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The thread where chief asked for the admin to contact the cops because of another poster having certain info. has been closed, perhaps it was closed to keep it from getting out of hand but most importantly was contact made?

When posters make the silly posts as sèen on this forum' there should be consequences for their actions, they are here to make waves and nothing more. Admin should go after the person(s) who are known to post lies. As I just read a post where the heading reads that a poor guy stole toilet paper and he received a stiff sentence. On reading the body of the article we see the poor guy also stole other equipment....the poster is not being truthful yet again and try to make it a race issue.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:

Admin is not the internet Police. Chief is just being silly.

Seems like he is losing his mind since Mahatma Trump won the election. 

No Yugi I am not being silly.

Nehru has stated over and over that he is aware that Mosues and Imaams in Queens are preaching and spreading terrorism. At that time a few posters including Riff asked that he go to the authorities.

Please ask yourself the question supposed an attack really take place and Nehru knew in advance, why should the police not be informed. Yesterday he said folks are making suicide vests on weekends. 








Imran posted:

Thought his mouth and fingers were frozen last night .

BTW.. today is the Profet birthday and this lunatic is fighting .... go say your prayers and ask for forgiveness .

Really ? Today is the Holy Prophet's Birthday.

All glories to the most respectful Prophet.

Hope that Chief attempts to practice just a few messages of the Holy Prophet. PBUH.

yuji22 posted:

Come on Chief,

You are taking what Nehru Bhai said out of context. Put this matter to rest. 

We are all big men on GNI.


We are all big men and we should take responsibility for what we claim we know.

He is placing GNI and all its members in jeaporady by not going to the police.

ON the other hand if he is making it up then he has blood on his hands for all the little innocent Muslims girls who are  beineg cursed out and spit upon on Liberty Ave. 


Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:

Come on Chief,

You are taking what Nehru Bhai said out of context. Put this matter to rest. 

We are all big men on GNI.


We are all big men and we should take responsibility for what we claim we know.

He is placing GNI and all its members in jeaporady by not going to the police.

ON the other hand if he is making it up then he has blood on his hands for all the little innocent Muslims girls who are  beineg cursed out and spit upon on Liberty Ave. 


Why don't you shut you Rass and act mature ....

Like you drinking Nehru left over

Chief posted:
Imran posted:
Chief posted:

Lying Imran

Are you lying when you said that your mother made you with a muslim man?

What should  we belive whenn you said you are a Muslim?

Lying Imran  who is your father?

I know who my father is unlike you . Go figure you skont

Lying Imran

Why are you cursing?

IS it the truth or not the truth?

How much rum you drink ... you celebrating  the prophet birthday in style ... you Kafir



You need to relax. You are getting too caught up in this perception that everyone is anti muslim which is far from the truth.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and this is political not a religious forum.

You will be better served posting your beliefs in a religious forum and have a debate there.

Islam does not need you to defend it, it stands on it own truths.

You are mixing political and religious beliefs and that is what starts a Mahabharata. 


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


You need to relax. You are getting too caught up in this perception that everyone is anti muslim which is far from the truth.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and this is political not a religious forum.

You will be better served posting your beliefs in a political forum and have a debate there.

Islam does not need you to defend it, it stands on it own truths.

You are mixing political and religious beliefs and that is what starts a Mahabharata. 



You are being unfair.

If someone repeatedly claim that he is aware of terrorist at our Masjids, why boy go to the police?

YOU are turning around and blame the victims, in this case the entire Guyanese community in Queens.

yuji22 posted:


You need to relax. You are getting too caught up in this perception that everyone is anti muslim which is far from the truth.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and this is political not a religious forum.

You will be better served posting your beliefs in a religious forum and have a debate there.

Islam does not need you to defend it, it stands on it own truths.

You are mixing political and religious beliefs and that is what starts a Mahabharata. 


hare Krsna to that

Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:


You need to relax. You are getting too caught up in this perception that everyone is anti muslim which is far from the truth.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and this is political not a religious forum.

You will be better served posting your beliefs in a political forum and have a debate there.

Islam does not need you to defend it, it stands on it own truths.

You are mixing political and religious beliefs and that is what starts a Mahabharata. 



You are being unfair.

If someone repeatedly claim that he is aware of terrorist at our Masjids, why boy go to the police?

YOU are turning around and blame the victims, in this case the entire Guyanese community in Queens.

Banna chill out from that rum bottle now .

yuji22 posted:


I respectfully end my participation in this thread. 

When confronted you now want to end the conversation.

Lies against a community  can cause people to lose their lives.

You are using Hare Krhisna but if you do stand up for peace then you will speak out against folks who are constantly attacking others without proof.

AS Cain stated  let the posters come clean or stop posting inaccuracies  and lies.

Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:

Come on Chief,

You are taking what Nehru Bhai said out of context. Put this matter to rest. 

We are all big men on GNI.


We are all big men and we should take responsibility for what we claim we know.

He is placing GNI and all its members in jeaporady by not going to the police.

ON the other hand if he is making it up then he has blood on his hands for all the little innocent Muslims girls who are  beineg cursed out and spit upon on Liberty Ave. 


People should not place others in jeopardy.  Any outsider reading this site will laugh, people making accusations all over to get at each other.  No professional Intel person will give any credence to these.  GNI is not a Radical Islam website but people just shooting the breeze.

GNI can close personally offensive posts and remove posts where people's personal stats and published.  Admin however, should not close/delete posts from published sources just because they or posters don't like it.  That is censorship.

Kari ran off because of a post I made, but it was sourced from CNN.  Well, that's his prerogative, but Admin should not censor the post.

Chief posted:

I am against censorship as well.

On the flip side lies and inaccuracies is not freedom of the press it is lies and inaccuracies . 

It is not for you to decide what are lies or truths.  As long as it's from a source or people expressing a position without getting overly personal with real identities if the person did not put it here.

How about all the lies and falsehoods you and the whole katahar and racists clansmen made against the PPP, their supporters and Hindus right here on this site?

Deal with it!

Imran posted:
Chief posted:

I am against censorship as well.

On the flip side lies and inaccuracies is not freedom of the press it is lies and inaccuracies . 

Go tell America media that, on the flip side you are a ignorant ass hole that fit those same word you wrote.  

You have display attitude of a terrorist , arrogant dotish fool.  

What is the attitude of a terrorist?

Catch you lying about an accused murderer giving money to Masjids now that makes me a terrorist.

SOME all you will end up in jail.

Lying Imran do you know that a liar is a thief and a thief is a murderer?

Continue with your lies against Muslims and Islam

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

I am against censorship as well.

On the flip side lies and inaccuracies is not freedom of the press it is lies and inaccuracies . 

It is not for you to decide what are lies or truths.  As long as it's from a source or people expressing a position without getting overly personal with real identities if the person did not put it here.

How about all the lies and falsehoods you and the whole katahar and racists clansmen made against the PPP, their supporters and Hindus right here on this site?

Deal with it!

The Ppp lost the election and you guys cannot get over it. You are now train that lost as a Hindu lost well too bad for you.

THE lies I am speaking about is what Nehru said here about Guyanese Masjids in Queens.

THIS is real people, thsee are real buildings that are being constructed and to come here and say that monies are coming from terrorist  countries is downright wicked.

Chief posted:
Imran posted:
Chief posted:

I am against censorship as well.

On the flip side lies and inaccuracies is not freedom of the press it is lies and inaccuracies . 

Go tell America media that, on the flip side you are a ignorant ass hole that fit those same word you wrote.  

You have display attitude of a terrorist , arrogant dotish fool.  

What is the attitude of a terrorist?

Catch you lying about an accused murderer giving money to Masjids now that makes me a terrorist.

SOME all you will end up in jail.

Lying Imran do you know that a liar is a thief and a thief is a murderer?

Continue with your lies against Muslims and Islam

Like Base words is not enough to educate you, what a allegation is .

However, you are the Chief of Lying.. glad you admit who you are 

Chief posted:

Lying Imran

If you have nothing  good to say then stay put and shut up.

You want to stay relevant but you are not.

Now rather than cursing I will wish you a pleasant day.

Now remember what Chief says" be quiet  , remain silent and do not open your mouth".

It is for your own good.

People say " Watch them full a man that have businesses in us... a percentage is given to terrorist country, and the same fulla does jump up pretending them is saint.  

Them does also hire illegal immigrants... what you have to say 

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