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Cocaine in lumber discovered in container before export : …with a street value of more than US$50MPDFPrintE-mail
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Tuesday, 19 February 2013 22:18

AFTER being blocked from leaving Guyana almost two months ago, while investigations continued, a container with lumber belonging to Guyana Timber Products Inc. was yesterday discovered to have cocaine concealed in the lumber at a location in the Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, area. It all started in 2012, when the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) blocked the company from shipping to Europe several containers of lumber which were not approved for shipping by the GFC, because the company which was shipping the lumber failed to follow the guidelines of the GFC.Yesterday’s discovery followed a concentrated effort between the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the Custom Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) after they were invited by the GFC to conduct yet another probe, this time an in-depth search of the container. The cocaine was found in more than three hundred packets which were stuffed into the hollow part of the timber cut into cubes. The cubes, apparently, were not approved as the normal size and shape for export, in keeping the GFC standards. The container was seized by the GFC in 2012 after the square cubes were packed into it and transported to a wharf in Georgetown, without the approval of the GFC. The container was destined for Europe. After carrying out a probe over the past two weeks and the gathering of intelligence surrounding the container, yesterday it was opened and the cocaine packets were discovered. The cocaine discovered yesterday was said to be valued at a street price of more than US$50M. The Chronicle undersands that two persons have been held by the police, one of them a non-national. This publication has been informed that because of the intent to ship the unauthorized dimension of lumber, the GFC was willing to suspend the shipment of the timber and the exporter was willing to pay fines and dues to allow for the release of the container. However the GFC had another plan, to keep  the container sealed and detained, as they conducted their investigations.

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