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Nigel Hughes sets the record straight on sale of property

February 19, 2014

Dear friend,

The recent publications in the media about the sale of the property located at lot 29 Third Avenue, Subryanville to Ms. Mayfield French, proprietress of Mae’s School, have been a source of much comment since the first publication in the Guyana Chronicle.

The expressed statements and inferences related in the various publications are that the purchaser was unaware of the existence of a mortgage on the property at the time of her acquisition of the property or at any time after that.

On the 24th day of February 2006, I sold the aforementioned property to the purchaser for the sum of twenty million dollars.
There was an express reference in the agreement to the existence of the mortgage under the heading “special condition”.  A copy of the agreement of sale signed by the parties highlighting this is attached.
It is useful to note that in the ex parte application to the court in the civil proceedings brought by the purchaser against me, no reference is made to the fact that the Purchaser was aware of the existence of the mortgage or that there was reference to it in the agreement of sale. It was conveniently omitted.

The purchaser  was clearly aware at the time of the purchase of the property that there was an existing mortgage on the property  as this was recorded on the transport since the execution of the mortgage on the 16th February 1998.  A copy of the transport with the mortgage annotated thereon is attached.

The most important fact that seems to have escaped the PPP and their propaganda machinery  is that at the time of the signing of the agreement a  deposit of $ 4 million was paid and the outstanding balance of $16 million was in excess of the sum due owing on the mortgage. An additional $ 8 million was paid when she took possession of the property in 2006, leaving a balance owed of $8 million.  

The conveyance of the property was advertised in the Official Gazette on the 3rd February 2007. It was not opposed by Hand in Hand or any other person. Attached is a copy of the publication.
The balance of the purchase price, ($8 million)  owing on the agreement since 2006 was not paid to me until yesterday (February 18th 2014). This is despite the millions the purchaser stated she invested in the property.
This  payment  along with the arrears in mortgage payments were paid over to Hand In Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company yesterday  to liquidate  all the outstanding sums due owing on the mortgage.

The civil action brought by the purchaser was today settled with the purchaser paying me the balance of the purchase price along with the arrears  which were paid over to Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company which has   agreed to cancel the mortgage forthwith. The transport is to be passed to the Purchaser by the Registrar of the High Court.
Yours faithfully,

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Wow! the PPP are truly disgusting propagandists. I asked the very question, how come a sale was concluded with no clear and free notification in the contract. I hope the apologize.


Damage control by Nigel, if the newspaper did not put pressure on him by exposing his wicked plans, this case would not have been settled and Ms French would have been ruined. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Damage control by Nigel, if the newspaper did not put pressure on him by exposing his wicked plans, this case would not have been settled and Ms French would have been ruined. 


Another buggerology opinion by the resident Buggerologist!


This coming from a man who won medals for bending over for the most cuffies in one night while on noncombat duty. But that was his gift to them before some went out to never return.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This coming from a man who won medals for bending over for the most cuffies in one night while on noncombat duty. But that was his gift to them before some went out to never return.  


Do all your sexual fantasies involve buggery?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Show us the medals, is one for the ability to ingest the largest cuffy?


Do you think about the wangs of black men all the time bai? How do you know so much about the subject?

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Nigel Hughes sets the record straight on sale of property

February 19, 2014

Dear friend,

The recent publications in the media about the sale of the property located at lot 29 Third Avenue, Subryanville to Ms. Mayfield French, proprietress of Mae’s School, have been a source of much comment since the first publication in the Guyana Chronicle.

The expressed statements and inferences related in the various publications are that the purchaser was unaware of the existence of a mortgage on the property at the time of her acquisition of the property or at any time after that.

On the 24th day of February 2006, I sold the aforementioned property to the purchaser for the sum of twenty million dollars.
There was an express reference in the agreement to the existence of the mortgage under the heading “special condition”.  A copy of the agreement of sale signed by the parties highlighting this is attached.
It is useful to note that in the ex parte application to the court in the civil proceedings brought by the purchaser against me, no reference is made to the fact that the Purchaser was aware of the existence of the mortgage or that there was reference to it in the agreement of sale. It was conveniently omitted.

The purchaser  was clearly aware at the time of the purchase of the property that there was an existing mortgage on the property  as this was recorded on the transport since the execution of the mortgage on the 16th February 1998.  A copy of the transport with the mortgage annotated thereon is attached.

The most important fact that seems to have escaped the PPP and their propaganda machinery  is that at the time of the signing of the agreement a  deposit of $ 4 million was paid and the outstanding balance of $16 million was in excess of the sum due owing on the mortgage. An additional $ 8 million was paid when she took possession of the property in 2006, leaving a balance owed of $8 million.  

The conveyance of the property was advertised in the Official Gazette on the 3rd February 2007. It was not opposed by Hand in Hand or any other person. Attached is a copy of the publication.
The balance of the purchase price, ($8 million)  owing on the agreement since 2006 was not paid to me until yesterday (February 18th 2014). This is despite the millions the purchaser stated she invested in the property.
This  payment  along with the arrears in mortgage payments were paid over to Hand In Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company yesterday  to liquidate  all the outstanding sums due owing on the mortgage.

The civil action brought by the purchaser was today settled with the purchaser paying me the balance of the purchase price along with the arrears  which were paid over to Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company which has   agreed to cancel the mortgage forthwith. The transport is to be passed to the Purchaser by the Registrar of the High Court.
Yours faithfully,

None tiefman ah seh dem tief. You guys preach PPP theif all de time. Wah mek you believe Nigel? De man is a lawyer(liar) you no?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Nigel Hughes sets the record straight on sale of property

February 19, 2014

Dear friend,

The recent publications in the media about the sale of the property located at lot 29 Third Avenue, Subryanville to Ms. Mayfield French, proprietress of Mae’s School, have been a source of much comment since the first publication in the Guyana Chronicle.

The expressed statements and inferences related in the various publications are that the purchaser was unaware of the existence of a mortgage on the property at the time of her acquisition of the property or at any time after that.

On the 24th day of February 2006, I sold the aforementioned property to the purchaser for the sum of twenty million dollars.
There was an express reference in the agreement to the existence of the mortgage under the heading “special condition”.  A copy of the agreement of sale signed by the parties highlighting this is attached.
It is useful to note that in the ex parte application to the court in the civil proceedings brought by the purchaser against me, no reference is made to the fact that the Purchaser was aware of the existence of the mortgage or that there was reference to it in the agreement of sale. It was conveniently omitted.

The purchaser  was clearly aware at the time of the purchase of the property that there was an existing mortgage on the property  as this was recorded on the transport since the execution of the mortgage on the 16th February 1998.  A copy of the transport with the mortgage annotated thereon is attached.

The most important fact that seems to have escaped the PPP and their propaganda machinery  is that at the time of the signing of the agreement a  deposit of $ 4 million was paid and the outstanding balance of $16 million was in excess of the sum due owing on the mortgage. An additional $ 8 million was paid when she took possession of the property in 2006, leaving a balance owed of $8 million.  

The conveyance of the property was advertised in the Official Gazette on the 3rd February 2007. It was not opposed by Hand in Hand or any other person. Attached is a copy of the publication.
The balance of the purchase price, ($8 million)  owing on the agreement since 2006 was not paid to me until yesterday (February 18th 2014). This is despite the millions the purchaser stated she invested in the property.
This  payment  along with the arrears in mortgage payments were paid over to Hand In Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company yesterday  to liquidate  all the outstanding sums due owing on the mortgage.

The civil action brought by the purchaser was today settled with the purchaser paying me the balance of the purchase price along with the arrears  which were paid over to Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company which has   agreed to cancel the mortgage forthwith. The transport is to be passed to the Purchaser by the Registrar of the High Court.
Yours faithfully,

None tiefman ah seh dem tief. You guys preach PPP theif all de time. Wah mek you believe Nigel? De man is a lawyer(liar) you no?

There are court documents which can be used to verify his statements. He wouldn't risk lying knowing that the PPP propagandists are waiting to pounce after he made them look foolish.


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