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Originally posted by Nehru:
Re, Be Prepared. I have a very serious question for you and others. I have a few Jill with TIAA-CREF, Should I move my two Jill to secure Inv from Stocks??? Please anyone.

Use any opportunity of a bounce to deleverage out of those high growth stocks. The markets will be choppy for a while driven by macro economic fears. If you want to get into something, then I would say buy into stable but good dividend yielding blue-chips, but do so on dip opportunity. I believe the US will have lot of gyrations for some time, accentuated by the political divide in Washington.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Thank you again Guys. Just changed my allocation from 60% Stocks, 40 % Guarantee to 100% Guarantee. I will probably leave it there for 12 months. I do believe the Chap on BBc. He seems to know what he is talking about.

don't blame you...if Greece defaults...some major Banks and economies will crash
Ow Bhai is not me ah worry bout but dem pickney gun need bread and milk. But seriously, I think we in for a rough ride. I will take my 6% on Inv for the next 12 Months rather than risking a drop of 50 %. I am satisfied with my action and I thank you and Baseman to encourage me to go aheaad and make the change. I was really on thefence thinking about it since Friday. THANKS.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Ow Bhai is not me ah worry bout but dem pickney gun need bread and milk. But seriously, I think we in for a rough ride. I will take my 6% on Inv for the next 12 Months rather than risking a drop of 50 %. I am satisfied with my action and I thank you and Baseman to encourage me to go aheaad and make the change. I was really on thefence thinking about it since Friday. THANKS.

Anytime...even for my PPP buddy.
Now YUh Rass gun get me MAD Mad YUh had to bring Politics into this? CANT WE ALL GET ALONg(Rodney King). yippie yippie partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by raymond:
Currently, I have only about 25% in stocks...the rest mostly in money market, bonds...I do have some in European markets, will begin to move most of this to safe haven...cannot afford to lose...need to retire to Guyana under AFC Big Grin
Originally posted by Nehru:
Now YUh Rass gun get me MAD Mad YUh had to bring Politics into this? CANT WE ALL GET ALONg(Rodney King). yippie yippie partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by raymond:
Currently, I have only about 25% in stocks...the rest mostly in money market, bonds...I do have some in European markets, will begin to move most of this to safe haven...cannot afford to lose...need to retire to Guyana under AFC Big Grin

Calm yuhself, don't get so paranoid at the mention of the letters AFC. Just de-risk your portfolio and take a hedge on what I mention. Who ever rules Guyana have no impact on you investment. All the AFC can do is provide you a safe and triving society in Guyana which you can retire to as a Winter home. Wink

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