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Former Member

–  Manickchand blasts Lawrence over “deflowering” comments

It is both disturbing and dangerous when the agency responsible for helping victims of rape refers to this horrendous act as “deflowering” – a term which does not encompass everything that is rape.
This was expressed by former Human Services Minister Priya Manickchand, who posited that “rape is rape” and any attempt to desensitise this horrific crime must be strongly condemned.
The Social Protection Ministry, headed by the controversial Volda Lawrence, in more than one public statement, urged the end to the “deflowering of children”.

 PPP/C MP, Priya Manickchand
PPP/C MP, Priya Manickchand


“Rape is rape, Minister. There is no need, and it is in fact dangerous, to dress it up and speak gently about it. Deflowering has traditionally been used to indicate the loss of virginity and purity in girls and women. To use this word to address the sex abuse, rape and incest of our children is foolish and backward,” Manickchand declared. (Nehru favorite words) 

The former Human Services and Education Minister explained that the use of a lighter word in the place of rape reminds her of when it was still taboo to openly use the words “penis” and “vagina” in sensitisation. Moreover, she questioned Minister Lawrence’s comprehension of the definition of the two terms as she pointed out that a child can be raped and not deflowered.

“So once the deflowering stops, is it okay for someone to just rape the babies? We do know that rape is defined much more widely than penetration of the vagina by the penis, don’t we Minister? We should know by now that rape means in Guyana the insertion of any body part into another body part without consent and under certain ages. So a child can be raped and not “deflowered” by being made to put into his/her mouth a penis. A boy child can be raped without being deflowered by being anally penetrated. Don’t we know these things by now?” expressed Manickchand, who is also a PPP/C Member of Parliament.

Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence
Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence

Manickchand said the softening of such a brutal crime contributes to the rape culture, and when the country’s chief champion against abuse fails to make clear her position in addressing these issues, it is a matter of grave concern.

However, she noted that perhaps this posture demonstrated by the Minister should come as no surprise given her previous stance on a matter of similar nature.
“But then again, this is the Minister who thought a woman whose child was raped by her uncle and who was repeatedly making complaints about same to those in authority should have dealt differently with the matter, should have hushed it up! It was after all, she said ‘a family matter!’” Manickchand stated.

Earlier this year, Lawrence came in for much criticism after she made some unfortunate remarks and had a casual approach in defence of a man who was charged for sexual molestation. In her defence, the Minister was quoted by another section of the media as saying, “This is a family issue that has been going on and on and on and on for whatever reason, I can’t tell you, because if I had a brother, even if there was an accusation, this is not how I would go about helping him.”

Additionally, it is alleged that the molester’s sister further alleged that she told the Minister that her brother needed to be jailed for his involvement, but Lawrence asked her not to pursue such actions. Coupled with her use of the word ‘deflowering’ to define rape, many more are beginning to question Lawrence’s capability to effectively manage the affairs of the Social Protection Ministry.
Already, several rights activists, led by human rights group Red Thread, had conducted a series of picketing exercises demanding the resignation of Lawrence following her callous statements on the accused child molester.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

The PNC SHIT HEAD Ministers are planners and supporters of Crimes so I am not surprise at her illiterate response.  Ms Manikchand is totally RIGHT!!!

"Deflowering" is another way of saying it's not a crime and should not be included in the criminal statistics. LOW CRIME RATE!!!!

Vulva Lawrence should be fired. But then again she has a PNC card, she is safe.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

PPP/C MP, Priya Manickchand

Nehru, excuse my language, bhai. I have to deal with mud head people everyday. I does have to get dirty to get my point across.

Do you like me that way?  

With love, Priya  

You must always pelt dirt at dirty people!!!!!!!!!


With Priya, what you see is what you get. She doesn't pretend like how dem AFC bais have been pretending that the PNC is not really controlling all the other parties in the coalition. 

Mitwah posted:

Volda asserted that she will only hire PNC supporters. 

She will get to continue doing that as long as the PNC continue to squat illegally in government.

Incidentally when we began using the term 'squat illegally in government' some defenders of the PNC was arguing that we were hyperventilating given that it was not yet March 21, 2019. Well, March 21, 2019 is less than a week away and given that the coalition government has done nothing toward facilitating elections by March 21, 2019, it is becoming very clear that we were correct in our prediction that this government will be squatting illegally in government.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Volda asserted that she will only hire PNC supporters. 

She will get to continue doing that as long as the PNC continue to squat illegally in government.

Incidentally when we began using the term 'squat illegally in government' some defenders of the PNC was arguing that we were hyperventilating given that it was not yet March 21, 2019. Well, March 21, 2019 is less than a week away and given that the coalition government has done nothing toward facilitating elections by March 21, 2019, it is becoming very clear that we were correct in our prediction that this government will be squatting illegally in government.

Then it's only incumbent that concerned Guyanese in the Diaspora write to their Members in Parliament not to recognize them and force them to hold the election.

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Volda asserted that she will only hire PNC supporters. 

She will get to continue doing that as long as the PNC continue to squat illegally in government.

Incidentally when we began using the term 'squat illegally in government' some defenders of the PNC was arguing that we were hyperventilating given that it was not yet March 21, 2019. Well, March 21, 2019 is less than a week away and given that the coalition government has done nothing toward facilitating elections by March 21, 2019, it is becoming very clear that we were correct in our prediction that this government will be squatting illegally in government.

Then it's only incumbent that concerned Guyanese in the Diaspora write to their Members in Parliament not to recognize them and force them to hold the election.

Bai, given that the Coalition has tried unsuccessfully since coming into office in 2015 to get financial support from the Diaspora I don't think they will be any more receptive to doing the right thing if the Diaspora were to ask them to.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Volda asserted that she will only hire PNC supporters. 

She will get to continue doing that as long as the PNC continue to squat illegally in government.

Incidentally when we began using the term 'squat illegally in government' some defenders of the PNC was arguing that we were hyperventilating given that it was not yet March 21, 2019. Well, March 21, 2019 is less than a week away and given that the coalition government has done nothing toward facilitating elections by March 21, 2019, it is becoming very clear that we were correct in our prediction that this government will be squatting illegally in government.

Then it's only incumbent that concerned Guyanese in the Diaspora write to their Members in Parliament not to recognize them and force them to hold the election.

Bai, given that the Coalition has tried unsuccessfully since coming into office in 2015 to get financial support from the Diaspora I don't think they will be any more receptive to doing the right thing if the Diaspora were to ask them to.

Concerned Guyanese have already been speaking to the Members of the Provincial and Federal Governments here. Not the members of the Guyana Govt.

Mitwah posted:

Concerned Guyanese have already been speaking to the Members of the Provincial and Federal Governments here. Not the members of the Guyana Govt.

Oh, I see what you mean. We have no one to speak to. Trump and his group of fools don't listen to anyone. Our congress don't give a shit either. Half of them are preoccupied with jailing Trump and the other half are preoccupied with keeping him from being jailed. 

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Concerned Guyanese have already been speaking to the Members of the Provincial and Federal Governments here. Not the members of the Guyana Govt.

Oh, I see what you mean. We have no one to speak to. Trump and his group of fools don't listen to anyone. Our congress don't give a shit either. Half of them are preoccupied with jailing Trump and the other half are preoccupied with keeping him from being jailed. 

Meanwhile Trump is doing his MAGA thingy!

Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Good catch about Granger comments comrade, let’s hear what the Government soothsayers  have to say on this.

Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Good catch about Granger comments comrade, let’s hear what the Government soothsayers  have to say on this.

Use your reasoning, where and under the circumstances the statements was made.

Who behavior was abhorrent ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Good catch about Granger comments comrade, let’s hear what the Government soothsayers  have to say on this.

Use your reasoning, where and under the circumstances the statements was made.

Who behavior was abhorrent ?

Why are you so defensive Mr Django.. like the cap fit.... don’t understand why the aggressive attitude.

If you don’t have an answer to Comrade Gill question “ what the difference between Pryia and Granger speech” then stay quiet bhai. 


Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Good catch about Granger comments comrade, let’s hear what the Government soothsayers  have to say on this.

Use your reasoning, where and under the circumstances the statements was made.

Who behavior was abhorrent ?

Why are you so defensive Mr Django.. like the cap fit.... don’t understand why the aggressive attitude.

If you don’t have an answer to Comrade Gill question “ what the difference between Pryia and Granger speech” then stay quiet bhai.

Well..well.. defensive...aggressive. The answer is clear, did you not see it ?


Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

The basis by which the family of nations deal with, and have relations with each other, and their participation with international institutions, is the respect for the rule of law at home and abroad. 

Granger setting the stage to violate his own constitution makes him a rogue.  This means his regime is illegitimate and no longer represents the nation.  Foreign nations will act appropriately to ensure acceptable norms are maintained. 

Granger’s cry for no interference is total bull sh1t.  He does not operate by the law of the jungle!

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

That is because people will have no problem giving him a pass while they will have no qualms chastising her. Sadly, the reason for this double standard goes much deeper than politics.

Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Sir Gil like you never heard of America's backyard.  Jagan Sr never heard of America's backyard either and he brought suffering, racism and genocide to the East Indian people of Guyana.

Prashad posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Sir Gil like you never heard of America's backyard.  Jagan Sr never heard of America's backyard either and he brought suffering, racism and genocide to the East Indian people of Guyana.

Oh shit! Jagan getting chastised even in he grave fuh Burnham's evil actions. 

ksazma posted:
Prashad posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

This Manikchand woman should be given a non political portfolio if the PPP is returned to government. The Americans will be watching her like a hawk.

Which Americans? Priya wasn't the intellectual author of that message she read in the US ambassador's residence. Basically the message said that Guyana is a sovereign country and the PPP government won't tolerate foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Now, fast forward to Wednesday this week. The new US Ambassador presented her credentials to President Granger. She said the Trump Administration looks forward to genuine free and fair elections in Guyana. And Granger spoke about noninterference in Guyana's internal affairs.

What's the difference between Priya's speech and Granger's speech?

Sir Gil like you never heard of America's backyard.  Jagan Sr never heard of America's backyard either and he brought suffering, racism and genocide to the East Indian people of Guyana.

Oh shit! Jagan getting chastised even in he grave fuh Burnham's evil actions. 

If Jagan Sr was a smart politician then there would have been no need for the CIA to train, arm and fund the PNC to comit crimes against the East Indian people of Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
ksazma posted:

Oh shit! Jagan getting chastised even in he grave fuh Burnham's evil actions. 

If Jagan Sr was a smart politician then there would have been no need for the CIA to train, arm and fund the PNC to comit crimes against the East Indian people of Guyana.

At the time when Jagan was making his political name, he was not thinking about East Indians interests only. He was thinking about all Guyanese regardless of their race. Burnham was evil to Indians and he bear the full blame for that. His wicked behavior continues even today in the form of Granger refusing to allow the people of Guyana to vote.

Prashad posted:

Sir Gil like you never heard of America's backyard.  Jagan Sr never heard of America's backyard either and he brought suffering, racism and genocide to the East Indian people of Guyana.

Prash, haven't you heard about David and Goliath? The latter was a Big Bad Bully who terrorized everyone in the realm. Until a skinny weeny young David challenged him and took him down with a simple slingshot. Cheddi Jagan was Guyana's David who dared to challenge Big Bad Uncle Sam. He lost in 1964 but won a convincing moral victory 28 years later in 1992. Jagan very well knew about the 19th century Monroe Doctrine that declared Latin America & the Caribbean as the US backyard. An outdated doctrine in this 21st century.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

Volda asserted that she will only hire PNC supporters. 

So then that makes you eligible to be hired. Even though I see you writing some interesting PPP articles recently.

Rather presumptuous. Can you at least try to be more ladylike for once?

Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:

Sir Gil like you never heard of America's backyard.  Jagan Sr never heard of America's backyard either and he brought suffering, racism and genocide to the East Indian people of Guyana.

Prash, haven't you heard about David and Goliath? The latter was a Big Bad Bully who terrorized everyone in the realm. Until a skinny weeny young David challenged him and took him down with a simple slingshot. Cheddi Jagan was Guyana's David who dared to challenge Big Bad Uncle Sam. He lost in 1964 but won a convincing moral victory 28 years later in 1992. Jagan very well knew about the 19th century Monroe Doctrine that declared Latin America & the Caribbean as the US backyard. An outdated doctrine in this 21st century.

Sir Gil, scientists have speculated that Goliath was very tall but he suffered from Gigantism.  The Gigantism caused him to have many illnesses such as poor eyesight. So, in reality, he was very weak.  Jagan Sr was like Goliath. Unlike Goliath, he did not have poor eyesight but he totally lacked foresight. The PNC had bomb makers trained at CIA camps on the American mainland.  When making enemies and fighting your enemies you should know your enemies. Jagan Sr the type of politician he was never really knew his real political enemies.  In the end, Jagan Sr died with his boots off in a warm comfortable hospital bed paid for by American taxpayers, unlike the horrible deaths that many East Indians both children and adults of Guyana experienced. 

Last edited by Prashad

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