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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Contraband trade made a few rich and whole lot miserable. It was no fun standing lines for hours for a pound of flour. People suffered tremendously, especially East Indians who had to pay black market prices. The Afros would demand that they get it at controlled prices or else the police would be brought in. Indos did not receive the same service from the police.  Racism against Indos was rife.

The Afros began to display levels of malnutrition that hadn't been seen since the 30s so I dont know where you get your notion of preferential treatment.

As with the Jagdeo era a few elites benefitted and everyone else suffered.

I can tell you what I used to see at the office to get tax clearance so that one could travel.  In the morning everyone was there black and Indian. In the afternoon when you had to go back to be interviewed it was almost exclusively blacks.  The Indians got their tax clearance without an interview, maybe because blacks hadn't learned that they needed to bribe.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Contraband trade made a few rich and whole lot miserable. It was no fun standing lines for hours for a pound of flour. People suffered tremendously, especially East Indians who had to pay black market prices. The Afros would demand that they get it at controlled prices or else the police would be brought in. Indos did not receive the same service from the police.  Racism against Indos was rife.

The Afros began to display levels of malnutrition that hadn't been seen since the 30s so I dont know where you get your notion of preferential treatment.

As with the Jagdeo era a few elites benefitted and everyone else suffered.

I can tell you what I used to see at the office to get tax clearance so that one could travel.  In the morning everyone was there black and Indian. In the afternoon when you had to go back to be interviewed it was almost exclusively blacks.  The Indians got their tax clearance without an interview, maybe because blacks hadn't learned that they needed to bribe.

A whole lot of untruths in the above. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:

And how come no big PNC official was arrested for encouraging crime and violence and killing a PPP minister?  According to you every act of violence in that era came at the instructions of, or with the knowledge of, Robert Corbin.

A money trail would be quite easy to follow, especially if it came from the govt coffers as you state, hence jailing of Jaggy and other PPP alleged thieves more plausable. Violence under PNC on the other hand was more subtle and covertly financed by overseas authors. No audit trail possible. 

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Contraband trade made a few rich and whole lot miserable. It was no fun standing lines for hours for a pound of flour. People suffered tremendously, especially East Indians who had to pay black market prices. The Afros would demand that they get it at controlled prices or else the police would be brought in. Indos did not receive the same service from the police.  Racism against Indos was rife.

The Afros began to display levels of malnutrition that hadn't been seen since the 30s so I dont know where you get your notion of preferential treatment.

As with the Jagdeo era a few elites benefitted and everyone else suffered.

I can tell you what I used to see at the office to get tax clearance so that one could travel.  In the morning everyone was there black and Indian. In the afternoon when you had to go back to be interviewed it was almost exclusively blacks.  The Indians got their tax clearance without an interview, maybe because blacks hadn't learned that they needed to bribe.

Afro's did suffer too, but they took pride in their suffering as long as the oppressor was the PNC and Burnham. Today they have less appetite for suffering after a taste of milk under PPP and black tea once again under PNC version 2. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Afros began to display levels of malnutrition that hadn't been seen since the 30s so I dont know where you get your notion of preferential treatment.

As with the Jagdeo era a few elites benefitted and everyone else suffered.

I can tell you what I used to see at the office to get tax clearance so that one could travel.  In the morning everyone was there black and Indian. In the afternoon when you had to go back to be interviewed it was almost exclusively blacks.  The Indians got their tax clearance without an interview, maybe because blacks hadn't learned that they needed to bribe.

A whole lot of untruths in the above. 

What exactly is untrue? 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

And how come no big PNC official was arrested for encouraging crime and violence and killing a PPP minister?  According to you every act of violence in that era came at the instructions of, or with the knowledge of, Robert Corbin.

A money trail would be quite easy to follow, especially if it came from the govt coffers as you state, hence jailing of Jaggy and other PPP alleged thieves more plausable. Violence under PNC on the other hand was more subtle and covertly financed by overseas authors. No audit trail possible. 

And if the money trail also led to people currently in the Coalition.

Here is the difference between you and I.  Every thought that you have about Guyana is motivated by race so you need to get into which party is better than which. I see Guyana as it is. Two racist, corrupt and incompetent parties riddled with nepotism.  I also know that there are more connections WITHIN the politic elites than you would want to believe.

So they protect each other for their own salvation.  No PNC official was arrested by the PPP even though the PPP screamed PNC violence and only black PPP officials were harassed by APNU.  Jagdeo and Irfaan walk around free even though everyone in Guyana knows how corrupt they were.  This because the black PPP officials were stooges that Jagdeo didn't care one bit about.  You think that he cares that Webster lost her Canada landed status?

Its so bad that one of the PPP frauds, who escaped Guyana within days of the PPP loss was even cussing down Harmon wanting to know his share of the deal was.  He wasn't told that he couldn't get it.

So continue to play stooge for these thieves because your obvious insecurity can only be assuaged by a need to feel that you are better than blacks!

Drugb posted:

Afro's did suffer too, but they took pride in their suffering as long as the oppressor was the PNC and Burnham. Today they have less appetite for suffering after a taste of milk under PPP and black tea once again under PNC version 2. 

You are as crippled mentally as you were physically because if you were normal you would know that those attending WPA meetings were almost exclusively blacks.  Thugs now connected to the PPP but in those days connected to Hamilton Greene attacked those crowds.

And why did those blacks attend WPA meetings? Because they were angry with Burnham.  When Rodney was murdered Buxton and Linden rose up in protest.  THOUSANDS of blacks walked down the East Coast into GT to protest to the PNC their rage at the murder of Rodney.

When Burnham died there were scores of "Burnham Dead" parties in Brooklyn to celebrate his demise.

It is the fault of the PPP why they are rejected by blacks.  The PPP never saw the need to outreach to blacks because they felt that they only needed Indians votes to win an election so Indian support was enough.  As Indian numbers dropped they began to cultivate Amerindians as the UF began to die, thanks to Manzoor Nadir.

Jagdeo's recent dilemma is that the mixed identified population is growing rapidly and so he needs to divide the black/mixed vote.  He knows that the same trick he pulled with the NCV can be used against the PPP if it only wins 33 seats so he needs a decisive win which he can only get with substantial inroads into the black/mixed vote.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

And if the money trail also led to people currently in the Coalition.

Here is the difference between you and I.  Every thought that you have about Guyana is motivated by race so you need to get into which party is better than which. I see Guyana as it is. Two racist, corrupt and incompetent parties riddled with nepotism.  I also know that there are more connections WITHIN the politic elites than you would want to believe.

So they protect each other for their own salvation.  No PNC official was arrested by the PPP even though the PPP screamed PNC violence and only black PPP officials were harassed by APNU.  Jagdeo and Irfaan walk around free even though everyone in Guyana knows how corrupt they were.  This because the black PPP officials were stooges that Jagdeo didn't care one bit about.  You think that he cares that Webster lost her Canada landed status?

Its so bad that one of the PPP frauds, who escaped Guyana within days of the PPP loss was even cussing down Harmon wanting to know his share of the deal was.  He wasn't told that he couldn't get it.

So continue to play stooge for these thieves because your obvious insecurity can only be assuaged by a need to feel that you are better than blacks!

Druggie just in the cheap seats watching on from he wheelchair.  The difference being is that even in chaos, there can be progress, it has always been this way, even in the US today and in past years. You on the other hand don't even know what is going on in Guyana but yet you see it as helpless and the glass half empty. 

Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Afro's did suffer too, but they took pride in their suffering as long as the oppressor was the PNC and Burnham.

Just like you take pride in suffering under the ruling Afro in yuh house! Doan fuhget - yuh black by injection!

I ain't got no pnc man or woman riding me in meh wheelchair fellow. Don't believe the hype. Yall rass eat shine rice under Burnham/PNC and saw your suffering as rite of passage. Look how many of you flee under PNC but still gave them critical support to continue to put their boot on the head of the people . 

caribny posted:

You are as crippled mentally as you were physically because if you were normal you would know that those attending WPA meetings were almost exclusively blacks.  Thugs now connected to the PPP but in those days connected to Hamilton Greene attacked those crowds.

And why did those blacks attend WPA meetings? Because they were angry with Burnham.  When Rodney was murdered Buxton and Linden rose up in protest.  THOUSANDS of blacks walked down the East Coast into GT to protest to the PNC their rage at the murder of Rodney.

When Burnham died there were scores of "Burnham Dead" parties in Brooklyn to celebrate his demise.

It is the fault of the PPP why they are rejected by blacks.  The PPP never saw the need to outreach to blacks because they felt that they only needed Indians votes to win an election so Indian support was enough.  As Indian numbers dropped they began to cultivate Amerindians as the UF began to die, thanks to Manzoor Nadir.

Jagdeo's recent dilemma is that the mixed identified population is growing rapidly and so he needs to divide the black/mixed vote.  He knows that the same trick he pulled with the NCV can be used against the PPP if it only wins 33 seats so he needs a decisive win which he can only get with substantial inroads into the black/mixed vote.

 You may have supported Rodney but today the man is turning over in his grave to see how yall join up with PNC and thief out the nations money. 

The fact is that AfroG still gave PNC critical support despite their incompetence.  While PPP gave milk, yall rass gave black tea. In the end the people will chose milk over black tea. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

You are as crippled mentally as you were physically because if you were normal you would know that those attending WPA meetings were almost exclusively blacks.  Thugs now connected to the PPP but in those days connected to Hamilton Greene attacked those crowds.

And why did those blacks attend WPA meetings? Because they were angry with Burnham.  When Rodney was murdered Buxton and Linden rose up in protest.  THOUSANDS of blacks walked down the East Coast into GT to protest to the PNC their rage at the murder of Rodney.

When Burnham died there were scores of "Burnham Dead" parties in Brooklyn to celebrate his demise.

It is the fault of the PPP why they are rejected by blacks.  The PPP never saw the need to outreach to blacks because they felt that they only needed Indians votes to win an election so Indian support was enough.  As Indian numbers dropped they began to cultivate Amerindians as the UF began to die, thanks to Manzoor Nadir.

Jagdeo's recent dilemma is that the mixed identified population is growing rapidly and so he needs to divide the black/mixed vote.  He knows that the same trick he pulled with the NCV can be used against the PPP if it only wins 33 seats so he needs a decisive win which he can only get with substantial inroads into the black/mixed vote.

 You may have supported Rodney but today the man is turning over in his grave to see how yall join up with PNC and thief out the nations money. 

The fact is that AfroG still gave PNC critical support despite their incompetence.  While PPP gave milk, yall rass gave black tea. In the end the people will chose milk over black tea

Not if yuh gat diarrhea.....

Drugb posted:
Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Afro's did suffer too, but they took pride in their suffering as long as the oppressor was the PNC and Burnham.

Just like you take pride in suffering under the ruling Afro in yuh house! Doan fuhget - yuh black by injection!

I ain't got no pnc man or woman riding me in meh wheelchair fellow. Don't believe the hype. Yall rass eat shine rice under Burnham/PNC and saw your suffering as rite of passage. Look how many of you flee under PNC but still gave them critical support to continue to put their boot on the head of the people . yuh hero Jagan give critical support bai. Black man was rallying around Rodney and de WPA fighting fat bai Burnham. You and Cheddi was hiding unda de bed. Some alyuh was smuggling foodstuff and getting rich from mattie Indians who were starving. More concerned about profit than principle. If Rodney didn't give he life and draw international attention to the dictatorship, yuh cousin yuji would still be standing in he panty in canada freezing with he sign fuh "democracy".

Speaking of shine rice, dat's what yuh Afro owna gon dish out fuh yuh tonight. God help we tomorrow when yuh unleash all dat anti black rage hay after a night of being ridiculed by she.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:

Not if yuh gat diarrhea.....

How you get diarrhea bai? Like a pnc man give yuh a visit and ream you out so you flowing freely. 

And once again your antimanishness surfaces. Well you are what you are. Please keep your fantasies to yourself or vent on an appropriate forum.

Last edited by GTAngler
GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
GTAngler posted:

Not if yuh gat diarrhea.....

How you get diarrhea bai? Like a pnc man give yuh a visit and ream you out so you flowing freely. 

And once again your antimanishness surfaces. Well you are what you are. Please keep your fantasies to yourself or vent on an appropriate forum.

This shows the degree to which this man is disturbed.  He cannot get out of the gutter, lives in filth and yet pretends otherwise.

Drugb posted:

 You may have supported Rodney but today the man is turning over in his grave to see how yall join up with PNC and thief out the nations money. 

The fact is that AfroG still gave PNC critical support despite their incompetence. 

You know what is funny. ALL of Rodney's former colleagues are with APNU. ALL of those who used to beat up the WPA are now with the PPP.

interesting don't you think?  Joe Hamilton was boasting a few years ago about how many bones that he cracked, and this while he was a PPP MP.

Rodney, like Cheddi Jagan would despair of what Jagdeo has done to the PPP.

Iguana posted:
 If Rodney didn't give he life and draw international attention to the dictatorship, yuh cousin yuji would still be standing in he panty in canada freezing with he sign fuh "democracy".


This while Cheddi was chanting about critical support for Burnham because he nationalized the economy so earned the approval of his masters who were in Havana and Moscow.

Druggie used to boast about how rich his family got thanks to Burnham. Ksazma's belly was empty with gas because of no food and Druggie was counting how much black market money he was making.  So much of Indo solidarity.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:

Speaking of shine rice, dat's what yuh Afro owna gon dish out fuh yuh tonight. God help we tomorrow when yuh unleash all dat anti black rage hay after a night of being ridiculed by she.

Yes an angry black woman screaming that he is a useless man good for nothing at all will send him running to his PC to type furiously about black violence. Yes him and the other one Prashad with his dreams of a black free nation.


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