no seats were made available, the Leader of the Opposition, Former President Hinds, accompanied by the MPs and their spouses departed.

The humiliation of standing in the passage way while other people were being seated was deliberately designed to humiliate and embarrass the PPP/C parliamentary opposition.

Photos below show PPP/C MPs leaving tonight’s  flag raising ceremony:

jagdeo turned away 2Jagdeo turned away 4jagdeo turned away 3


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