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alena06 posted:
Mars posted:

Not murder: Skeldon domestic worker died from natural causes


Died from natural causes: Sabita Shamnarine

A post mortem examination conducted on the body of 40-year-old Sabita Shamnarine, a domestic worker of Line Path, Skeldon, Berbice, has since revealed that she died from gastro intestinal bleeding and shock and haemorrhage to the brain.
Senior police sources have since confirmed that the woman’s death is not being treated as a murder since “there were no injuries and she died from natural causes. It is not a murder, she got no injury. It could have been caused by drinking,” the officer said.
Shamnarine was admitted at the New Amsterdam Hospital in an unconscious state after she was transferred from the Skeldon Hospital some two weeks ago but succumbed to her illness on Saturday. She was reportedly admitted after complaining about her stomach and had alleged that she was beaten by her husband.
Meanwhile, the police relayed that the woman’s husband who was arrested after the woman was admitted to the hospital, still remains in custody until advice is sought.
Neighbour’s told Kaieteur News that the woman has been a victim of domestic violence for many years. On many occasions, her abuser was arrested but “she does go and beg to release he”.
They also admitted that the woman is a heavy drinker and would imbibe with her husband.
The couple had two children. Their youngest, a five-year-old, would normally witness the alleged abuse meted out towards his mother.
On one occasion, the woman’s husband reportedly hammered her to the head while he was under the influence of alcohol.
The police are investigating.


Sounds like she had a drinking problem. But ‘shock and hemorrhage to the head sound like a blow to the head.🙁

True. Looks like the culmination of a few unfortunate events.

alena06 posted:
Mars posted:

Not murder: Skeldon domestic worker died from natural causes


Died from natural causes: Sabita Shamnarine

A post mortem examination conducted on the body of 40-year-old Sabita Shamnarine, a domestic worker of Line Path, Skeldon, Berbice, has since revealed that she died from gastro intestinal bleeding and shock and haemorrhage to the brain.
Senior police sources have since confirmed that the woman’s death is not being treated as a murder since “there were no injuries and she died from natural causes. It is not a murder, she got no injury. It could have been caused by drinking,” the officer said.
Shamnarine was admitted at the New Amsterdam Hospital in an unconscious state after she was transferred from the Skeldon Hospital some two weeks ago but succumbed to her illness on Saturday. She was reportedly admitted after complaining about her stomach and had alleged that she was beaten by her husband.
Meanwhile, the police relayed that the woman’s husband who was arrested after the woman was admitted to the hospital, still remains in custody until advice is sought.
Neighbour’s told Kaieteur News that the woman has been a victim of domestic violence for many years. On many occasions, her abuser was arrested but “she does go and beg to release he”.
They also admitted that the woman is a heavy drinker and would imbibe with her husband.
The couple had two children. Their youngest, a five-year-old, would normally witness the alleged abuse meted out towards his mother.
On one occasion, the woman’s husband reportedly hammered her to the head while he was under the influence of alcohol.
The police are investigating.


Sounds like she had a drinking problem. But ‘shock and hemorrhage to the head sound like a blow to the head.🙁

Could the blow to the head be caused by an unfortunate drunken fall? No one really knows.


I know a man who suffered a black out after drinking and fell and shattered his skull.  He never regain consciousness and eventually died.   

In this case the police said no signs of violence, maybe she suffered an aneurysm.  The report did not say blow, it said shock.  That is different.  

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Domestic violence must be condemned and the person responsible for this act must be hanged.

Antiman Prince is implying that all Indo males are abusive and the Blackman  [African] are not abusive.


Looks like an African man does eat your dinner,when ever the mention of  East Indian domestic abusers,the African men are resurrected.It's a known fact that East Indians men outshine African men as domestic abusers.

East Indian men does dakolay too much white rum.

Now, you have facts to back up, where is the source.??


Apparently you missed the color purple.  Pseudo intellectuals like yourself will invariably come to erroneous conclusions as you seek to inject your "expertise" in all matters, regardless if it is related to fetching pnc posey or repairing bruck down radio and tv. 


As much as fun was thrown around on this topic, it still remain a serious problem among our fellow Indo- Guyanese. Whether the woman was abused or she drank heavily, her death was unfortunate. There are families and homes with similar problems. Alcohol consumption is dangerous when you drink irresponsibly. Children growing up around rum drinking may adapt to the lifestyle and that will triggered a generational drinking problem. So, let's be serious for once and look positively of what is happening to the people of our kind are experiencing.  

Prince posted:

As much as fun was thrown around on this topic, it still remain a serious problem among our fellow Indo- Guyanese. Whether the woman was abused or she drank heavily, her death was unfortunate. There are families and homes with similar problems. Alcohol consumption is dangerous when you drink irresponsibly. Children growing up around rum drinking may adapt to the lifestyle and that will triggered a generational drinking problem. So, let's be serious for once and look positively of what is happening to the people of our kind(are we aliens from another planet?) are experiencing.  

So now you are an addiction expert? By the way, did you not say Indians are drunks? Are you a drunk? Maybe you are not Indian? Looks like you are black. Not sure how your friends and co-workers handle your mentally deranged behavior. You really need to seek the help of a mental professional. You are sinking really fast.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

As much as fun was thrown around on this topic, it still remain a serious problem among our fellow Indo- Guyanese. Whether the woman was abused or she drank heavily, her death was unfortunate. There are families and homes with similar problems. Alcohol consumption is dangerous when you drink irresponsibly. Children growing up around rum drinking may adapt to the lifestyle and that will triggered a generational drinking problem. So, let's be serious for once and look positively of what is happening to the people of our kind(are we aliens from another planet?) are experiencing.  

So now you are an addiction expert? By the way, did you not say Indians are drunks? Are you a drunk? Maybe you are not Indian? Looks like you are black. Not sure how your friends and co-workers handle your mentally deranged behavior. You really need to seek the help of a mental professional. You are sinking really fast.

I have no idea what this jack*ss is braying about. Alcoholism is also very rampant among the Amerindians. It needs to be addressed on all levels. By the way "Bibi" I am still wait for you to elaborate on your earlier comment. Not picking on you but if that is one of the contributing factors maybe it can be eliminated.

GTAngler posted:
 Alcoholism is also very rampant among the Amerindians.

In fact it is a major health issue among Amerindians in Guyana.  In fact in times past people even used to offer them alcohol and then trap them into semi slavery.  I suspect that it isn't as bad as it once was as Amerindian leaders have become able to deal with this issue, but its still remains a major problem.

There is some evidence that Amerindians metabolize alcohol differently from other groups, so are more likely to become addicted and the adverse health impacts are more savage.

This is also a major problem among the Indigenous peoples in North America and some reservations in both Canada and the USA have succeeded in making the sale of alcohol illegal as a result.

Baseman posted:

 However, Black men tend to go look for a sweet homan to get away from pressure and conflict.  Indians go and get drunk and then go home!

Sadly both groups have developed a range of social pathologies because of their extensive exposure to the negative environment of the sugar plantation.  Control of the labor force by the planters meant that different methods were used to weaken different groups.

For blacks it was the destructive of the family and for Indians it was self destruction in the form of alcoholism. 

To the extent that there are explanations beyond that it might be due to the strictness of traditional Hindu families.  Suicide in coastal Guyana is definitely a rural Hindu phenomenon.  It will be interesting to see if there are similar correlations for domestic abuse and alcoholism.

And yes the fact that black family structures are weaker, giving more freedom to individuals to do as they wish, so less pressure from having to conform to family authority figures. Also giving rise to a female who is more self reliant and independent because she has to be, so less vulnerable to being trapped in toxic relationships.

In the USA analyses have been conducted to discover why black youth are less likely to engage in hard drug consumption (not soft drugs like weed)  and binge drinking than is the case for white youth.  The answer was that when blacks socialize there is likely to be music and dancing and so less on getting enjoyment through getting a substance induced buzz.   They get their buzz from the music and dancing.

Maybe similar reasons might be an explanation in Guyana. Again a comparison of the rural Hindu with other Indians, especially those in urban areas might reveal the causation.  Also a comparison of rural Hindu families in the sugar estates compared with those with more independent occupations, such as rice farming or commerce.  Is there a malaise from the estates?

skeldon_man posted:
alena06 posted:
Mars posted:

Not murder: Skeldon domestic worker died from natural causes


Died from natural causes: Sabita Shamnarine

A post mortem examination conducted on the body of 40-year-old Sabita Shamnarine, a domestic worker of Line Path, Skeldon, Berbice, has since revealed that she died from gastro intestinal bleeding and shock and haemorrhage to the brain.
Senior police sources have since confirmed that the woman’s death is not being treated as a murder since “there were no injuries and she died from natural causes. It is not a murder, she got no injury. It could have been caused by drinking,” the officer said.
Shamnarine was admitted at the New Amsterdam Hospital in an unconscious state after she was transferred from the Skeldon Hospital some two weeks ago but succumbed to her illness on Saturday. She was reportedly admitted after complaining about her stomach and had alleged that she was beaten by her husband.
Meanwhile, the police relayed that the woman’s husband who was arrested after the woman was admitted to the hospital, still remains in custody until advice is sought.
Neighbour’s told Kaieteur News that the woman has been a victim of domestic violence for many years. On many occasions, her abuser was arrested but “she does go and beg to release he”.
They also admitted that the woman is a heavy drinker and would imbibe with her husband.
The couple had two children. Their youngest, a five-year-old, would normally witness the alleged abuse meted out towards his mother.
On one occasion, the woman’s husband reportedly hammered her to the head while he was under the influence of alcohol.
The police are investigating.


Sounds like she had a drinking problem. But ‘shock and hemorrhage to the head sound like a blow to the head.🙁

Could the blow to the head be caused by an unfortunate drunken fall? No one really knows.

The article stated that he had hit her in the head before.

GTAngler posted:
alena06 posted:
Mars posted:

Not murder: Skeldon domestic worker died from natural causes


Died from natural causes: Sabita Shamnarine

A post mortem examination conducted on the body of 40-year-old Sabita Shamnarine, a domestic worker of Line Path, Skeldon, Berbice, has since revealed that she died from gastro intestinal bleeding and shock and haemorrhage to the brain.
Senior police sources have since confirmed that the woman’s death is not being treated as a murder since “there were no injuries and she died from natural causes. It is not a murder, she got no injury. It could have been caused by drinking,” the officer said.
Shamnarine was admitted at the New Amsterdam Hospital in an unconscious state after she was transferred from the Skeldon Hospital some two weeks ago but succumbed to her illness on Saturday. She was reportedly admitted after complaining about her stomach and had alleged that she was beaten by her husband.
Meanwhile, the police relayed that the woman’s husband who was arrested after the woman was admitted to the hospital, still remains in custody until advice is sought.
Neighbour’s told Kaieteur News that the woman has been a victim of domestic violence for many years. On many occasions, her abuser was arrested but “she does go and beg to release he”.
They also admitted that the woman is a heavy drinker and would imbibe with her husband.
The couple had two children. Their youngest, a five-year-old, would normally witness the alleged abuse meted out towards his mother.
On one occasion, the woman’s husband reportedly hammered her to the head while he was under the influence of alcohol.
The police are investigating.


Sounds like she had a drinking problem. But ‘shock and hemorrhage to the head sound like a blow to the head.🙁

True. Looks like the culmination of a few unfortunate events.

Yup, she had also told the folks at the hospital that she was beaten by her husband.

alena06 posted:
GTAngler posted:
alena06 posted:
Mars posted:

Not murder: Skeldon domestic worker died from natural causes


Died from natural causes: Sabita Shamnarine

A post mortem examination conducted on the body of 40-year-old Sabita Shamnarine, a domestic worker of Line Path, Skeldon, Berbice, has since revealed that she died from gastro intestinal bleeding and shock and haemorrhage to the brain.
Senior police sources have since confirmed that the woman’s death is not being treated as a murder since “there were no injuries and she died from natural causes. It is not a murder, she got no injury. It could have been caused by drinking,” the officer said.
Shamnarine was admitted at the New Amsterdam Hospital in an unconscious state after she was transferred from the Skeldon Hospital some two weeks ago but succumbed to her illness on Saturday. She was reportedly admitted after complaining about her stomach and had alleged that she was beaten by her husband.
Meanwhile, the police relayed that the woman’s husband who was arrested after the woman was admitted to the hospital, still remains in custody until advice is sought.
Neighbour’s told Kaieteur News that the woman has been a victim of domestic violence for many years. On many occasions, her abuser was arrested but “she does go and beg to release he”.
They also admitted that the woman is a heavy drinker and would imbibe with her husband.
The couple had two children. Their youngest, a five-year-old, would normally witness the alleged abuse meted out towards his mother.
On one occasion, the woman’s husband reportedly hammered her to the head while he was under the influence of alcohol.
The police are investigating.


Sounds like she had a drinking problem. But ‘shock and hemorrhage to the head sound like a blow to the head.🙁

True. Looks like the culmination of a few unfortunate events.

Yup, she had also told the folks at the hospital that she was beaten by her husband.

Right. I feel really sorry for those children. First having to live through it and now losing their mother and from the look of things, their father.


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