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yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

PNc supporters are DUMB FOOLS. Bunham Grandchildren refused  rice flour bread and so he had to get them Wheat flour while his DUMB supporters ate SHIT!!!

Yet DJ is stating that Guyana was better off under Burnham.  He needs to have his brain examined at Berbice Mental asylum !

Ha..ha.. wondering why they built that place in Berbice.

Kabaka, never stopped us from progressing, found ways to survive. Smarter the Gov't wiser the population.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
cain posted:

Everyone is aware of Burnham's time but yall backward skvnts love complainin about dead people and when BJ's name come up yall backward skvnts does complain how he not in power and shouldnt be brought up...all dis while BJ is the PPP god.

Jagdeo time was like heaven when compared to Burnham time !

You are correct  extrajudicial killings galore, nuff..nuff..went to heaven.

Oh yes PPP minister killed by the same man who Jagdeo screamed and wailed when the USA snatched him.  I showed a link to an article a few days ago where Jagdeo was wailing about rendition, even though this came only after he refused to allow the US authorities to extradite him.

It was a wonderful era when phones were tapped, and people attacked in the streets for saying things that Jagdeo didn't like. Even his new buddy Ravi Dev can describe the abuse that he suffered from the PPP when his ROAR threatened to split the Indo vote.  Innocent people gunned down in the streets because Roger Khan didn't like them.

yuji22 posted:

Berbice kept the nation fed otherwise most of Guyana would have suffered white mouth ! Imagine Guyanese had to line up for toilet paper until Berbicians started to smuggle it in. 

Talk about PNC shyte !

And Cuba is in the same mess today with Cubans having to roam the planet to buy basic items.

Yes THIS is the Cuba who the PPP so admires. A Janet Jagan Marxist Leninist regime would have landed Guyana in exactly the same mess.  And on top of that the PPP would have banned people from leaving as Castro used to do.

Go and thank Desmond Hoyte from ensuring that the PPP was unable to install a communist regime when he extracted Guyana from Burnham's socialism.  The Jagans couldn't back track on his reforms.

yuji22 posted:

Don't try to rub PNC terror on the PPP !

PNC is only good for a few things, terror, thief, sport and wine down. They can't even run a cake shop, how can they run a country ?

Thank god the PNC was voted out !

Please try again !

And what is the PPP good for. Massive corruption, money laundering, drug trafficking, gun running and extrajudicial killings by private militias.

Oh and letting these private militias also kill one of their own ministers because he didn't issue a license to facilitate drug trafficking.

In that era the real president of Guyana was Roger Khan.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Stuff was not coming in from the western border; they were going out. People used the western border to escape Guyana and get a better life in the 70s. Django forgot the word "Venezuela".

Stuff was coming in from Trinidad and elsewhere so cut your crap that it was only Berbice.  People use to leave Guyana with shrimp and other products, sell it in Trinidad and then buy toilet paper and other items for sale in Guyana. 

I was on many of those flights packed with traders who also used to bribe baggage loaders in Piarco to ensure that their bags were loaded, and then bribed the customs officials.  And before you start up with your usual Indo Nazi nonsense as if it was only Indos involved a whole lot of these people were also black.

Those were for the PNC people in government. When Indos were caught with aloo, sardines, dhall, and other contraband stuff, they got jailed. They regularly search our house because we were 2 houses away from the where the boats would unload their stuff. So, you cut your bias shit out Cribby. Stop protecting the dictator.

skeldon_man posted:

Those were for the PNC people in government. When Indos were caught with aloo, sardines, dhall, and other contraband stuff, they got jailed. They regularly search our house because we were 2 houses away from the where the boats would unload their stuff. So, you cut your bias shit out Cribby. Stop protecting the dictator.

The PNC elites made their own arrangements to procure materials.  They didn't use vendors for that purpose. 

Those women had their private clients who included many Regent St merchants.

And yes occasionally they were arrested too!

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Stuff was not coming in from the western border; they were going out. People used the western border to escape Guyana and get a better life in the 70s. Django forgot the word "Venezuela".

Stuff was coming in from Trinidad and elsewhere so cut your crap that it was only Berbice.  People use to leave Guyana with shrimp and other products, sell it in Trinidad and then buy toilet paper and other items for sale in Guyana. 

I was on many of those flights packed with traders who also used to bribe baggage loaders in Piarco to ensure that their bags were loaded, and then bribed the customs officials.  And before you start up with your usual Indo Nazi nonsense as if it was only Indos involved a whole lot of these people were also black.

Those were for the PNC people in government. When Indos were caught with aloo, sardines, dhall, and other contraband stuff, they got jailed. They regularly search our house because we were 2 houses away from the where the boats would unload their stuff. So, you cut your bias shit out Cribby. Stop protecting the dictator.

Carib with his usual BS. He always tries to whitewash PNC racism and economic disaster !

He should preach that nonsense at Linden !

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:

That's like Trump taking credit for Obama"s economic policies !

So what about Jagan taking credit for Hoyte's policies?   The economy grew in 1991 and 1992 and continued to grow until your God Jagdeo took over.  Then it stagnated and in some years even declined until high global gold prices rescued Guyana.

The only thing that rescued Guyana was that Hoyte ensured that the Jagans couldn't install communism because he put in place market based reforms that allowed a private sector to develop.

Based on what Jagdeo did to Skeldon factory and to Guysuco I can only imagine the state that Guyana would have been had he controlled all facets of the economy.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Don't try to rub PNC terror on the PPP !

PNC is only good for a few things, terror, thief, sport and wine down. They can't even run a cake shop, how can they run a country ?

Thank god the PNC was voted out !

Please try again !

And what is the PPP good for. Massive corruption, money laundering, drug trafficking, gun running and extrajudicial killings by private militias.

Oh and letting these private militias also kill one of their own ministers because he didn't issue a license to facilitate drug trafficking.

In that era the real president of Guyana was Roger Khan.

Is this why you and socu/saru failed to jail one single PPP since 2015? No evidence of these claims?

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Stuff was not coming in from the western border; they were going out. People used the western border to escape Guyana and get a better life in the 70s. Django forgot the word "Venezuela".

Stuff was coming in from Trinidad and elsewhere so cut your crap that it was only Berbice.  People use to leave Guyana with shrimp and other products, sell it in Trinidad and then buy toilet paper and other items for sale in Guyana. 

I was on many of those flights packed with traders who also used to bribe baggage loaders in Piarco to ensure that their bags were loaded, and then bribed the customs officials.  And before you start up with your usual Indo Nazi nonsense as if it was only Indos involved a whole lot of these people were also black.

Those were for the PNC people in government. When Indos were caught with aloo, sardines, dhall, and other contraband stuff, they got jailed. They regularly search our house because we were 2 houses away from the where the boats would unload their stuff. So, you cut your bias shit out Cribby. Stop protecting the dictator.

Carib with his usual BS. He always tries to whitewash PNC racism and economic disaster !

He should preach that nonsense at Linden !

One can only wonder where in your reptilian brain can you conjure the notion that my description of smuggling of toilet paper into Guyana and Guyanese being forced to corrupt the operations of Piarco is about "whitewashing the PNC".

Do you think that the PNC was proud that teachers used to be heading off to Barbados and Trinidad on Monday morning to buy basic items in Tr for sale in Guyana when they ought to have been in Guyana teaching the kids?

Your rage is that you cannot paint your usual "black man got to be grateful that Indians saved them" mantra.  Burnham messed up and ALL were impacted, not just Indians. And many people had to develop solutions to survive, not just Indians. Many were creative as they did so, not just Indians.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Don't try to rub PNC terror on the PPP !

PNC is only good for a few things, terror, thief, sport and wine down. They can't even run a cake shop, how can they run a country ?

Thank god the PNC was voted out !

Please try again !

And what is the PPP good for. Massive corruption, money laundering, drug trafficking, gun running and extrajudicial killings by private militias.

Oh and letting these private militias also kill one of their own ministers because he didn't issue a license to facilitate drug trafficking.

In that era the real president of Guyana was Roger Khan.

Is this why you and socu/saru failed to jail one single PPP since 2015? No evidence of these claims?

And how come no big PNC official was arrested for encouraging crime and violence and killing a PPP minister?  According to you every act of violence in that era came at the instructions of, or with the knowledge of, Robert Corbin.

Last edited by Former Member

Contraband trade made a few rich and whole lot miserable. It was no fun standing lines for hours for a pound of flour. People suffered tremendously, especially East Indians who had to pay black market prices. The Afros would demand that they get it at controlled prices or else the police would be brought in. Indos did not receive the same service from the police.  Racism against Indos was rife.

Billy Ram Balgobin

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