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Originally Posted by SS:

The Statement from Moses V Nagamootoo in Parliament - starting from at 48 minutes.


January 10, 2013


I will outline the pertinent clips of the transcript below

Nagamootoo - "the mere fact that the Government has presented a minority report on the committees is a reflection that their status has changed to one of a minority.  Thus I am at loss to fathom what the speaker (Gail Texeira) means by throwing out the baby with the bath water."


Moses went on to say - "I think the electorate on Nov. 2011, threw the baby and they in the PPP are worried about the bath water now, whether it is putrid or not."


"We here in the majority opposition are here to remind the Government we are here to sanitize how government business is done" - Nagamootoo.



"In regards to the Standing Orders of the Parliament - I do not find the standard orders or for that matter the Constitution is immutable" - Nagamootoo.


"We are a young nation and we are still experimenting with the laws under which we are governed.  The law spawns rules, regulation, orders, legal principles, and sometimes rituals.  if these laws or ritual need to be changed, then we have to do so.  So that after the 2011 elections, the people spoke, we realize that the numbers have to correspond with the decisions of the people."  - Nagamootoo


The PPP trying to reject the will of the people and want to dominate the political scene of Guyana.


They clearly are living in fools paradise.


The PPP will never see 50% ever again.



There will be a political war between the drunkee OH NANDALA and Rawbert for leadership.


That battle will finally destroy the PPP.


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