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Ramson should work for his $1.2M pay check

May 08, 2017 News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-his-1-2m-pay-check/

By: Kiana Wilburg

If thereโ€™s one thing that the Coalition Government and Opposition PPP/C both agree on, itโ€™s that Commissioner of Information, Charles Ramson Snr. should submit reports regarding his work as this is outlined in the Access to Information Act.
However, the Opposition is very keen on stressing that Ramson is not the โ€œbad Johnโ€ he is being made out to be or even the only person delinquent when it comes to implementing all aspects of the Act.
The Party firmly believes that any discussion on the Act should take into account the functions of all parties responsible for the effective implementation of the Act and how their roles are interlinked towards achieving this goal.
In a recent interview with Kaieteur News, Opposition Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira acknowledged that the law provides for Ramson to make reports regarding requests for information received.
She noted however, โ€œIf he has not received requests, then I donโ€™t know how he can provide reportsโ€ฆโ€
The Opposition Chief Whip was then informed that Ramson is on record stating that he has received over 15 requests for information. Even the PPP requested information on government officials from the Commissioner of Information and the request was denied.
Teixeira was then asked if she agrees that the lack of reports by Ramson makes it harder for one to assess the effectiveness of his office.
In this regard, she proffered the opinion that there are a number of ways in which that can be measured while adding, โ€œBut I am not in government.โ€
She said that one needs to ascertain whether the requests for information by members of the public are within the law. Teixeira said that the Access to Information Act makes it clear what one can and cannot ask for.

As for the issue of performance, the Opposition Member said that Ramson is not in a proactive position but in a โ€œreactiveโ€ position.
โ€œSo if there are few or no requests then how do you measure the effectiveness of this officeโ€ฆโ€
Bearing in mind that Ramson is on record as having said he received reports, Teixeira acknowledged that reports should be delivered as these are stipulated by the law. She stressed continuously, nonetheless, that the issue of reports cannot be considered in isolation.
Teixeira noted that Ministries have a role to play when it comes to informing the Commissioner of Information of a list of their office holdings and staffing.
The Opposition Chief Whip said that this process started under her Partyโ€™s rule, but it has virtually come to a halt. She noted that Ramson even complained about the slow pace at which he received this information from Ministries under the PPP and now the situation has gone from bad to worse.
With this in mind, Teixeira emphasized that one has to consider the roles and functions of everyone involved in the process of making the Access to Information Act effective.
โ€œThe Act is a good one and needs to be abided by all ministries and government agencies doing what they have to in ensuring information is accessible, as well as the Commissioner running a facility that is able to respond to requests from the publicโ€ฆIt is unfortunate that it (the Act) seems to be honoured in the breach but I do not agree with anyone focusing on the Commissioner of Information being the most delinquent and the one who is the cause of the Act not being implemented.โ€
As for Ramsonโ€™s performance under the PPP, Teixeira explained that there was no expectation to have a major report in 2014 because they were setting up an office for him, hiring new staff , and getting relevant agencies acquainted with what they are expected to do in relation to this new office.
โ€œAfter 2015, I understand his office was changed and he was working without staff and I donโ€™t know how he can work without an office assistant, typing clerk, etc. I am not sure how it can work that way and so I believe government has downgraded the importance of the office and the Act has been breached by everyone who is involved in itโ€ฆโ€
โ€œThe problem with Ramson is that they donโ€™t like him. Thatโ€™s it. They see him as a PPP man who was Attorney General under the PPP on two occasions and they donโ€™t want him aroundโ€ฆHe may not be the easiest character but thatโ€™s not the pointโ€ฆ He is not going to be bullied by anyone and I think he is right.โ€
Teixeira nonetheless concluded that the law states that one of Ramsonโ€™s roles is submitting reports and she acquiesced that this should be done
From 2013 to now, Guyana has nothing to show for approximately $70M in salary costs alone, which was used to sustain Commissioner of Information, Charles Ramson Snr.
$70M is actually more than enough to cover needed repairs at the East Ruimveldt Secondary School, the Cyril Potter College of Education and Cummings Lodge Secondary School with a few millions left to comfortably pay for much needed road upgrades in the Essequibo Islands.
Ramson still refuses to answer any questions from this newspaper, stating that he has โ€œclosed the doorโ€ on the media outletโ€™s Editor-In-Chief, Adam Harris, Publisher Glenn Lall and First Vice President and Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo.
The First Vice President and Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo who has responsibility for Information has since made it clear his hands are tied on the matter. He said that President David Granger is looking into it. According to Nagamootoo, the matter was sent to the Chambers of the Attorney General, Basil Williams for advice.


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