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"When AFC & PNC losers are cornered---when they can no longer express themselves logically---when they run out of intelligent things to say---they then resort to ad-hominem attacks-----they smear you----they attack you personally---they attack your family---they falsely accuse you of being something or somebody you are not----they become vile and vulgar." Rev


Mitwah, JB, redux===all PNC/AFC losers===all forever banned by the Rev.




PS. JB seems to be obsessed with the Rev.

Originally Posted by Rev:

"When AFC & PNC losers are cornered---when they can no longer express themselves logically---when they run out of intelligent things to say---they then resort to ad-hominem attacks-----they smear you----they attack you personally---they attack your family---they falsely accuse you of being something or somebody you are not----they become vile and vulgar." Rev


Mitwah, JB, redux===all PNC/AFC losers===all forever banned by the Rev.




This is so juvenile Mr OP/MOF worker. Grow up! 

Originally Posted by Rev:



LIST: Mitwah, JB, redux!


The Rev is a man of integrity, honor, principle and character and does not interact directly with cretins--idiots, fools, morons and vulgar people.



Soon you will have to ban yourself from speaking to yourself! As for vulgar, I prefer to have these fellows let loose a few expletives now and then that be incessantly bombarded with what you post.


I am not speaking of you ignorant use of cartoons instead of word on a discussion board. I am not even speaking of you braggadocio about being an expert at cunnilingus or how adroit you are in the use of dildos and myriad sex toys. I am not even speaking of your pretentious postings of your belief that ostentatious consumption is the hall mark of sophisticated taste or your naked obscene racism.


I am speaking of the simple tings like the use of statistics as a mathematician should and speaking works of literature beyond grade school level.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Rev:

"When AFC & PNC losers are cornered---when they can no longer express themselves logically---when they run out of intelligent things to say---they then resort to ad-hominem attacks-----they smear you----they attack you personally---they attack your family---they falsely accuse you of being something or somebody you are not----they become vile and vulgar." Rev


Mitwah, JB, redux===all PNC/AFC losers===all forever banned by the Rev.




This is so juvenile Mr OP/MOF worker. Grow up! 

Rev Bhai


The AFC/PNC is becoming desperate. Their childish behaviour is a reflection of the state of these lowlife individuals in these parties. They should stay away from this BB if they cannot stand the political heat.


They are attacking everyone. The AFC stooped so low now that they are attacking successful and prominent Guyanese women, yes women. 


Shame on the AFC/PNC.

Originally Posted by Rev:



Never get into an argument with PNC/AFC losers---especially idiots, imbeciles, fools and morons---cretins like JB, Mitwah and redux---arguments always descend into vulgarity.



Watch for redux to show up with his homosexual ramblings.




You are a very bitter and envious foolish family friend of the Ramotars. Imagine you have to invent the ghost of each GNI handle as Dr TK. What a big loser you must invent a strawman, beat up the strawman to feel accomplished. Dr TK really messed up your minds at OP and Pradoville 2. 

Originally Posted by Rev:

Lord Rama would be deeply ashamed of fake, phony, fraudulent Pandit Mitwah and his vulgarity plus his homosexual rantings




Rev Bhai


Lord Rama would have destroyed the demon in Mitwah.


Mitwah is an utter disgrace to Sanatana Dharma. Lord Rama would have also destroyed his homosexual behaviour. The AFC appointed him as their spokesperson in Canada. What an utter disgrace.



Jai Shree Ram.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Lord Rama would be deeply ashamed of fake, phony, fraudulent Pandit Mitwah and his vulgarity plus his homosexual rantings




Rev Bhai


Lord Rama would have destroyed the demon in Mitwah.


Mitwah is an utter disgrace to Sanatana Dharma. Lord Rama would have also destroyed his homosexual behaviour. The AFC appointed him as their spokesperson in Canada. What an utter disgrace.



Jai Shree Ram.


The only disgrace I see are YOU and Nehru. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


Lord Rama would have destroyed the demon in Mitwah.




It is shocking that a man, so-called Pandit Mitwah, who conducts religious services on behalf of hindus in Canada comes here and pollutes this wonderful forum with vulgarity and homosexual rantings.


Pandit Mitwah is an absolute disgrace to the hindu religion--he is undoubtedly a fake, phony, fraud.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


Lord Rama would have destroyed the demon in Mitwah.




It is shocking that a man, so-called Pandit Mitwah, who conducts religious services on behalf of hindus in Canada comes here and pollutes this wonderful forum with vulgarity and homosexual rantings.


Pandit Mitwah is an absolute disgrace to the hindu religion--he is undoubtedly a fake, phony, fraud.



You are a disgrace to East Indian race.

Originally Posted by Rev:

Lord Rama would be deeply ashamed of fake, phony, fraudulent Pandit Mitwah and his vulgarity plus his homosexual rantings




I was bless with Lord Rama's Shakti. I am here to deal with you Ahirawans. 

Ram rattan dhan payo.... You and the that woman Yugi22 can never take that away from me.




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