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How can our justice system function properly when the opposition (APNU) stand in solidarity with a City worker who commit fraud and forgery? Granger is undermining our judicial system, interfering with investigation and questioning the ability of our police force. This is obstruction of justice plain and simple. I thought they would be supportive of our police force and thank them for weeding out the crooks at City Hall? If we can't trust to understand due process, how can we trust them to lead our nation?

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

How can our justice system function properly when the opposition (APNU) stand in solidarity with a City worker who commit fraud and forgery? Granger is undermining our judicial system, interfering with investigation and questioning the ability of our police force. This is obstruction of justice plain and simple. I thought they would be supportive of our police force and thank them for weeding out the crooks at City Hall? If we can't trust to understand due process, how can we trust them to lead our nation?

Even though I don't trust Granger,  if he is interfering the with any police investigation why don't the Police charge him? Why would Granger support the Police when he knows that they his kith and kin and are no good?

Originally Posted by raymond:

PPP support plenty crooks...they just have not being charged because of their contacts within the PPP

FYI, many crookish police and (GDF) are being charged and jail for various illegal activities. You have to let system work without interference. It's a slow process, but we have to give the force time to be effective and work within the law. When a political party use Royston King arrest for political gain, it undermine the entire police force.


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