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ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

True what Mr Ramson said.  But his letter is well below par.  When one writes, you have a chance to read, digest, rethink and ensure it brings out the best of what you think.  

That letter was mediocre!

That dude's writing is so poor, it makes the snake's writing look like academia material. 

What school did he attend?  Don't tell me Acrabay College!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

True what Mr Ramson said.  But his letter is well below par.  When one writes, you have a chance to read, digest, rethink and ensure it brings out the best of what you think.  

That letter was mediocre!

That dude's writing is so poor, it makes the snake's writing look like academia material. 

What school did he attend?  Don't tell me Acrabay College!

It may have more to do with his disposition than where he went to school. 

seignet posted:
Amral posted:

Should have addressed Jagdeo as Mr Jagdeo. Bad example 

He gave a poor rebuttal to Jagdeo as a person hoping to be President. He just proved that education does not necessarily makes a person smart.

Another person of mediocrity. The PPP full of dem.

That's known for awhile.

Wait for them busers to get personal.

Last edited by Django
seignet posted:
Amral posted:

Should have addressed Jagdeo as Mr Jagdeo. Bad example 

He gave a poor rebuttal to Jagdeo as a person hoping to be President. He just proved that education does not necessarily makes a person smart.

Another person of mediocrity. The PPP full of dem.

How is the AFC doing these days?  Remember that once self-proclaimed powerhouse that had all the answers to Guyana's problems.  Give us a lil update.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Amral posted:

The PPP will be one confused party soon

Take a good look and tell me which party has all the brains in Guyana.

Start a list from the Parliamentary Representative ,then do the comparison.

Do the sleep walking geriatric party reps in the PNC count?  I need better guidelines.

Take the challenge and list them,all counts.

Information are easily accessible.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ramson is definitely NOT Presidential material. He writes like Django. 

Anil for President.

This lil boy mek me hand fall.  All that education for a school pickney response.  He arrogant like he daaadddy!

PNC will crush and spit him put if he runs against them. He is a complete waste of time.


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