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Most posters are on GNI for a while and should know the rules to post. Some posters push the envelope by posting articles without sources and post beyond what the rules allow.

So why warn posters : Just delete/close posts and send as email informing posters that they are suspended.  This is your authority and you have the right to do so. If posters wants answers to reason for suspension, they should read the rules.

Ignorance of the rules, is no excuse.  


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Tola posted:

Most posters are on GNI for a while and should know the rules to post. Some posters push the envelope by posting articles without sources and post beyond what the rules allow.

So why warn posters : Just delete/close posts and send as email informing posters that they are suspended.  This is your authority and you have the right to do so. If posters wants answers to reason for suspension, they should read the rules.

Ignorance of the rules, is no excuse.  


All your post on Akeela thread are besides the point and should be deleted!

Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Most posters are on GNI for a while and should know the rules to post. Some posters push the envelope by posting articles without sources and post beyond what the rules allow.

So why warn posters : Just delete/close posts and send as email informing posters that they are suspended.  This is your authority and you have the right to do so. If posters wants answers to reason for suspension, they should read the rules.

Ignorance of the rules, is no excuse.  


All your post on Akeela thread are besides the point and should be deleted!

I don't have any issues with my post being deleted. That is the moderator's preference to keep this site sane.  In the Akeela thread I was merely replying to assumption, some people made about my post.

Unlike yourself and others, I don't remember ever being  warned or suspended, about my posts on GNI.   


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