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Former Member

I wrote this as a response elsewhere but thinks it needs its own thread.


The Hindutva group from ROAR snookered the PPP into carrying water for their fanatical philosophy. They are the ones that give life to the idea that an Indian identity in Guyana is being marginalized and victimized. They are the one that presumably see Moses saying he is "Guyanese" as an affront to the quintessential Indian that Jagdeo admits composes the PPP.This is the PPP kryptonite.


The philosophy is bunk. Every Indian in Guyana do knows who they are. Their unique identity, forged in the crucible in the history of this place,  is learnt on their mother's knees. As adults that view solidifies and remains sacrosanct. It is not affected by their subscription to a larger Guyanese culture but is actually reified and made whole by it.  And this is is not some retrogressive, backward looking philosophy reflecting India whole as as ROAR and Ravi Dev, Ms, Shaw or Batoram et al would want you to believe. The Indian Guyanese is not some homogenous mythological  being seeking to conserve a "Hinduness" as their quintessential Indian identity, independent of their Guyanese  ( and creolized) heritage.


Identity  is never as pie; it is not the same throughout. Indians in India are not some homogeneity that you can tap one in Mumbai and ask him who he is and another in Goa would tell you exactly the same thing if similarly  asked. They come in many flavors as there are independent cultures  in india....some 1000   unique versions of Hinduism.. from atheism to asceticism....with unique expressions of personal mores.


There is a distinct smell of crap when one tells you there is one discernible idea of who or what constitute an  "indian" in India . In Guyana also  "Indian" comes in flavors; Christianized, Muslims, Arya Samage and caste divested Sanathan Dharm and even those completely divested of Indian culture and heavily invested in who they are where ever they are ( in Guyana and  in the diaspora)  never even thinking of India and connected to it only as an ancestral location. 


The PPP has now become like ROAR and they are arguing the same Hindutva cause as ROAR did and this will enrage all others similarly as ROAR did and Divide indians no less than the BJP has done in India. It is a fanatical subversive creed that is revivalist ie looking at India from some mythical (never has been)golden age of Hindu oneness. It is as though Ravi Dev decided not to fight the PPP but to infiltrate it and subvert it since he knew he had a better chance get at indians as a proxy PPPite.


The PPP  now fight and argue the Hindutva project completely subverted by ROAR whose disciples have set the tone for the argument in this election cycle. The PPP is snookered off their game of arguing for Guyana in its multicultural diversity into arguing for the Hindutva "Indian"as ROAR did. What a terrible shame!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yep nailed it. It's Ravi Dev and ROAR who bequeated Guyana a tradition of racial election related violence.


Every election it's Ravi Dev and ROAR beating, harassing, and robbing poor innocent Black people.


It's ROAR women who piss and then set alight party flags in election campaigns.


Look at all dis violence Ravi Dev and ROAR ah perpetrate on Guyana.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yep nailed it. It's Ravi Dev and ROAR who bequeated Guyana a tradition of racial election related violence.


Every election it's Ravi Dev and ROAR beating, harassing, and robbing poor innocent Black people.


It's ROAR women who piss and then set alight party flags in election campaigns.


Look at all dis violence Ravi Dev and ROAR ah perpetrate on Guyana.

Kyar you rass da side. The idea of indian identity deviating to your assumption of those "troublesome" people trying to beat indians is pure avoidance of the topic in the title.


You have an administration that murdered 400 people extra judicially, acts as though he state assets is their grandfather's legacy and in slightly more than a decade saw all of its formerly piss poor ministers rise to patrician status sporting obscene wealth and you are complaining about a powerless marginalized woman symbolically pissing on them as an expression of her contempt as the bad person!


As I said gwuan da side! I hope those bitches lose and the lot find themselves bereft of the spigot to our nations cash-flow and their pitiful asses have to really work for a living. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yep nailed it. It's Ravi Dev and ROAR who bequeated Guyana a tradition of racial election related violence.


Every election it's Ravi Dev and ROAR beating, harassing, and robbing poor innocent Black people.


It's ROAR women who piss and then set alight party flags in election campaigns.


Look at all dis violence Ravi Dev and ROAR ah perpetrate on Guyana.

Kyar you rass da side. The idea of indian identity deviating to your assumption of those "troublesome" people trying to beat indians is pure avoidance of the topic in the title.


You have an administration that murdered 400 people extra judicially, acts as though he state assets is their grandfather's legacy and in slightly more than a decade saw all of its formerly piss poor ministers rise to patrician status sporting obscene wealth and you are complaining about a powerless marginalized woman symbolically pissing on them as an expression of her contempt as the bad person!


As I said gwuan da side! I hope those bitches lose and the lot find themselves bereft of the spigot to our nations cash-flow and their pitiful asses have to really work for a living. 


Well let me not avoid the topic of the thread then. The PPP appears to have come around to ROAR's radical notion that a political party must put their supporters' interests first. That's how it works in the real world. So good for the PPP. They've joined reality.


As they say, to the victor go the spoils. The PNC is not in a compromising mood so let us not engage in one-sided concessions here. Indians must do what is in their interest just as everyone else does.


Daag fuh daag. Cyat fuh cyat!


Of course this does not mean that Indians are to lord it over and oppress Guyana's two principal minorities. That would be uncivilized.


The funny thing is some of them denigrated myself and others as taking over AFC to enslave every other race. There are several ROAR guys who are supporting the Alliance, yet we don't hear about these folks. There is a big difference between these folks and Vishnu, Vassan, Swami, Ravi or Baytoram. You see the latter folks are not concerned about uncle Maloo, aunty Loley, Snake Eye, Neighbor Rowe and those village folks. If they were genuinely concerned, they would be encouraging the PPP to pursue a path of power sharing. Rather, they are really set on raping the resources of that country. This is really about swelling the wallets of a few in collusion with Indian and Chinese interests outside Guyana. At least India has a vibrant free press. The opposition will have to learn how to use the Indian free press. These guys (along with several in PPP) are salivating over the prospect of finding oil. I don't know who told Shaitan this lot will govern in the interest of uncle Maloo, aunty Loley and other common folks.

Originally Posted by TK:

The funny thing is some of them denigrated myself and others as taking over AFC to enslave every other race. There are several ROAR guys who are supporting the Alliance, yet we don't hear about these folks. There is a big difference between these folks and Vishnu, Vassan, Swami, Ravi or Baytoram. You see the latter folks are not concerned about uncle Maloo, aunty Loley, Snake Eye, Neighbor Rowe and those village folks. If they were genuinely concerned, they would be encouraging the PPP to pursue a path of power sharing. Rather, they are really set on raping the resources of that country. This is really about swelling the wallets of a few in collusion with Indian and Chinese interests outside Guyana. At least India has a vibrant free press. The opposition will have to learn how to use the Indian free press. These guys (along with several in PPP) are salivating over the prospect of finding oil. I don't know who told Shaitan this lot will govern in the interest of uncle Maloo, aunty Loley and other common folks.

I hope whoever wins that there will be power sharing betwee the Government and the opposition JUST for 5 years.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yep nailed it. It's Ravi Dev and ROAR who bequeated Guyana a tradition of racial election related violence.


Every election it's Ravi Dev and ROAR beating, harassing, and robbing poor innocent Black people.


It's ROAR women who piss and then set alight party flags in election campaigns.


Look at all dis violence Ravi Dev and ROAR ah perpetrate on Guyana.

Kyar you rass da side. The idea of indian identity deviating to your assumption of those "troublesome" people trying to beat indians is pure avoidance of the topic in the title.


You have an administration that murdered 400 people extra judicially, acts as though he state assets is their grandfather's legacy and in slightly more than a decade saw all of its formerly piss poor ministers rise to patrician status sporting obscene wealth and you are complaining about a powerless marginalized woman symbolically pissing on them as an expression of her contempt as the bad person!


As I said gwuan da side! I hope those bitches lose and the lot find themselves bereft of the spigot to our nations cash-flow and their pitiful asses have to really work for a living. 


Well let me not avoid the topic of the thread then. The PPP appears to have come around to ROAR's radical notion that a political party must put their supporters' interests first. That's how it works in the real world. So good for the PPP. They've joined reality.

So let us Support Smuggling.

Let us Support Narco.

Let us Support Money Laundering.

Let us Support Gun Running.

Let us Support Coolie man thiefing

These 5 things sets the stage for Roger Khan return



As they say, to the victor go the spoils. The PNC is not in a compromising mood so let us not engage in one-sided concessions here. Indians must do what is in their interest just as everyone else does.

The PNC was never Involved

in the 4 things necessary for RK's Grand Return.

We know APNU or AFC is not PNC.....

Regardless of what Roar or

the Dutty Jihaji Poodle say



Daag fuh daag. Cyat fuh cyat!

Derick say that is what got Shytes in trouble....

he think.....Daag fuh daag. Cyat fuh cyat!

he think....Daughter and Mama was a package


Of course this does not mean that Indians are to lord it over and oppress Guyana's two principal minorities. That would be uncivilized.

Uncivilized is forcing yuh Dutty self .... Joe's Party...

For Free Food & Drink.


Do not try to Hide

Ravi support & Connections

To Roger Khan & The Phantom Killers.


Not all Roar Supporters

are like Ravi & Shytie...

TK told us about the decent ones

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yep nailed it. It's Ravi Dev .

Ravi Dev himself considered the violence after the 92, 97, and 01 elections is located in an African Ethnic Security dilemma.  And he is a racist.


How come you claim not to be racist and yet refuse to acknowledge that there exists an African Ethnic Security dilemma which exists and needs to be attended to as much as does the Indian Ethnic Security dilemma?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. The PNC is not in a compromising mood .

1.  How is the PPP compromising on the African Ethnic Insecurity dilemma.


2.  APNU is by giving a man whose voting base exists mainly among Indians 40% of cabinet and a guaranteed 12 seats (if the coalition wins), regardless as to how many votes he actually brings in.  They do so because they understand that an Indian Ethnic Insecurity dilemma exists, so must compromise.



You do understand that the continued existence of the African and Indian Ethnic Insecurity dilemmas threatens BOTH, as well as Guyana on the whole!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Daag fuh daag. Cyat fuh cyat!

this is the kind of racist ignar that grants permission for the unthinkable to occur


carry on


[i cannot stress enough that maximum vigilance be the order of the 'day'.. . and beg that every conceivable effort be made by the Oposition and all decent Guyanese to protect the people's ballot]

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Yep nailed it. It's Ravi Dev and ROAR who bequeated Guyana a tradition of racial election related violence.


Every election it's Ravi Dev and ROAR beating, harassing, and robbing poor innocent Black people.


It's ROAR women who piss and then set alight party flags in election campaigns.


Look at all dis violence Ravi Dev and ROAR ah perpetrate on Guyana.

Kyar you rass da side. The idea of indian identity deviating to your assumption of those "troublesome" people trying to beat indians is pure avoidance of the topic in the title.


You have an administration that murdered 400 people extra judicially, acts as though he state assets is their grandfather's legacy and in slightly more than a decade saw all of its formerly piss poor ministers rise to patrician status sporting obscene wealth and you are complaining about a powerless marginalized woman symbolically pissing on them as an expression of her contempt as the bad person!


As I said gwuan da side! I hope those bitches lose and the lot find themselves bereft of the spigot to our nations cash-flow and their pitiful asses have to really work for a living. 


Well let me not avoid the topic of the thread then. The PPP appears to have come around to ROAR's radical notion that a political party must put their supporters' interests first. That's how it works in the real world. So good for the PPP. They've joined reality.


As they say, to the victor go the spoils. The PNC is not in a compromising mood so let us not engage in one-sided concessions here. Indians must do what is in their interest just as everyone else does.


Daag fuh daag. Cyat fuh cyat!


Of course this does not mean that Indians are to lord it over and oppress Guyana's two principal minorities. That would be uncivilized.

There is nothing radical to saying one is and Indian and a Guyanese. The PPP is making that a problem. They do as I suggested, because they were co opted into the notion by Ravi Dev and his crew who used this notion as the super structure of their advocacy.


The APNU would be stupid to avoid meeting the obligations of its indian citizens. If it would as this PPP has done, set about to purge Indians from every managerial or authoritative role in the state then I would be as I am, complaining about them. I also have to take everyone at their word. They said a number of things that makes me look to them with some hope rather than the PPP. Among these is reducing the presidents power constitutionally, and local elections etc The PPP has not done it.



I understand the ethnic identity thing very well but understand my role as a citizen as well. I do not use the term "amerindian" because the term is useless for identifying us. I use "Amerind" instead because we are not American or Indians. We are nine peoples with nine cultural traditions  and those who use the term without thinking of that in essence nullified the cultures in it. Most Guyanese do that because they do not think of us as distinct cultural peoples. However, I do not go about picking on an amerind if he said he is "guyanese vs he is "wai wai" etc and making that into a case to bring down holy hell fire on the individual.


That is pure bullshit and that is what the PPP and you and all those ROAR ethnic purists are doing to Moses. They are in the process deforming the self concept of the Guyanese Indian and it will set brother against brother because when pressed for who is an Indian, the whole lot would start fighting as to who is pure and not and the recasting process starts all over again.

Last edited by Former Member

Hindus support the PPP.  Muslims support the PPP. Amerindians support the PPP.  Chinese and Portughese support the PPP.  The PPP is not an Indian party.  They are Multi-cultural.  The PPP care about the working class People of Guyana. Almost 10% blacks support the PPP.  The PPP will win a landslide majority on May 11th 2015.

God Bless the PPP. long live Guyana


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Hindus support the PPP.  Muslims support the PPP. Amerindians support the PPP.  Chinese and Portughese support the PPP.  The PPP is not an Indian party.  They are Multi-cultural.  The PPP care about the working class People of Guyana. Almost 10% blacks support the PPP.  The PPP will win a landslide majority on May 11th 2015.

God Bless the PPP. long live Guyana


Is that why the PPP were a minority the last time ie less than 50 percent? They being blessed by a god would be Rawan since like them they are into thieving.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

There is nothing radical to saying one is and Indian and a Guyanese. The PPP is making that a problem. They do as I suggested, because they were co opted into the notion by Ravi Dev and his crew who used this notion as the super structure of their advocacy.


The APNU would be stupid to avoid meeting the obligations of its indian citizens.

1.  APNU cannot disenfranchise Indians because they have to give teh AFC 12 seats if they win.  LGE is coming up and I imagine that they would also want to run the coalition so that they can make some inroads into some PPP areas, while keeping the PPP out of theirs.


Once the AFC has this magic bullet (12 seats) APNU will be forced to negotiate.  Not in some "kumba ya" moment as some APNU AFC cultists will have you believe. But because APNU wants to be in gov't and will be quickly brought to its knees if they embarrass Nagamootoo by exclusing Indians, many of whom he will nominate.


2.  The PPP has shot itself.  Even if they squeak an election they have now unapologetically manifested themselves as an ethnic party, screaming that ethnicity should be the reason why they should win.  As the Indo vote declines they have hardened the belief among non Indians that they cannot expect inclusion and fair treatment from them.  So the PPP is doomed to become a minority party unable to grow out of the ethnic cocoon that they placed themselves.


THIS is what jumping into bed with Ravi Dev has caused. Shaitaan refuses to acknowledge that apan jhat will doom Indians to be on the margins.


The PNC knows that it cannot rely on the African vote to win.  That as the mixed population transforms from being "light skinned blacks" to being multi ethnic getting support from this group becomes more tenuous. So while the PPP has reinforced its tribal appeal, APNU is trying to escape that trap.


It is likely that in 2020 the population will be 35% Indian, 28% African, 25% mixed, with Amerindians accounting for the bulk of the remainder.  Smart politicians know that their future success will be based on cross ethnic alliances.  Especially as by then the mixed voting age population will be much larger than it currently is.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Hindus support the PPP.  Muslims support the PPP. Amerindians support the PPP.  Chinese and Portughese support the PPP.  The PPP is not an Indian party.  They are Multi-cultural.  The PPP care about the working class People of Guyana. Almost 10% blacks support the PPP.  The PPP will win a landslide majority on May 11th 2015.

God Bless the PPP. long live Guyana


Is that why the PPP were a minority the last time ie less than 50 percent? They being blessed by a god would be Rawan since like them they are into thieving.

Portuguese and Chinese arent even 1% of the vote and many of them support the AFC.  Amerindian vote turnout is about 50% of the others, so the PPPs portion will be no more than 4%.  Its a well known fact that the black and mixed PPP vote WAS 10%.  With all the Hindutva screaming this year, its likely that many will flee the PPP.


FACT.  The vast majority of the votes which the PPP will get will be Indian.  While APNU is similarly dependent on the African/mixed vote, we will see next Monday how many Indo votes the coalition gets.  The numbers might shock you just as white votes for Obama shocked Rev 3 years ago.


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