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Former Member

Why people discourage re-migration to Guyana under the PPP when they're justifying corruption under an anti-PPP regime? Will re-migration be good for retirees under an AFC or APNU administration? Fairness is not to take one retiree's karma and plastered it on all re-migrants. I personally know many re-migrants who are enjoying the tropic paradise of Guyana at present. No one has ever complained about the government or anything else to date.


The editorial in (KN) by a retiree/re-migrant is not newsworthy to say the least. You have to inherit that much karma to have so many thing gone wrong. It's more like an anti-PPP rhetoric.



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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why people discourage re-migration to Guyana under the PPP when they're justifying corruption under an anti-PPP regime? Will re-migration be good for retirees under an AFC or APNU administration? Fairness is not to take one retiree's karma and plastered it on all re-migrants. I personally know many re-migrants who are enjoying the tropic paradise of Guyana at present. No one has ever complained about the government or anything else to date.


The editorial in (KN) by a retiree/re-migrant is not newsworthy to say the least. You have to inherit that much karma to have so many thing gone wrong. It's more like an anti-PPP rhetoric.



The is there and speaking of harrowing experiences so to him it is newsworthy. To those intending to go it is newsworthy. To my mom who was robbed of everything it was news worthy. To my sister who spent a week to do what she does over the phone elsewhere, it is newsworthy. To citizens who need to address the long delay in addressing simple matters it is newsworthy. To my friend who has people in his house and cannot get a police to address an injunction it is newsworthy. To people seeing this picture you posted it is take a hike....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why people discourage re-migration to Guyana under the PPP when they're justifying corruption under an anti-PPP regime? Will re-migration be good for retirees under an AFC or APNU administration? Fairness is not to take one retiree's karma and plastered it on all re-migrants. I personally know many re-migrants who are enjoying the tropic paradise of Guyana at present. No one has ever complained about the government or anything else to date.


The editorial in (KN) by a retiree/re-migrant is not newsworthy to say the least. You have to inherit that much karma to have so many thing gone wrong. It's more like an anti-PPP rhetoric.



The is there and speaking of harrowing experiences so to him it is newsworthy. To those intending to go it is newsworthy. To my mom who was robbed of everything it was news worthy. To my sister who spent a week to do what she does over the phone elsewhere, it is newsworthy. To citizens who need to address the long delay in addressing simple matters it is newsworthy. To my friend who has people in his house and cannot get a police to address an injunction it is newsworthy. To people seeing this picture you posted it is take a hike....

I will not take a hike for recognizing the good and bad of Guyana. Everyone has a right to opine on their personal experience and I will agree to their testaments. I also would agree that some people are politically motivates and over exaggerated their stories. However, I do not intend to sweep some under the rug and expose some. My position is see things from both sides and in between and expose them equally.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why people discourage re-migration to Guyana under the PPP when they're justifying corruption under an anti-PPP regime? Will re-migration be good for retirees under an AFC or APNU administration? Fairness is not to take one retiree's karma and plastered it on all re-migrants. I personally know many re-migrants who are enjoying the tropic paradise of Guyana at present. No one has ever complained about the government or anything else to date.


The editorial in (KN) by a retiree/re-migrant is not newsworthy to say the least. You have to inherit that much karma to have so many thing gone wrong. It's more like an anti-PPP rhetoric.



The is there and speaking of harrowing experiences so to him it is newsworthy. To those intending to go it is newsworthy. To my mom who was robbed of everything it was news worthy. To my sister who spent a week to do what she does over the phone elsewhere, it is newsworthy. To citizens who need to address the long delay in addressing simple matters it is newsworthy. To my friend who has people in his house and cannot get a police to address an injunction it is newsworthy. To people seeing this picture you posted it is take a hike....

I will not take a hike for recognizing the good and bad of Guyana. Everyone has a right to opine on their personal experience and I will agree to their testaments. I also would agree that some people are politically motivates and over exaggerated their stories. However, I do not intend to sweep some under the rug and expose some. My position is see things from both sides and in between and expose them equally.


This is what you said


The editorial in (KN) by a retiree/re-migrant is not newsworthy to say the least. You have to inherit that much karma to have so many thing gone wrong. It's more like an anti-PPP rhetoric.

 I do not see any taking of each sides equally as your point of view here.


Guyana records 108 murders in 10 months

November 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


One hundred and eight people have been murdered during the past 10 months. Police statistics also show a five percent overall rise in serious crimes for the same period last year. According to statistics released yesterday by the Police Public Relations Department, there were 3,350 reports of serious crimes made between January 1 and October 31, 2013, compared to 3201 reports for the same period in 2012. Some of the offences monitored by the police are murder, robbery under arms, robbery with violence, larceny from the person, break and enter and larceny, burglary, rape and kidnapping. A total of 108 murders were recorded at the end of October 2013 in comparison to 115 murders for the same period in 2012, which is a six percent decrease. Of the 108 murders this year, 47 were of the disorderly type, 20 were committed during armed robberies, two were execution type, and 16 were domestic related, while the other 23 are so far undetermined. At the end of October 2013, robbery under arms experienced an overall seven per cent increase, with 921 reports compared to 858 for the same period in 2012. Police said that the statistics showed an increase of 16 percent in the number of robberies in which firearms were used; and a six percent decrease in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators. In relation to traffic, there were five fewer road fatalities at the end of October 2013, in comparison to the same period in 2012. According to the statistics, there were 85 fatalities from 79 accidents in 2013, compared to 90 fatalities from 83 accidents during 2012. The period January 1 to October 31, 2013, saw reductions in relation to the other categories of traffic accidents – serious, minor and damage. Pedestrians continue to be the main victims, recording 29 fatalities at the end of October. In addition, 14 motor cyclists, 12 pedal cyclists, 12 drivers of motor vehicles, two pillion riders and 16 passengers of motor vehicles were killed. Speeding continues to be a major contributory factor to fatal accidents and was the cause of 55 of the 79 fatal accidents recorded at the end of October 2013. Traffic enforcement by the police during the period January to October 2013 resulted in 72,216 cases being made against errant motorists; of this total 18,810 cases were for speeding.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I was warned of the unprecedented levels of corruption and executive lawlessness which was commonplace in this society.


Danyeal, the statement above can tell you how the story will end. Why someone will want to re-migrate knowing these conditions?

could it be because he believed someone like you who insinuated the warnings were from PPP haters  distorting the reality of paradise we have at  home?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You all have any high-profile job for Danyael in case of AFC victory?

I think the PPP and their corrupt nepotistic and  patronage society coerced you folks to believe every thing is about a job. Sorry, I do not need one. I can always create one for myself that is fun to do. I am too old to work for pay. I want to work for the fun of it.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

List the ethnicity of the victims and the perpetrators. We want to understand the nature of crime better.

And what will this show?


Don't you think that the PPP bleating "black man gun kill collie" has gotten old now? Even if this is true many will want to know why the PPP has done NOTHING in its 21 years in office to reduce crime.


Any case many victims of crime are blacks, and increasing numbers of young Indians are criminals.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am not confusing myself. You are confusing yourself by trying to sell the opposition as honest and ethical people. The more you try to convince us with your argument the more absurd you sound,

Danyael is doing no such thing.  As he said if a big white shark is attacking him (off the coast of Florida) his concern will be that shark, and not others attacking people off the coast of South Africa.  PPP officials have far more scope to be corrupt, and its the onus of the PPP to deal with crime.


If APNU wins the next election we will worry about them at that point. I feel sure that danyael will be as critical of them, if they deserve it, as he currently is of the PPP.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Just show us the facts. It will clear the air on many things.

The facts are there. And that is all races of Guyanese suffer at the hands of criminals, and more young Indians are joining the ranks of the bandits, especially in the Corentyne.



You are just looking for evidence to scream "black man a kill all ahbe".  The fact remains that the PPP is doing NOTHING about it, so their continued screaming isn't about solving the problem.  Its about scaring up an Indian vote.  This however turns off non Indians, and o guarantees that their future as a minority gov't remains certain.


The % of voters who are Indian declines with each election, as does the % of Indians who feel obligated to turn out to vote for the PPP.


Tell your people that pursuing this race based strategy is killing them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Bull.  The PPP has always been under fire from independent groups within the Indian community for not recognizing the fact Indian businessmen and farmers are target for murder by criminals are mostly Africans.

yes.  Indian racists who want the PPP to consider only their needs, and indeed this is who the PPP responds to when they peddle the "black man a kill ahbe" in an attempt to terrify the Indian vote to their side.


The fishermen in the Corentyne were being terrorized by INDIAN bandits,,,,so should the PPP not apprehend them too?  Indeed Suriname ended up doing that.


it is RACIST to focus on the needs of only ONE community to be protected when ALL communities suffer.


The FACT remains that the PPP has done NOTHING to reduce crime in Guyana, and so does not deserve the votes from those concerned about this.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am not confusing myself. You are confusing yourself by trying to sell the opposition as honest and ethical people. The more you try to convince us with your argument the more absurd you sound,

As I said, you are getting ahead of yourself. Nowhere in any of my posts have I commented on the character of the opposition or speculated on their potential to be better. That is your preoccupation and apparently so overwhelming it is you make up positions for me. I am concerned with  the  here and now and the awful miscreants infesting the place in the form of the larcenous PPP.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Carib, you are talking pure rubbish.  Danyael was defending Burnham on GNI this morning. He speak of Nigel Hughes as lawyer with integrity. How much more ridiculous can this guy get?

 Do not make me call you a liar. I spoke of the quality of the man's oratorical skills and nothing else. I also never spoke of Nigil's integrity since I do not know of it. I spoke to the grand effort to paint him a sinner when the sins being spoken of are actually characteristic of those making the claims. I suggest you look to how ridiculous you are and then participate in that requisite moment of self reflection and ask yourself why you find it necessary to invent for me, positions I never took.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Bull.  The PPP has always been under fire from independent groups within the Indian community for not recognizing the fact Indian businessmen and farmers are target for murder by criminals who are mostly Africans.

You lie!


According to statistics released yesterday by the Police Public Relations Department, there were 3,350 reports of serious crimes made between January 1 and October 31, 2013, compared to 3201 reports for the same period in 2012. Some of the offences monitored by the police are murder, robbery under arms, robbery with violence, larceny from the person, break and enter and larceny, burglary, rape and kidnapping. A total of 108 murders were recorded at the end of October 2013 in comparison to 115 murders for the same period in 2012, which is a six percent decrease. Of the 108 murders this year, 47 were of the disorderly type, 20 were committed during armed robberies, two were execution type, and 16 were domestic related, while the other 23 are so far undetermined. At the end of October 2013, robbery under arms experienced an overall seven per cent increase, with 921 reports compared to 858 for the same period in 2012.


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